Earlier that Evening
The Do Drop Inn
Somewhere in New York

Mac was seated on one of the double beds in the cheap hotel room, trying to ignore the conversation going on, in Farsi, between Ahmed and Mohammed. Apparently Janet and Richards had arrived, and were in this motel as well, and Mohammed was on his way over to see her. His description of what he intended to do to Janet was making her slightly sick to her stomach, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. Janet might have thought Mohammed loved her, but this visit should end that idea. Desperately, she looked around the room, trying to figure out a way to escape and get help before Janet was hurt.

"Sarah, I’m going to leave you now for a little while." Mohammed’s oily voice made her shudder as he walked toward her. Pulling out the duct tape, he re-taped her hands. "Sorry to do this to you," he said, not sounding sorry at all, "but I don’t think I want you going anywhere while I’m gone. After I’m through with Janet, I’ll be coming to visit you. You have something to look forward to."

Her blood ran cold as he pushed her down on the bed and taped her feet together. Running a hand inside her blouse, he squeezed her breast painfully. She tried to roll away but he grabbed her chin and wrenched her face around, kissing her harshly as she continued to struggle. "That’s just a taste of what’s to come, Sarah."

Standing up abruptly, he barked out, "Ahmed, stay with her. Make sure she doesn’t get away. She is your responsibility while I’m gone." With that he strode out of the room, leaving Mac feeling degraded and terrified of his return.

Blinking back tears, Mac tried to come up with something, anything at all. ‘Think marine, think. There has to be a way out of this.’ Again she looked around the room, encountering Ahmed’s neutral gaze. He was seated in one of the chairs near the window and, without saying a word to him, she rolled over. Closing her eyes, she pretending to sleep, even while her mind raced wildly.

How was she going to get out of this? Try as she might, she couldn’t think of a single thing to do. The minutes ticked by, each one bringing her closer to Mohammed’s return. Panic was beginning to overwhelm her when she heard the chair creak and soft footsteps that seemed to be heading towards her.

Feeling Ahmed’s eyes on her, she tried to remain still, feigning sleep. ‘Please God, don’t let him touch me.’ The sound of her heart pounding was loud in her ears; she was sure he could hear it too. After a long minute, the footsteps seemed to retreat. Cracking one eye open, she saw Ahmed go into the bathroom and shut the door. After a few minutes the shower came on.

The struggle to sit up took a minute, but her feet were finally on the floor. Again she tried to formulate a plan to get away, and came up with nothing. Then her eyes fell on the phone next to the bed. ‘Thank God!’ Even with her hands taped she could press buttons.

As quickly as she could, she punched in the number for Webb’s cell phone, thanking her lucky stars she could remember her calling card number for the charges. It finally began to ring and a voice answered. It wasn’t Webb. It sounded like, "Har…Harm? Is that you?" She must be losing her mind.

"Mac? Oh God is it really you?" The relief of hearing his voice washed over her, almost bringing her to tears.

"Yeah, it’s me. What the hell are you doing on Webb’s phone?" Her voice was rough, trying to cover up her emotional reaction to the sound of his voice.

"He left it here at JAG. Where are you, Mac? How did you get away?"

"I didn’t get away. I have to talk fast before they realize what I’m doing."

"Mac, do you have any idea where you are?" She could hear the fear for her sharpening his voice.

"All I know is that two hours and forty-three minutes into the trip, I saw a sign for New York, so we’re heading north. After that I fell asleep and I have no idea know if we’re even still in the U.S. I would assume we’re on our way to Canada."

"Alright, Mac just hold tight. I’ll get Webb, and the Admiral, and then we’ll be on our way."

"I’ll try, Sailor. Harm...I....I didn’t really do it. It was all part of the mission." She was practically pleading, wanting him to know she wasn’t a traitor.

His voice took on that comforting tone she knew so well. "I know that, Mac. I always knew. And we’re gonna get you out of this. Mac...I lo..."

Mac felt a hand try to grab the phone away from her. Ahmed’s voice was loud in her ear. "What the hell do you think you’re doing?" Struggling to hold on to the phone, she tried to calm him down.

"Nothing, Ahmed, really. I just wanted to talk to a friend, that’s all. You know there is no one I can call for help."

Ahmed drew back his hand and slapped her across the face, knocking her back on to the bed with force of the blow. Slamming the phone down, he reached over and dragged her back up by her shirt. Lowering his voice to a menacing whisper he told her, "You had better not have called for help, Sarah. They will only be killed. And if you know what’s good for you, you won’t mention this little phone call to Mohammed."

He pushed her back on the bed and started pacing the room. "Shit, if he finds out, we’re both dead. You are my responsibility and he doesn’t take well to failure. And you, well, you he would kill very slowly. Do you understand me?"

Not wanting to anger him further, she nodded and said nothing. The first real hope that she might get out of this mess had taken residence in her heart. She rolled back over on her side, praying Harm would find her before Mohammed returned.

JAG Headquarters Immediately following Mac’s phone call

Harm stared at the phone in his hand, enraged at its silence. He started to heave the cell phone against the wall in his frustration, when a single thought stopped him. Feverishly he pushed the menu button looking for the caller id. "Thank you, God," he whispered as he found it and identified the last call. It had a number, but no name.

He wrote it down quickly, realizing that time was of the essence now. He wasted no time in contacting the Admiral and filling him in on Mac’s call.

"Harm, do you recognize the number?" The Admiral’s tone was businesslike; A.J. did not allow excitement to muddy the waters, opting to keep a clear plan of action.

"No, Sir, but it does have a New York State area code." Harm tried to match the Admiral’s tone, but his growing fear for Mac was seeping through the line.

"All right. I’m already on my way back to JAG. Stay there, I’ll be there in fifteen. I’ll call Bud and have him meet us. You try to contact Webb." The Admiral was in SEAL mode now, and Harm thanked God for his C.O.’s clear concise thinking.

"Aye, Aye, Sir. I’ll get right on it." Harm hung up and dialed Webb’s office number. The switchboard answered, even at the late hour.

"This is Commander Harmon Rabb. It is very important I speak with Mr. Webb as soon as possible. He left his cell phone with me, and I don’t have another number for him," Harm answered, trying to convey the urgency he was feeling.

"Just a minute, Sir. Please hold." A feminine voice ordered him. There was a click and then silence, followed by ringing.

"Webb." Clay sounded tired as he answered.

"Clay, where the hell are you? You left your cell phone at JAG!"

Clay went on the defensive. "I know. It was too late to go back for it. My office always has a way to get in touch with me. What do you need?"

"Mac called on your phone. I couldn’t get much information before we were cut off, but your caller id shows a number at least. I think she’s somewhere in New York." Harm was praying again that Clay would be able to trace the number.

"What’s the number?" Quickly Harm rattled it off to him.

"Okay, I’ll get a location on the number and meet you at JAG."

"The Admiral and Bud are already on their way. We’ll be waiting."

As Harm hung up, the Admiral walked into JAG. He headed toward his office at a fast pace, gesturing at Harm to follow him. "Did you get in touch with Webb?"

"Yes, Sir. He’s getting a location on the number and will meet us here."

The Admiral nodded as he entered the office, Harm close on his heels. "Good."

Before he even sat down, the Admiral picked up a phone and dialed a number. "Hello. This is Admiral A.J. Chegwidden. I need a helicopter standing by, now." There was a brief pause as A.J. listened to the person on the other end rattle. "I don’t care if you need authorization. Forget it, let me speak to the Officer on Duty."

A.J. paused again and mouthed "Andrews Air Force Base" to Harm. "Yes, Captain. I understand your problem. But let me explain something to you." Steel entered into his already firm tone. " I am an Admiral, you are a Captain. If you don’t follow my orders your six will be mine. I’ll cover it with your commanding officer. I need a helicopter and pilot waiting for me, gassed up and ready to go. Yes, I am leaving right away. If it’s not ready when I get there, there is going to be hell to pay," A.J. reiterated, before slamming down the phone.

There was a pause as the Admiral caught his breath. "Damn idiots," he muttered.

Harm almost smiled, until he remembered the dire situation Mac was in. "Sir, we have to move fast. He...he was hitting her, Sir." Harm’s voice broke at that point, remembering Mac’s cry of pain. "We may be too late already."

A.J. met his eyes squarely. "Commander, get a grip. Right now, Mac needs your brains and your strength. Concentrate on what we can do, not on what we can’t." His voice was tough, trying to jar Harm into strength.

Harm pulled himself together, knowing the Admiral was right. "Aye, Sir." There was nothing more said as they waited for Bud and Clay to arrive. Each man trying to keep his thoughts from what might be happening to Mac while they sat there.

Bud arrived first. As the Admiral recounted Mac’s phone call, Clay walked in.

Before Clay could say a word, Harm got the question out. "Did you get a location on the number?"

Clay nodded. "The Do Drop Inn. It’s in Upstate New York, about 60 miles from the Canadian border."

The Admiral was the first up. "Alright, men, let’s move. I’ve got a helo waiting for us at Andrews."

The four men followed him to his SUV and got in. As they left JAG parking lot, Clay got out the cell phone he had retrieved from Harm. "I have to call Wilkins and fill him in. He can just meet us at Andrews."

As Clay made his call, the Admiral stepped on the gas and sped off to Andrews.

Andrews Air Force Base Helicopter Pad

They had made the trip to Andrews quickly; the Admiral breaking all speed limits. Once he presented his ID at the gate, things went smoothly. They were ushered to the Helicopter pad immediately, the helicopter running, and there was a pilot at the controls waiting for them.

Harm had a quick consultation with him, giving him the location they wanted. The pilot looked at his maps and nodded; he was ready.

By that time, Wilkins had joined them. The five men entered the helicopter and strapped in. As he felt the lurch of helicopter taking off, Harm prayed once more. ‘Please let us get there in time, please God.’ He felt a hand on his shoulder and met Bud’s compassionate gaze. "We’ll get her back safe Sir." Harm could only nod, trying to draw strength from his friend’s words.

The lights of the various cities flashed beneath them as the helicopter sped through the night. The flight was going to take at least 2 hours, and as the time ticked by, Harm kept remembering all the times Mac had stood by his side through the years. Russia. Diane. When he was charged with Murder. The Sudanese Embassy. Iran. The list was almost endless. All of it almost ended when he left to fly, but they got a little of it back. Until Australia, God damn it.

Clay pulled out his cell phone, interrupting Harm’s torturous reverie. "I’m going to try that number again, the one we found at the truck." They all watched as he dialed the number, Wilkins shifting uncomfortably.

Clay finished punching the number in and put the phone to his ear. A cell phone started ringing. Startled, all of them started to reach for their phone, trying to figure out whose it was. Finally Wilkins pulled his phone out, along with his gun, pointing it at the other men.

"I really wish you hadn’t done that Clay." Wilkins gave him a scared smile.

"Damn you, Wilkins. You’re the mole? Son of a bitch." Clay’s face revealed first disbelief, then betrayal.

"That’s right, Webb. Oh, don’t look so surprised," Wilkins sneered.

"But why? You had everything going for you!" Wilkins had been Clay’s protégée, hand picked from a handful of new agents.

"What do you mean everything? Because you allowed me to follow you around and do your legwork? Is that what you mean by everything?" The rage in his voice was unmistakable, as well as the contempt.

Harm considered his options as the two men argued. One, he could do nothing and hope Webb talked Wilkins out of this, or two, he could make a move to disarm Wilkins. Opting for the second option, he slowly slid his hand down to the safety belt fastening and quietly unlatched it.

The Admiral caught his eye and gave him a slight nod. A.J. was in Wilkins direct line of sight and could do nothing, while Harm was slightly to the side. It was up to him. Watching for an opening, he continued to listen to the argument between the two agents.

Webb saw Harm unlatch his safety belt and tried to distract Wilkins. "I was training you, Wilkins; giving you the experience you needed to get ahead. Didn’t that ever occur to you? I wanted you to succeed. The only thing I want to know is why. Why would you do this?" Hoping to keep Wilkins’ eyes focused on him and away from Harm, he gestured wildly.

"Sit still, Webb, and keep your hands still. I know your tricks." Wilkins’ voice was suddenly cold. "As to why, you should be able to figure that out, Mr. Moneybags."

Clay felt the anger get the best of him. "For MONEY? You betrayed your country, the agency, everything we work for, for fucking money," Webb asked, incredulously.

Completely unrepentant, Wilkins smiled at him. "Yes for money, quite a bit of it, actually." The smile was lost as another sneer crossed his face. "You’ve never been without money, have you, Webb? You come from old money. Your Father worked for the Agency. You’ve had it all from the beginning, you never had to work for anything." The jealousy showed through now, clear and ugly. "God, if you only knew how much I hated you. You would stroll in, ask me to do something, like you were doing ME a favor. I would have done this just for the pleasure of seeing you get your comeuppance, the money was just an added bonus."

Wilkins had unsnapped his safety belt as he spoke. "Now, I’ll just go have a word with the pilot. We’re having a little change of destination."

Harm finally made his move. Lunging across the seats, he caught Wilkins’ gun hand in a viselike grip and tried to wrestle him to the floor of the helo. The two men struggled mightily for control of the gun, staggering back and forth across the small room of the helicopter.

Webb was struggling to get his seat belt unfastened. The Admiral was already on his way to help Harm and had his own hands on Wilkins when a shot suddenly rang out. Both men continued struggling, but Wilkins was overcome as the Admiral added his weight to the fray. They forced him to the floor and disarmed him when the helicopter seemed to dip and suddenly began to lose altitude.

"Check the pilot Harm, he may be hurt" The Admiral’s voice was dead calm. "I can handle this piece of shit."

Checking to make sure the Admiral had a firm grip on Wilkins, Harm gave a quick nod and hurried up to the front of the helo where the pilot sat. Webb was with the pilot, trying to staunch the flow of blood, as the pilot tried to hold on to consciousness. "Move him, Clay. Get him out of the way!"

Webb pulled the pilot away from the seat as gently as possible, while Harm slipped in and took control of the helo. "Do you know how to fly one of these things?"

"Unfortunately, I don’t. But I’ll figure it out, don’t panic."

"I don’t panic, Harm." Webb’s voice was dry as he pulled out a first aid kit, wrapping some gauze around the pilot’s arm where the bullet had lodged.

The helo’s descent stopped, but the flight was wobbly at best. It was an entirely different proposition from flying F14’s.

"If you’re a pilot Sir, I can tell you what to do. We can still make it." The pilot’s voice was weak and shaky, but he had a determined look on his face. "I don’t want that son of a bitch to get away."

Do Drop Inn Mac’s Hotel Room

Mac lay on the bed, trying not to provoke Ahmed anymore than necessary. He still paced the room angrily, muttering curses in Farsi at her, and stopping to look out the window every few minutes. Finally, he settled down in one of the chairs and just stared at her.

Minutes passed. She could hear them ticking in her head. ‘Please God, let them get here before Mohammed gets back.,’ she prayed. The one thing on this earth she didn’t think she could get over is being forcibly raped. Her mind then drifted to Harm, holding onto the hope that her flyboy would find her. ‘Please hurry, Harm. I need you.’

There was a click, as the lock on the door was released, and the door slowly swung open. Shutting her eyes and feigning sleep, Mac’s stomach tightened with fear and her heart began to race. With her hands and feet bound she was at his mercy with no way to protect herself.

"Wait outside the door." Mohammed’s voice was low as gave this order to Ahmed. There was another series of clicks as the door shut and was locked.

She didn’t know what to do. Pretending to be asleep might buy her a little time. It wasn’t much, but it was all she could think of.

"Sarah, wake up Sleeping Beauty." Mohammed’s voice was a horrible parody of a lover. "I’ve finally come for you."

She didn’t move.

Losing his patience, he reached over and grabbed her hair, jerking her head around. "I said wake up, Sarah. I know you’re not asleep. It’s time."

The marine in her kicked in. Refusing to show fear, she glared at him with all the hatred she felt. She might be shaking inside, but she’d be damned if she’d give him the pleasure of thinking he scared her.

Taken aback at first by her fearless stare, he looked down at her as he released her hair, smoothing it as a lover might. Now that she got a close up look at him, she noticed some scratches on his face. Apparently Janet had gotten a few blows in at least.

"Is this the only way you can get a woman? By force? God, you are so pathetic!" She hoped to goad him into losing his temper, a beating was better than rape any day as far as she was concerned.

He smiled down at her, still caressing her hair. "It doesn’t matter what you say or do, Sarah. You are mine, and I will do with you whatever I want. But it’s nice to see you have a little fight in you. I thought Janet wouldn’t fight back at all, but she did and made it even more enjoyable than I thought possible."

His hands strayed down to her shirt, unbuttoning it slowly. Trying to avoid him, she rolled towards the other side of the bed as quickly as she could. Grabbing her he brought her back, continuing his self appointed task.

"If you like a fight so much, why don’t you at least cut the tape? I promise you, I’ll fight you with everything I have." She tried to ignore his hands as they traveled her body, but it was difficult to do.

"Oh I will untie you, Sarah, at least your legs." He pulled a knife out of his pocket and pressed a button on it. A blade clicked out. Reaching down with it he sliced through the tape binding her legs. She started to get up immediately but he flicked the blade against her neck, making her stop. Trailing the blade down her neck, he carefully cut the shoulder straps of her bra and finally the clasp between her breasts. Taking the now loose garment from her, his eyes feasted on her beauty.

Taking advantage of his momentary distraction, she swung her bound hands up and hit him in the nose. The momentum wasn’t enough to break it, but it was painful. Both hands went to his nose as he cursed. Leaping from the bed in an instant on her now free legs, she got as far as the door before he caught her.

"I can see you are going to be a lot of fun, Sarah. Much more fun than I bargained for." He pulled her close and tried to force a kiss on her, but did not reckon on her determination to fight to the death if need be. She stomped on his foot with all the force she could muster and brought her knee up to his groin sharply.

Managing to block her knee with his leg, he reacted violently to the pain in his foot by giving her a slap that sent her reeling across the room to fall against the bed. As fast as she could, she tried to roll over to the other side but he was too quick for her. Grabbing her foot he pulled her back towards him, her other foot kicking at him wildly. He caught that foot as well and yanked her back to him as he fell across her, his weight pinning her to the bed.

The sound of a helicopter passing low overhead interrupted him. There was a wild banging on the door as Ahmed yelled to be let in.

"Somebody’s here! Let me in, Mohammed!" Ahmed’s voice was desperate.

Getting off Mac, Mohammed gave her another slap across the face to emphasize his words. "Stay here and be quiet." Quickly making his way to the door, he opened it and Ahmed rushed in, his panic evident.

"Somebody’s here Mohammed! They are after us!"

As if he had been called, Richards appeared at the door dragging a catatonic and disheveled, badly bruised Janet. Pushing her inside, he slammed the door behind him.

"Who is it?" Richards was panicky as well. The sound of the helicopter landing in the parking lot was clear. A look out the window revealed several armed men scattering around the hotel.

"I don’t know. But get set for a fight." Mohammed’s tone was grim and his eyes were worried.

Ahmed suddenly broke down. "It’s all her fault!" He pointed at Mac. "It’s all that bitch’s fault!"

Narrowing his eyes, Mohammed addressed him. "What do you mean, her fault?"

Stuttering in fear as he answered, Ahmed managed to get out, "She made a call while you were gone. I went to the bathroom for just a second. When I came out, I had to grab the phone away from her."

Slowly Mohammed turned and looked at Mac, who was still on the bed. She had pulled herself upright and was sitting holding her shirt together as best she could. Walking slowly over to her, he drew his fist back and let her have it, knocking her head over heels to fall between the beds.

"You idiot! Your inattention has cost us everything!" Losing his temper with Ahmed completely, he pulled a gun out of his belt and pointed it at him. "This is the last time I put up with your stupidity."

As Ahmed realized his intent and turned to run away, Mohammed pumped three bullets into his back. Pulling the body away from the door, he pushed it over to the wall next to Janet. Janet had not moved or spoken the whole time, apparently in a state of shock.

Richards was practically cowering, looking around for a way out.

"Richards, get ready. We fight this with everything we have. You got me?" Mohammed’s angry tone cowed him even more and he nodded in reply.

A voice sounded loud through a bullhorn. "Mohammed. Come out with your hands up. This is the FBI. You are surrounded. You have no chance of escape."

"Mohammed, what are we gonna do? What the fuck are we gonna do? We’re screwed! We are so screwed!" Richards’ panic level was increasing with every statement.

"Shut up, Richards!" Mohammed’s command echoed through the small room. "We stand together. We fight together!" Glaring at the other man, he tried to use his force of will to calm him.

"No way, man! Fuck you and your cause. I’m turning myself in. I’m not going to die for something I don’t believe in!" Turning to make his way to the door, Richards’ intent was to surrender. Mohammed was ready to shoot when another shot rang out. Richards dropped to his knees, a crimson stain flowering against his white tee shirt.

Bewildered, Mohammed eyes searched frantically, trying to gage where the shot came from. Then his eyes lighted on Janet, smoking gun still in hand.

"Well, well my dear, you surprise me. Good job. Now we can make our stand together."

Janet’s wild eyes never left his as she leveled the gun at him. "Together? You think after what you did to me, after you raped me, that I’m just going to that I’m just going to fight to the death at your side?"

"My love, this is for us. We will be together forever."

"No. You’ll rot in hell first, you fucking bastard."

"You whore. I’ll not go alone," he sneered, before raising his own gun toward her. "If I go, you go."

They stood there staring at each other, neither wavering, before the sound of the bullhorn broke the silence once more. "Mohammed, this is your last chance. Come out with you hands up. You have five seconds: FIVE..."

Momentarily distracted by the voice, Janet squeezed off a shot, hitting him square in the chest.


Stunned, Mohammed looked down at the wound before raising his head to stare coldly at the woman in front of him.


"You bitch!"


One more shot rang out through the night.

Outside the Do Drop Inn

The helo touched down just outside the motel in the small parking lot flanking it.

Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, Harm looked over at the injured pilot. "Thank you, Lieutenant."

"You’re welcome, Commander. Now go get that bastard, Sir."

"You got it, Lieutenant." Making his way out of the helo, Harm heard the first shot echo through the night. Approaching A.J. and Webb, panic welling up with in him. "What the hell was that? Where..?"

"Came from inside the room," Clay replied, cautiously.

"Inside?" Looking over at the tiny motel, realization dawned and Harm let out a fierce cry. "MAC!" Rushing toward the building, it took both A.J. and Clay to subdue him.

"Damn it, let me go! She could be hurt! She could be..," he faltered, unable express his fear.

"Harm, stop. If you go busting in there right now, you die. We’ll get to her, Harm, just calm down. Let the FBI do their job," Clay’s voice tried to convey strength that he wasn’t really feeling at the moment.

"Calm down? Calm down? How the hell am I supposed to just calm down? That could have been her, Clay. What if he just shot her? I have to get to her. I can’t let her die, not without knowing."

A.J. took his turn, trying to talk sense into his junior officer. "Son, we’ll get to her. But you have to be reasonable; use your head. You can’t tell her you love her if you’re not around." At Harm’s shocked expression, A.J. only chuckled. "What? You didn’t think anyone knew?"

"It’s just I...well I really didn’t think..."

"You never do, Rabb. That’s you problem. Now look, we’ve got the place surrounded. The FBI have everything under control. Let them handle it."

Harm’s shoulders slumped slightly as he nodded his agreement, but his eyes still reflected his determination to get to Mac.

As if on cue, the agent on the bullhorn spoke to the people on the inside. "Mohammed. Come out with your hands up. This is the FBI. You are surrounded. You have no chance of escape." There was a pause before the man brought the speaker to his mouth once more. "Mohammed, this is your last chance. Come out with you hands up. You have five seconds: FIVE...FOUR..." Another shot was heard, and all three men turned their attention toward the motel as the agent continued the countdown.

"Oh God, Mac." With an almost super human strength, Harm tore loose, taking off for the inn at a breakneck speed.


Harm reached the door, busting in just in time to see Janet fall to the floor. Before Mohammed could raise his gun again, Harm shot him right between the eyes. Leaning over, Harm checked on Janet, seeing the spread of blood covering her shoulder. "You still with us, Davidson?"

"Yes, Sir," Janet replied weakly. "But Mac, you need...to check...check on Mac."

"Where," Harm began looking around frantically.

"There..." Following the direction of her outstretched hand, Harm saw Mac’s legs peeking out from between the beds.

"Oh, Jesus. Mac..." His heart in his throat, he checked her carefully for a gunshot wound. A sigh of relief escaped him when he didn’t find one.

Clay and A.J. watched from the doorway as Harm reached down between the two double beds, gently picking Mac up and cradling her in his arms.

"Mac? Come on, baby. Wake up, Sarah." While lovingly caressing her face with one hand, Harm reached down and closed Mac’s shirt with the other, covering her. "Please, Mac."

"Harm? Is that you?" Her voice sounded weak and disoriented.

"Yeah, honey, it’s me. Did he...did he..," unable to continue, his eyes searching hers out for the truth.

Looking up at him, Mac’s voice calmed him. "He didn’t rape me, Harm. He just hit me. You made it just in time, Flyboy." Reaching up she stroked his cheek, reveling in the feel of his skin under her fingertips. "I knew you’d come for me."

"Always, Mac. I’ll always be there for you," Harm stated emphatically, tracing the bruises that marred her beautiful face.

"Harm, we need to get her to the hospital." Clay’s voice shattered the intimacy. "The paramedics are waiting outside."

Mutely Harm nodded in acknowledgment, before standing, Mac still held tightly in his arms. Carrying her out and across the lot, Harm made his way to the waiting ambulance. The paramedics were there, ready to take Mac, but Harm wasn’t ready to let go.

"Sir, we’ll take it from here."

"No, I’m going with her," Harm replied stubbornly.

"Sir, we’ll take good care of her, but if it will make you feel better you can ride with her."

"All right." Harm reluctantly turned Mac over to the medics, staying as close as possible.

A.J. and Clay had followed and were watching Harm hover close. "You think he’ll ever get it right with her," Clay asked, almost to himself.

Sighing, A.J. just shook his head. "I hope so. You only get so many chances in this life. Damn shame we waste so many of them."

"Yeah. Hey, Harm," Clay called out. "We’ll finish up here with the FBI and then meet you at the hospital."

Again, Harm could only nod, his sole focus on the woman in front of him.

"Ma’am, can you tell us where it hurts?" The paramedic asked.

"All over, but mostly my head. Hit it. My jaw. Punched me." Mac’s words were choppy as she fought to hold on to consciousness. Harm’s jaw clenched in anger, the hatred of her abuser and captor a palpable entity in the small confines of the ambulance.

"Harm, it’s all right. It’s over...can’t hurt me anymore. Let it go." Grasping his hand, she brought it to her lips, grazing the knuckles.

"I can’t let it go, Mac. I almost lost you."

"I’m going to be fine, Sailor. I told you that you would never lose me." Still struggling to stay awake, she smiled gently at him.

"Mac...I...I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened the last few months. I’m sorry for all the stupid things I’ve said. I..." Harm looked away from her before continuing, "I’m...sorry I couldn’t let go before. But, Mac...I’m ready now. I love you, Mac." When there was nothing but silence, Harm looked back at her still form.

"She didn’t hear you, Sir. She was unconscious for most of it."

Harm brushed her bangs off of her forehead. "That’s okay. I plan on telling her that every day, from now on. Is she really going to be all right?"

The EMT nodded his assent. "Yes, Sir. It looks to me like she might have a slight concussion, and of course the bumps and bruises, but I’d say she going to be fine."

Relief washed over him at the young mans words. "Thank you."

"It’s no problem at all, Sir. She’s a very lucky woman to have someone love her as much as you do."

"No. I’m lucky one. She loves me."

After arriving at the hospital, Harm followed a steady stream of doctors and nurses around, as Mac was shuffled from room to room. She had yet to regain consciousness, but the doctor informed him not to worry. It was more than likely her body had shut down for a while to fight the trauma it had sustained. Still unconvinced, Harm then followed them as they settled her into her own room.

"Now, Mr. Rabb, we’ll keep her overnight for observation. You can stay here if you like but, I would suggest going and getting some rest."

"I’m not leaving her."

The doctor chuckled, "I didn’t think you would. I’ll be back to check on her later."

"Thanks, doctor."

"You’re welcome."

Harm walked over to Mac and sat down on the stool beside the bed. Still sleeping peacefully, Harm picked up her hand and linked his fingers with hers. "I’m right here, Mac. You go ahead and get some rest. I’m not going anywhere ever again. I promise."

That’s where Webb found him an hour later, his head laying on their joined hands. Gently shaking him, Webb called softly. "Harm. Wake up."


"Hey, wake up. The FBI need to ask you a few questions and take your statement on shooting Mohammed."

"Can’t it wait," Harm asked irritably.

"No, it can’t. Besides the sooner you get this over with, the sooner you can focus on Mac. Don’t worry, I’ll stay with her in case she wakes up."

Uncertainty marred Harm’s features as he struggled with what to do. "Okay, but if she wakes up, come get me. You got it?"

"I’ve got it. Go, they’re waiting out in the lobby." Webb watched as Harm walked out of the room, before turning back to the woman in front of him.

Guilt. That was the only thing that could describe what he was feeling. And even that didn’t come close. He felt responsible. Sure, she had known the risks, but it was still his fault she was lying in this bed; his fault she had been beaten up and almost raped. And she had gone through it feeling totally alone.

His emotions roiled inside of him. Taking Harm’s letter out of his breast pocket, he turned it over studying it, as if it held the key to everything. And it did for Mac.


Startled out of his thoughts, the sound of her voice brought Clays head up. "He’s not here, Mac. He just stepped out to talk to the FBI. They had some questions for him; needed to get his statement. He’ll be right back though. How about you? You all right, Mac?"

"As well as can be expected, I guess. I guess I’ll have a while, while I’m in here, to figure out what I’m going to do next with my life."

"What are you talking about? You’ll go back to JAG won’t you?"

"Clay, I...I can’t go back there."

"Why not? They all know you were on an assignment. A.J., Roberts, Harm, they all know, Mac."

"It’s just...I can’t. There are other complications there. And, before you say anything, they were there before you asked me on this assignment." She looked away so he wouldn’t see the pain in her eyes.

"Mac, I have a few things...I have something I need to confess." Clay averted his eyes, choosing to stare at his shoes instead of at Mac.

Sensing his unease, Mac prodded softly, "What is it, Clay?"

"I...Harm was sort of...set up. I sent Kate to him...as a distraction."


"I sent her to him, Mac. I didn’t realize that Kate would try to resurrect their...partnership. I just thought she would keep him occupied and away from you long enough for you to get through the assignment."

Mac sat stoically silent, digesting everything Clayton Webb had just told her. Finally, after several minutes, Mac gave her reply. "It doesn’t matter."

"I don’t understand, Mac."

"It doesn’t matter. He still wanted to be with her. You didn’t twist his arm and make him spend time with her. I still can’t work with him everyday...not knowing that I love him but all we’ll ever be is friends. I’m still going to leave," she finished quietly.

Coming around to sit on the edge of her bed, Clay laid the sealed envelope in her lap. "This is my next confession. I took this out of your office the day Rabb left for the Henry. I...I didn’t read it, but I have a pretty good idea what’s in there. Mac, he never quit. He never gave up. He pushed and pushed until he found the truth; he found you. Don’t give up on him just yet." Standing up to leave he brushed a light kiss on her forehead. "I’m sorry, Mac. Maybe someday you’ll be able to forgive me."

Walking away, he had almost made it to the door, before he heard her. "I already have, Clay."

"I’ll send Harm back in a minute." Then Webb made his way out the door, shutting it behind him.

With shaking hands, Mac picked up the letter with Harm’s bold handwriting across the front. Sarah, not Mac, but Sarah graced the front, and Mac could already feel stomach start to flutter. Tearing open the seal, Mac pulled the single sheet of paper out and read.

Dear Mac,

I'm sure you've heard by now that I'm TDY to the Patrick Henry for a month. I have to leave before you get out of Court; this is the only way I can say goodbye to you.

Whatever problems you and I have had over the years, you have remained the most important person in my life. Without you, my life would have been ruined when I would have killed the person responsible for Diane's death. Without you, I never would have found out whatever happened to my Father. Without you, I would probably be dead; you've saved my six so many times. You've always been there for me Mac, and gone farther for me than anyone else ever could or did.

Memories flashed through her mind at a blinding speed; all their adventures together, the good and the bad. Forcing them out of the way for a moment, she went back to the letter.

There's one other thing you need to know Mac. It feels strange to blurt this out in a letter, but I won't have the opportunity to see you before I go. I'm not involved with Kate. I couldn't let myself; not when there was a chance for you and me. I won't say more than that, because when I tell you how I feel, I want it to be face to face. Oh hell Mac, I love you. I always have. Please wait for me to come back, because I will be back for you.

Whatever is wrong Mac, I'll be there for you. I know that sounds crazy when I'm going to be thousands of miles away, but I swear somehow I will be. I don't know what the problem is baby, but I know that I believe in you and I will help you in any way I possibly can.

Please talk to the Admiral. Tell him what's wrong. He cares about you Mac, not just as a CO, but as a friend. He would do anything to help you, you should know that. He's waiting for you to tell him, believe me. I wish so much that I could be here for you, but that's not possible. I didn't ask for this assignment, but I don't have the power to say no. I have to go, and you know why.

All my love,


Mac sat stunned, as the tears flowed down her cheeks.

Harmon Rabb loved her.

Harm really loved her...

But was it the forever kind of love? Sure he cared about her, loved her as a friend, but what about as a woman?

Could he ever see her as anything else but a partner and friend?

Harmon Rabb loved her...

The sudden revelation proved almost more than she could bear. To say she was stunned was an understatement. Never, in a million years, could she have imagined that Harm would finally say the words she wanted to hear. And he had said them at a time when she had so desperately needed to hear them. Now, he was going to be there for her this time. Her. Not for Renee, not for Kate, but for her. Her heart soared.

Sure there were still questions that needed to be asked and answered, but for this moment in time Sarah Mackenzie was going to be happy. For the first time in her life she would allow herself to hope, to dream, that there would be a happily ever after for her. A happily ever with Harm.

Now, happily ever after didn’t mean she’d let him completely off the hook for putting her through hell the last couple of years. Not right away, anyway. Folding the letter and putting it back in the envelope, Mac placed it safely under her pillow. She wanted to keep it hidden for just a while longer; needing to know for sure that what he said was true; needing to hear the words from him out loud.

Harm would be returning shortly, and Mac wanted to be ready for him. It was time to settle things once and for all.

Well, maybe she could just close her eyes while she waited.

With lids that seemed unreasonably heavy, Mac once again succumbed to a drug induced sleep. This time however, her dreams would be filled with pleasant thoughts of a handsome sailor.

Harm entered the room a short time later, slightly disappointed to find Mac sleeping soundly. When Webb had informed him out in the hall that Mac was awake, he had rushed through the rest of his statement as fast as he could, eager to see her. Knowing he was being selfish, Harm quelled the disappointment. Mac was safe and alive. They had the rest of their lives to be together.

Resuming his seat by the bed, Harm reached for her hand. Harm looked up at her features, softened by slumber. His heart constricted knowing all of the pain, physical and emotional, she had gone through. His beautiful Sarah had braved it all on her own.

"I’m so sorry, Mac," he whispered, tracing a finger along the cuts and bruises spattering her face. "I’m so sorry I made you doubt me, that I wasn’t there for you."

Still asleep, she snuggled her face into his hand. "’S okay now." She murmured sleepily before placing a kiss on his palm.

A thrill shot through him at her action and her words. Realizing she was still asleep, he withdrew his hand and settled for holding hers as he sat back in his chair to wait for her to wake up. The long hours of worry and fear for her caught up with him as he nodded off, a smile on his face.

Mac’s Hospital Room

0330 Local

Her quiet cries woke him. Apparently caught in the throes of a nightmare, she was tossing and turning on the bed. "No… please…stay away…don’t touch me…"

Hurrying to her side, he gently stroked her hair as she thrashed feverishly on the bed. "Ssshhhh, Mac. It’s okay, no one is going to hurt you." Perching on the side of the bed, his voice was tender as he smoothed her hair away from her face. When she didn’t quiet immediately, he leaned over and took her in his arms, holding her close.

In a moment he felt the tension leave her as she relaxed against him. "Harm?" Her voice was soft and whispery.

Laying his cheek on her hair he whispered to her, "Yes, baby. It’s Harm. Everything is fine; you’re safe. Go back to sleep." His hand continued to stroke her hair as he relished the feel of her in his arms.

Comforted by his closeness and his warm embrace, she fell back asleep.

Reluctantly he settled her back on the bed, not wanting to relinquish the joy of holding her.

The room was dimly lit; the lights turned down low. He was able to make out a small smile on her face as he sat next to her thanking god she was here and safe. Leaning over, he indulged himself in a kiss to her forehead before getting back to his chair.

As he stood up, his foot kicked something light on the floor. Releasing her hand, he bent over to pick up whatever it was. It was a letter. In the dim light he couldn’t make out whom it was from. He walked over to the light to examine it and realized it was his letter. Clay must have given it to her when she woke up.

His heart started to race. She knew. She finally knew how he felt. Maybe, just maybe, things were going to work out. Hope surged in his heart just before a crack of doubt crept in. What if she didn’t really feel the same way? What if there was too much pain between them? What if…? Stopping that line of thought, he turned back to Mac and carefully replaced the letter under her pillow.

He would wait and see. He loved her. She knew it. That was enough for the moment. He would let her take the lead on this. If she didn’t want him, didn’t love him, he would still be her friend. He would just let her bring up the letter and if she didn’t, he would still have his answer. It just wouldn’t be the answer he wanted.

It was a long time before sleep came, his mind refusing to slow down, as he tried to work out the ‘what-if’ scenarios in his head. Finally, sleep claimed him and Harm’s dreams were filled with visions of a beautiful Marine that looked absolutely stunning in white.

Mac’s Hospital Room

0735 Local

Sunlight streamed through the crack of the curtains, waking Harm from his wonderful dreams. Seeking out the object of those dreams, Harm chanced a glance in Mac’s direction, not surprised to see her still sleeping. Sitting there at her bedside Harm was content to just watch her. The steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. The way her dark lashes fluttered against her creamy smooth skin. The soft smile that played at her lips although she was still asleep. Even battered and bruised Sarah Mackenzie was the most beautiful woman Harmon Rabb had ever laid eyes on.

Before his eyes he watched, as Mac’s once still form started to take on life; first yawning and then stretching her stiff, sore muscles. Then her eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the new light invading the room. Harm stopped breathing as Mac’s eyes met his. What he saw in the bottomless brown depths both scared him and set him free at the same time, and Harm knew.

Sarah Mackenzie loved him too.

Even though his stomach was still in knots over how she would react to his declaration in his letter, Harm made a decision. He loved Sarah Mackenzie with all of his heart and soul, head over heals IN love, and he’d be damned if gave up on them without one hell of a fight.

"Harm?" Her whispered question almost went unheard. Almost.

Leaning over from his seat beside the bed, Harm brought their still joined hands to his lips, placing a kiss on hers before answering. "Good morning, Mac."

"‘Morning. Sorry I fell asleep on you."

"Hey, don’t be sorry," Harm admonished, brushing her hair out of her eyes and tucking it behind her ears. "You needed it. I’m just glad you’re okay. I was so worried about you, Mac."

"I’m just glad you got there when you did, flyboy. Thank you, Harm."

"I had to, Sarah. My world would end without you in it."

The energy in the room could be cut with a knife, and Mac watched as Harm leaned forward, their lips being drawn together like a magnet.

"Great our patient is up and awake. How are we feeling this morning, Ms. Mackenzie?" The doctor breezed into the room, effectively breaking the spell that had held them.

His lips still inches from hers, Harm plunged ahead, placing a soft kiss on her half parted lips. It was over as fast as it began, but it was enough to spark a surge of hope in Mac. As Harm sat back in his seat, Mac smiled up at the doctor. "I feel much better this morning, thank you."

"That’s good. We just need to check you over, make sure everything’s all right, and then I don’t see why you can’t go home this afternoon. That is, as long as you have someone that can take care of you once you’re released." Glancing over at Harm, he already knew the answer before Harm spoke.

"Don’t worry about that, Doc. She won’t be alone anymore. You ready, Mac?" The conviction in Harm’s voice left no room for doubt, and Mac was overwhelmed at the love she felt for him. Mac could only nod in response, her gaze never straying from her partner.

"Well then, let’s get this show on the road so we can get you home."

Harm’s SUV

On the way home from the hospital

1235 Local

Mac leaned her head back and let her eyes drift shut. The doctor had insisted on her taking more pain medication for her various injuries, her slight concussion along with some bruised ribs, making her sleepy again. Staying awake and coherent was proving very difficult.

Harm glanced over at her as he drove, smiling to himself, thanking god for getting her back. Reaching over he took her hand in his. It was wonderful to have her back safe and sound. Well...safe anyway.

The smile faded as he took in her bruised countenance. She definitely hadn’t escaped unscathed. She still had the black eye and stitches. And somewhere along the way she had managed to bruise her ribs, probably when that son of a bitch knocked her off the bed. Not to mention that when he had found her, her shirt was open and the remnants of her bra were on the bed. The bastard was going to rape her.

The whole ordeal had been a nightmare; one he was grateful was finally over.

Remembering the argument at the hospital, Harm couldn’t help but smile again. Her stubborn streak had kicked in at full strength and she had argued fervently, first with the doctor and finally with him.

"I don’t need any more drugs! It’s not that bad!" Her glare should have turned the doctor to stone.

"Colonel, it’s not that bad right now because you are still feeling the effects of painkillers administered through your IV Once those wear off, I promise you, you will want something for the pain." The doctor was patient; he was more than familiar with marines.

Determined to win this battle, she persisted in her arguing. "I will not. I can deal with the pain better on my own than being hyped up on drugs." Harm stopped himself from rolling his eyes at her hyperbole, not wanting her wrath to be directed at him.

The doctor had no such fear; he rolled his eyes. "Colonel, I am prescribing painkillers for you. If you want to leave this hospital today, you WILL take them. If you choose not to take them at home because you WANT to suffer, that’s up to you. Now, you will need some help for a day or two while those ribs heal. Do you have someone to stay with you?"

Giving him another glare that consigned him to hell, Mac swallowed the pills. "I don’t need…"

"Actually, Doctor," Harm interjected, "she will be staying with me."

Caught in the middle of a swallow, Mac could only sputter, not able to form the words for the automatic protest his statement called for.

The doctor gave him a conspiratorial grin. "You’re a brave man, Commander."

Mac’s choked outrage would have been funny except for the fact that she started coughing and had to clutch her side in pain, her ribs obviously protesting from her movement. Unable to speak for a moment, she settled for giving them both another seething glance, sinking back on the bed with her hand to her side.

"Any other instructions, Doctor?" Harm chose to ignore her angry look.

"Just rest, rest, and more rest. Here are the prescriptions for antibiotics and painkillers." The doctor did not look at Mac. "Have her come back next week; we’ll take those stitches out and check her ribs. If any congestion sets in, she has to come in immediately. There is always a risk of pneumonia with this type of injury."

At Harm’s look of alarm, the doctor hastened to reassure him. "I don’t expect it, it’s just a warning. Make sure she takes it easy and actually takes the medication. They’ll help her."

Turning to address Mac, the doctor gave her a smile. "Colonel, I am releasing you to the Commander’s care. You can go home." Still trying to catch her breath, Mac gave a nod as doctor turned and left.

A moment of silence reigned while Harm waited for the storm to break.

Pushing herself up carefully, she gave him a long look. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Mac, you heard the doctor. You need some help for a day or two. It’s no big deal."

Knowing she was being unreasonable, she still had to argue. She was not ready to just surrender her independence just yet. Not when there was so much left unsaid between them. "I can take care of myself perfectly well, thank you. I’ve been doing it for a lot of years. I am not some helpless bimbo that needs to be rescued."

He flinched at her harsh words. "I know that, Mac." His tone was soft, conciliatory. "It’s just…well…I need to take care of you, to see you. You scared me to death."

At his tender words her face fell. "I’m sorry, Harm. I’m really grateful for everything you did to get to me. You went way beyond the duty of a friend and I appreciate it." Her voice lowered as guilt overwhelmed her. "I should have told you and the Admiral everything, from the beginning. But Clay…" She broke off and gave an uneasy shrug, wincing as she did so but still not meeting his eyes. "I’m sorry."

Reaching over, he tilted her chin up with his fingers. "Hey, none of that. You did what you had to do, just as I did."

Finally meeting his eyes, she flushed at what she saw there. "Please, Ninja-Girl. Just this once, let me take care of you." He used the nickname deliberately, reminding her of a time when she needed to be near him. " I need to be near you, to spend time with you. Please." His fingers moved from her chin to her cheek in a gentle caress. The energy was back between them, the atmosphere charged with electricity.

Unable to resist his plea, or the caring in his eyes, she nodded in acquiescence. Her heart fluttered up into her throat as again he leaned in to kiss her, his eyes never leaving hers.

The nurse chose that moment to walk in with her release papers, breaking the spell. With a stifled groan of irritation

Harm stood up as the nurse had Mac sign the papers and asked him to leave so she could help her dress.

A horn beeped behind him, startling him from his reminiscing. Stepping on the gas, Harm drove through the intersection where he had stopped.

Looking over at Mac again, another slow smile slipped across his face. He finally had Mac alone and he was determined he was going to talk to her. At long last.

Harm’s Apartment

1440 Local

After stopping at Mac’s apartment, with yet another round of protest, they finally managed to gather items that she would need for the duration of her stay at his place. Once on the road again, she had remained quiet and contemplative, opting to stare out the window instead of engage in conversation.

And it remained that way, silence prevailing, when they entered his building. The ride up in the elevator had seemed like an eternity. After ushering her in the door, Harm chanced a glance in her direction, noticing she would look everywhere but him.

‘Perhaps that talk will have to wait awhile,’ Harm thought miserably. She wouldn’t even look at him. What the hell was he supposed to do now? ‘Take it easy, Rabb. Just give her some time and space. She’ll talk when she’s ready.’

Mac, for her part, didn’t know what to think. Here she was, back in the very spot that she had been in all of those weeks ago, when she had wanted to tell him about Webb and the assignment.

But then there was Kate.

Even after reading Harm’s letter, Mac still couldn’t let go of the feelings of self-doubt that clouded her judgment where Harm was concerned. He said he loved her, but did it really matter? There always seemed to be someone in the their way. Diane, Annie, Bobbi, Jordan, Renee. Always someone. This time it just happened to be Kate. Mac just wasn’t sure her heart could take anymore. Fear, caused by years of denial, was encompassing her.

Harm watched Mac battling with her unseen demons, wanted so badly to go to her, hold her, make them all go away. He started to cross over to her, determined to at least try, when she suddenly turned to face him. The haunted look in her eyes almost scared him. He couldn’t lose her now; he wouldn’t lose her now.

"Mac? Would you like something to drink or eat?" He tried to make the questions seem as normal as possible, wanting to distract her from her thoughts.

Tentatively, she answered. "Yeah, I guess I am kind of hungry."

Relief flooded through him. At least she hadn’t lost her appetite. "Great. Why don’t you go have a seat on the couch while I get started on our dinner?" Harm answered, wanting Mac to feel comfortable but also needing something to keep himself busy. He just wished she didn't look so...so...scared.

"Do you mind if I put some music on, Harm?" she asked uncertainly.

"No, that’s fine. Help yourself. Then I’ll bring you some tea while we wait for dinner." Giving her what he hoped was a reassuring smile, he headed toward the kitchen.

"Thanks," Mac answered, already on her way over to the stereo. Flipping through his collection, Mac finally settled on a mix of soft rock hits. With that decided and the music in the player, she made her way back over to the sofa.

Despite her earlier reservations about staying, she felt comfortable here. She always had. It was the man that lived here that always seemed to turn her life up side down.

Closing her eyes, Mac leaned her head back against the smooth leather of the couch. After a few minutes she felt the cushions shift beside her, and Mac opened her eyes to find Harm perched on the edge next to her. Holding out a cup of steaming liquid, Harm waited until she was sitting up before handing her the mug.

"Here, you drink this. It’s decaf, that way if you want to rest you won’t have to worry about falling asleep." He was rambling, he knew it, but couldn’t seem to stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth. The silence that had been between them since leaving the hospital was making him jittery; he just had an overwhelming urge to fill it.

Never quite meeting his eyes, Mac took her tea. "Thanks, Harm." She was still nervous. Harm had not once said the words that his letter had reflected. Sure, she knew he still didn’t know that she had his letter. But one would have thought that if he meant it, he would have at least said...something.

But then there was that kiss this morning, and the near kiss before the nurse came in. She couldn’t have been mistaken about his intent, could she? Indecision threatened to choke her, wanting to ask, needing to ask, but not having the courage.


At the whispered sound of her name, Mac finally met his eyes. Searching them, she found only indecision clouding his usually clear blues. Again, fear stabbed through her heart. There was no way she could risk it all again. She just couldn’t.

"Mac, talk to me. What are you feeling?" His plea sounded desperate.

Her reply was simple yet said so much. "Pain, Harm. I’m in pain."

"Oh, Mac. Why?" Cupping her face in the palm of his hand, Harm had to ask, "Please, Mac. Talk to me."

"I...I can’t, Harm. I can’t risk everything again. It hurts too much when things go bad." Mac’s eyes were on the floor; having a hard time meeting his eyes.

"Mac, it doesn’t have to hurt, not anymore. You love me, right? There’s no reason we can’t work things out now."

Her head shot up, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. "But, how...how did you know? I never..."

"I...I heard the taped conversation from your cell, the day they took you. You told Janet that...that you loved me." Now he was the one having a hard time meeting her eyes. His glance darted away to look at his hands before continuing. "You did mean it, didn’t you?"

Mac couldn’t answer right away. Anger was welling up within her. Once again, Harmon Rabb had the upper hand on her. Damn it! Why did he always have to end up on top?

On the verge of telling him to go straight to hell, Mac’s eyes finally met his...and she was lost. There she saw it all; the fear, the longing, his need for her.

And that’s why she gave the only answer she could. "Yes."

Relief swept through him. "Mac, I..."

Putting her fingertips to his lips, she silenced him. "I do love you, Harm, but I meant what I said. I can’t risk it all again."

Gently removing her fingers from his lips, Harm took them and laced them with his own. "Mac, honey, it doesn’t have to be a risk anymore. You love me, and you know I love you..."

"I do?" Mac asked innocently.

"Well, yeah. You read my letter."

"How did you know that?"

"It fell out from under your pillow at the hospital," Harm replied sheepishly.

Sighing, Mac removed her hand from his and stood. The small action almost proved to be too much. She swayed, but managed to hold her ground. Harm, however, went right into overprotective mode. "Mac, you shouldn’t be..."

"I’m fine, Harm. I just need some space, that’s all."

He was afraid to hear the answer to the question he knew he had to ask. "Physically or emotionally?"

"Both, Harm. Yes, I love you. But so much has been said and done to each other that I don’t know if we’ll ever be all right. We’ve both hurt each other so much..." Turning away, Mac walked over to the window, looking out at the beautiful day. Too bad a storm was raging inside.

"Mac," her name sounded directly behind her, as Harm took hold of her shoulders to gently turn her around. "Sarah, I know I’ve hurt you. And I’m so sorry. If I could take back every stupid thing I’ve ever said or done to you, I would. But I can’t. All I can do is ask you to forgive me." Mindful of her bruised face, Harm placed his hands delicately on her cheeks, while staring intently into her beautiful brown eyes. "I love you, Sarah Mackenzie. Please forgive me. Please." Without any distractions, or anyone else in their way, his lips finally met hers in a sweet, soft kiss.

When their lips parted, tears glistened in her eyes. "Oh, Harm. I love you, too. And I already have forgiven you." Wrapping her arms around his waist, Mac laid her cheek on his chest. "It’s just...I don’t know if I’m ready to trust you."

At his token protest, Mac pulled back slightly and launched into an explanation. "Harm, your integrity is not in question. I know you wouldn’t cheat on me. I also know that my life is always safe with you. But the I’m just not sure my heart is safe with you."

Knowing that she had every reason to feel the way she did, Harm had no idea how to respond. Seeing the mental struggle with himself, Mac took pity on him. "Look, Harm, you’re going to have to earn my trust again. We love each other, and that’s a great start. But you’re going to have to prove to me that I’m special to you, just as I’m going to have to learn how to let you love me."

"Whatever it takes, Mac. I’ll do it. I want us so badly," Harm responded, adamantly.

"It’s going to take a lot of work, Harm. Are you sure you want us badly enough?"

"I’ve never wanted anything like I want this," he answered, sure of himself and his feelings. "I promise you, whatever it takes." Bringing his lips to hers, he sealed his promise with a kiss.

Surfacing for air once more, their foreheads met, their eyes locking on each other. As if on cue, Mac’s stomach growled, breaking the silence. Both looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

"Told you I was hungry," Mac quipped, giving him one of her brilliant smiles.

That smile had its desired effect, he was almost breathless. With what little air was left, he managed to reply. "Well, then let me see what I can do about that. The soup should be almost ready." Dropping a barely there kiss on her lips, Harm released her to check on their dinner.

Mac made her way back over to the couch feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of her. They still had a lot to talk about but at least now they both knew what they wanted. Maybe there would be a happy ending after all for them.

Harm finished stirring the soup, sitting the ladle down, before glancing over at Mac. Watching her rest, he couldn’t help but feel like this was how it was always meant to be. A life, a home, and someday a family, shared with Sarah Mackenzie.

‘This is it, Rabb. You know it now. Now, it’s time to convince her.’ Mac was right, it would take a lot of work to erase the past and convince her of their future, but Harm was determined. She loved him, and he loved her, and with that freedom anything was possible.

The spark that was there from the beginning had never been extinguished, it had just dimmed over their time apart. Not anymore. It had been resurrected, and Harm was planning to fan the flames until it raged out of control. He wanted to bind Sarah Mackenzie to him, her life intertwined with his, forever. He wanted everything she had; her body, heart and soul. Because whether she knew it or not, everything he had was already hers.

He would gain her trust again. He would prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt. Yes it would take a lot of work, and it would probably take just as much time. But if all went right, it was going to be a hell of a lot of fun getting there.

30 minutes later

They had eaten dinner together quietly, not saying much. The understanding they had finally reached allowed them a relaxed atmosphere without the usual underlying tension.

As they finished up, Harm looked over at Mac. Reaching over, he covered her hand in his. "You look exhausted, Sarah. Why don’t you rest on the couch for a minute while I clean up? I’ll be in to join you shortly, and then maybe we can watch a movie or something." Visions of Mac, curled up in his arms, flashed temptingly as he spoke.

Giving a nod of agreement, she stood up shakily to go back to the couch. Harm stood with her, putting an arm around her for support.

"Just want to make sure you’re comfortable, Marine" he answered her questioning look with a smile. Settling her on the couch, he covered her with an afghan, tucking the edges around her legs.

"Harm, you don’t have to baby me." Her protest was weak; she really was tired and sore.

A kiss on the forehead was her answer, followed by, "Yes, I do. I want you to know how much I care."

Blushing, she found she was unable to answer. She settled for a smile.

Another quick kiss and he headed back to the kitchen to clean up. When he returned, she had already dozed off. As he gazed at her, a thrill of happiness shot through him. She was finally here, and they had talked. Life was finally looking up.

A knock interrupted his reverie. Moving quickly to answer the door before it disturbed Mac, he was startled to find the Admiral standing there.

"Admiral, come in, Sir. Mac’s asleep." Keeping his voice low, he gestured toward the couch.

"So I see." The Admiral’s tone was amused as he took in the scene.

The two men walked toward the kitchen, having a seat at the table. Heading over to the frig, Harm pulled out a diet coke for the Admiral without asking.

"Thanks. How is she doing? Sorry I didn’t get to the hospital, but I was tied up with Webb’s people most of the night. I called, but said that they had sedated her and that she was already asleep."

"She’ll be fine, Admiral. Nothing a few days of rest won’t cure."

Both men fell silent as they contemplated the sleeping marine.

Finally, the Admiral shifted his gaze to Harm. "You know, part of me wants to congratulate her for doing such a good job in a dangerous situation, and part of me wants to kick her six for getting into it at all."

"Don’t you mean for lying to you, Admiral?" Mac’s voice startled them both as she struggled into a sitting position. Her tone was resigned, as if she already knew she was in trouble.

Walking over to her, A.J. took a seat on the coffee table opposite her. Harm followed him, but stood back, letting them have their discussion.

A.J. just looked at her while she fiddled with the afghan still covering her legs. Usually she had military protocol to fall back on when she was in trouble with him, but this informal setting robbed her of that comforting cover.

"Colonel, you are correct. I am very angry with you for lying to me. Especially for that little ‘drunken performance.’ You fooled me completely." The anger in his tone was unmistakable. "When I think about how worried we all were, and then how betrayed we all felt…" His voice trailed away.

At his first words she attempted to look him in the eyes, but at his reminder of her drunken act she flushed and looked down without saying anything.

His demeanor softened as he took in her battered features. "But, I know you were under orders from the SecNav, and I know it was a dangerous difficult assignment." Reaching over, he took her hand in his. "I’m proud of you, Mac. I’m proud to have you in my command, and proud to consider you my friend. I just thank god you are back, safe and sound."

Tears welled up in her eyes at his unexpectedly soft tone and praise. "Sir…" She managed to choke out. Clearing her throat, she tried again. "Sir, I apologize for any inconvenience, or pain, my actions caused you or anyone at JAG. I knew that it would be difficult, Sir, I just didn’t realize how difficult it was going to be to lie to you and everyone else. I’m truly sorry, Admiral."

Letting go of her hand, he straightened up, attempting to tone down all the emotion. "Colonel, no apologies are necessary. You did what you had to do, and damn well. When are you coming back to work?"

Relief washed over her. Not only had he forgiven her, but he was ready to accept her back at JAG. She felt better already. "I can be there tomorrow, Sir."

Harm immediately started to object. "Mac, I don’t think you should..."

"Harm, I am perfectly capable of making this decision on my own. I’m fine."

"You just got out of the hospital this morning, Mac. You are not fine."

The Admiral almost refrained from rolling his eyes, but in the end he couldn’t help himself. "Colonel, I don’t expect to see you back until the doctor gives you a medical release. Do you know when that will be?"

"I have an appointment Friday, Sir. He should let me know then. I will probably be back Monday."

"Well, I think that’s too soon. But, as long as your doctor clears you, I’ll leave that decision up to you." Standing to leave, A.J. took turns looking at both before shaking his head in amusement. Both were staring the other down, waiting for the other to crack. As much as he would love to see who won this battle it was time to go. Secretly, he’d lay 4 to 1 on the Marine.

"Colonel, I trust you will take it easy for the next couple of days and then the weekend. No, scratch that. Consider it an order. You WILL rest and take it easy until Monday. Commander," A.J. looked pointedly at Harm, "I also trust you’ll make sure she follows through on those orders."

"Yes, Sir," Harm replied emphatically.

"Very well. I’ll leave you to it then." Walking in front of Harm to the door, A.J. turned back to Harm. "Harm?"

"Yes, Sir?"

"Take care of her."

"I plan on it, Sir."

He started out but stopped once more. "One more piece of advice, Harm. You might want to back off just a little. You try to break them too fast, they bolt."

Smiling slightly at the Admiral’s analogy, Harm could only reply, "Aye, Aye, Sir."

Harm’s Apartment

One week later

"Mac, I know how you feel about this. But I think you should take just a little longer." His voice sounded weary, revealing his frustration.

"Harm, I am not going to argue with you about this again. I want to go to work. I need to go to work. I am about to go absolutely crazy doing nothing everyday," Mac was practically pleading.

In a lot of ways the past week had been a healing experience both physically and emotionally. Harm had given her her space in the mornings, heading into JAG to catch up on paper work and such. Then, in the afternoon, he’d bring his workload home with him. Mac had insisted that even that wasn’t necessary, but Harm had been adamant. He wanted to be there to make sure that she was ‘taken care of’.

They had fallen into a new, yet familiar routine, laying out the current case Harm was working on. The banter that had been such a staple of their early working relationship and friendship was back. The last week had cemented their earlier resolve to work at getting things back on track for them.

Being with Harm, all of the time, had been wonderful. He cooked and cleaned, not allowing her to lift a finger. He even made sure Mac took her medicine. Everything was great. But, as expected, about half way into the week she started going stir crazy. She just wanted to get out and do...something, anything as long as it wasn’t in his apartment. When Harm had come home that evening, Mac had jumped in with both feet.

"Harm, the walls are closing in on me. I need to get out of here."

"Mac, honey, I know you want to bounce right back. But, the doctor said to take it easy. You need to rest." He told her firmly, not wanting her to over do it.

"Harm, just for a little while. Please," she softened her tone cajolingly.

"Mac," he began in a warning voice.

Putting a hand on his chest, Mac turned her big, brown, doe eyes on him pleadingly. "Please, Harm."

Knowing he was being manipulated, but unable to resist her, he gave in with a sigh. "All right, why don’t we go for a walk? It’s a little chilly but it will give us both some exercise."

Throwing her arms around his neck, Mac reached up and pressed her lips to his. Breaking apart, breathless, Mac whispered, "Thank you, Harm."

"Wow, if this is how you say ‘Thank you,’ I’ll have to try and please you more often, Marine," Harm replied suggestively, causing Mac to blush.

"Can’t wait to see you try, flyboy."

So they went for their walk, holding hands and huddling close to keep each other warm. The next day they followed suit, and by the third day it was just an unspoken understanding that they would take their walk when he got home from JAG. Each day was the same but each was a brand new experience. Harm almost couldn’t wait to get home everyday; knowing Mac was there, waiting for him. ‘So, this is what it’s really like to be in love,’ the thought came of it’s own accord, catching him off guard. It was a frightening feeling but liberating at the same time. What was he going to do when she was gone? He didn’t want to think about it. All he wanted to do was keep her here, with him.

Snapping himself back to the present, Harm tried once again to reason with her. "I know, Mac, but I just don’t want you to do too much too soon."

"I’m not, Harm. The doctor released me to go back to light duty. I’m not going to do too much; I just really need to get back to my life. Besides," the corners of her mouth tilted up before continuing, "I know I’ll have someone looking out for me, making sure I don’t over do it."

Smiling back at her, he reached for her, pulling her into his arms. "Oh, really? And who might that be," he asked, placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Well, he’s this overbearing, cocky, naval aviator turned lawyer that I work with."

"Cocky and overbearing, huh?" he asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, but he’s really not so bad once you get used to him."

"Gee, thanks." Giving her another quick kiss, he let her go and started toward the bedroom, unbuttoning his shirt along the way. "Well, if I can’t convince you not to take more time off, we had better get some sleep. Big day tomorrow."

"Yeah, I guess you’re right." She followed behind, making her way to the bedroom. He had tried to sleep on the couch the first night she was there, but soon found himself in the bed beside her, nursing her through a particularly ugly nightmare. The next night he had started for the couch again, when Mac had rather diffidently asked him to hold her through the night.

After that, it had just been understood. She wanted him with her; he wanted to be there.

Getting into the bed on her side, Mac waited until Harm was beside her and the light was turned off, before snuggling into his arms. After lying there for awhile, Mac’s soft voice broke through the comfortable silence.


"Yeah, Mac?"

"Have you heard anymore about what they plan to do to Janet?"

There was a short silence as he considered his answer, trying to break it to her gently.


"I’m afraid that she’s going to be prosecuted for brig break. She’s still in the hospital, so a date for trial hasn’t been set."

It was her turn to be silent.

"Harm, I know she was wrong, and I don’t make excuses for her actions, but she was lied to and manipulated. I want to represent her when she goes to trial."

"You can’t, Mac. You’ll be a major witness against her. There is no way the Admiral can allow you to represent her."

He knew Mac knew that. Waiting for the next part patiently, he had already resolved to agree. From their discussions of the whole episode, he knew how she felt about Janet, and he agreed with her. He just wanted her to ‘persuade’ him again. She did it so wonderfully.

He was not disappointed. She snuggled in closer to him, her hand tracing circles on his chest.

"Harm?" her voice was whispery soft in his ear, sending a shiver down his back.

"Yes, Mac?" he struggled to keep his tone normal.

"Would you represent her?"

Laughing, he rolled on his side towards her, their faces almost touching. "Marine, are you trying to manipulate me?"

She snuggled closer, sliding a leg between his. With a smile in her voice she replied, "Well, what if I am? Is it working?"

He felt a feather light kiss tingle across his lips. A tingling started elsewhere on his body as well.

"I’d say that it is, Colonel."

Another kiss, more lingering this time.

"So, you will?"

"Yes, I will. Like I stood a chance against your powers of persuasion."

The kiss between them was more passionate this time, igniting a fire that had already been smoldering.

All attempts at conversation ceased as the kiss deepened and her mouth opened under his, tongues teasing together.

Her body molded against him naturally, feeling his hardness. Before he could stop himself, his hand slipped up under her T-shirt, fingertips caressing her breast gently, bringing a gasp and moan of his from her lips.

Her warm response caused him to forget everything except the beautiful responsive woman in his arms. In his passion he forgot about her injuries, rolling over so that he was on top of her, still kissing passionately. He felt, more than heard, her cry of pain as she winced at the pressure his weight brought to bear on her still sore ribs.

Instantly he released her, apologizing for his thoughtlessness. "I’m so sorry, Sarah." A soaking in cold water could not have doused his passion more effectively than her pain. "Are you all right?"

Her breath came in short pants as she held her side, trying to ignore the pain. "It’s all right, Harm."

Feeling helpless, he waited until she caught her breath and the pain lessened. "I’m sorry, Mac. I just didn’t think…"

"It’s okay, Harm," she cut him off. "I know you didn’t mean to hurt me." Rolling carefully to her side, she reached out to touch his face lovingly. "I’m just sorry we got interrupted." She scooted over closer to him. "But it doesn’t mean we can’t pick it back up."

Putting his arms around her again as gently as possible, he gave her forehead a light kiss. "We can pick it back up, Baby, but not until you’re better."

Silencing her protest with a finger to her lips, he continued, "I want you, Sarah, and badly. But I can wait until it won’t cause you any pain; either physically or emotionally." Resting his cheek on her hair, he was startled to realize he was ready to wait for her forever if he had too. "I’ll be here, Sarah. Always."

Next Morning

JAG Headquarters

Harm pulled his SUV into his usual parking place. Glancing over at Mac, he suppressed a grin. She was fidgeting nervously with her purse strap, trying to gather her courage to enter the building.

"Relax, Mac. They’re all your friends. No one is mad at you. They understand."

Terrified that her colleagues and friends would hold her lies against her, she hadn’t spoken to anyone, save the Admiral, since the mission had ended. "So you say." Drawing a deep breath, her hand trembled as she reached for the handle to open the door.

Her distress touched his heart, and he almost broke down and told her what was in store for her. Opting for a little comfort instead, he reached over and took her hand before she got out. "I know what I’m talking about, Sarah. Don’t worry." Lifting her hand to his lips, he gave it a quick kiss before releasing it. "Let’s go."

Giving him a shaky smile, she nodded and exited the SUV. Squaring her shoulders, she took her place by his side as they began they’re walk to the building. Strangely, there was no one else in the parking lot. Usually at this time, everyone was arriving and entering the building. She noticed this fact, but was actually relieved she could put off meeting everyone for a few minutes.

As they rode the elevator to their floor, she tried without success, to calm her overactive nerves. The elevator doors opened to a strangely deserted bullpen. No one was in sight as they stepped out. Frowning, she looked over at Harm. "Is there an office meeting or something today?"

He clapped a hand to his forehead in a gesture of irritation. "Oh shit! I completely forgot! The Admiral called a full staff meeting for early this morning- he has to be out of the office later. Come on, we’d better hurry."

Hurrying to her office to drop off her coat, cover, and briefcase, she met him out in the hall as they hurried to the conference room. "Thanks a lot, Harm. My first day back and I’m late for a meeting."

Before he could answer her, the conference room double doors were opened with a snap, and Tiner’s voice rang out as they entered. "ATTENTION ON DECK!"

There was a loud clicking of heels as the entire JAG staff snapped to attention, including Mac who managed not to wince.

"Not you, Colonel. At ease." The Admiral’s voice broke the ensuing silence. Bewildered, she automatically slipped into the ‘at ease’ position as she glanced around at everyone. It still hadn’t dawned on her what was going on.

The Admiral barked out in command tone "SALUTE!" And with the precision of a marine drill team, the entire staff whipped into a salute and held it.

"The entire staff and I wanted you to know how proud we are of you, Colonel. We are all honored to work with you."

Tears filled her eyes, but she managed to choke out, "Thank you, Sir, and everyone."

"At ease everyone. There is a cake here, Colonel, in your honor. Everyone, you have thirty minutes to chat with the Colonel, then it’s back to work."

There was a general chorus of "Yes, Sir".

Turning to Harm, she asked with a glint in her eye, "You knew about this, didn’t you?"

Giving her his most charming flyboy grin, he nodded. "You deserve it, Mac. Everyone wanted you to know that they understood and really were proud of you."

Bud and Harriet were the first to come up to her. "Ma’am, we are so glad you’re back!" Harriet hugged her unreservedly as Harm and Bud looked on, smiling, while the rest of the staff was lining up to welcome her back.

JAG Headquarters

Two weeks later

Things were going great. There were really no words to describe how happy Harm was. Mac was in his life and they were growing closer with each day. Everyday she got a little bit stronger, her body healing, and Harm was amazed at how fast she really had bounced back from everything. She was absolutely amazing.

After a week of limited duty, Mac had come back full time convincing everyone, including the doctor, that she was ready. Things had seemingly gotten back to normal, except now the tension that had been between them before her assignment was no longer present. They were truly partners again, in almost every sense of the word, inside of work and out.

There had been one very anxious moment for him when she had announced, one night after dinner, that she wanted to return to her apartment. The doctor had cleared her for full duty, taking away his one excuse for keeping her with him.

"Harm, it’s time for me to go home."

Fear seized his heart; she was leaving him. "Mac, don’t you think you should stay a little longer? I know the doctor cleared you, but your still not a hundred percent you know. Give it another week here, just be on the safe side." He tried desperately to think of more reasons she should stay with him as he spoke.

"I can’t stay her forever. Contrary to what you might think, I am capable of looking out for myself occasionally." The tone of her voice was a little sharp.

"I know that, Baby. I just…well…" Fumbling for the words, he looked down at his shoes. "It’s just that I’ve kinda gotten used to having you around."

Mac couldn’t help her reaction to his new favorite endearment for her. A smile crept into her voice as she answered him. "Well, I’ve kinda gotten used to having you around too. There’s no reason why you can’t stay with me sometimes you know?"

And so sometimes they stayed at her place, sometimes at his, but always together. And although their relationship was much more physical than ever before, they had not progressed to that final step. Harm had not made another move towards that type of physical intimacy since that one night when her injuries had interrupted them; he was waiting for her.

"Hey, Mac. You about ready to head out?" Harm asked, peeking his head inside the door.

"Yeah, almost ready. Just give me a few minutes more," Mac held up her finger in a plea for more time, not looking up from the paperwork on her desk.

"All right. I’ll be waiting in my office." When Mac nodded and still didn’t look at him, Harm shook his head smiling. "Don’t work too much longer, Marine," he called over his shoulder, exiting her office.

"I won’t," her voice lilted out after him.

They were going to go talk to Janet today in prison. After being treated for the gun shot wound, and the beating she had taken at the hands of Mohammed, Janet had been released from the hospital a week later. Now, Harm was busy trying to work up a defense for her with Mac’s help. Hopefully after they talked to her today, they would have a better idea of how to handle everything.

Walking towards his own office, Harm visibly tensed at the sight of the woman sitting in his chair. Fighting to control his sudden anger at seeing her so comfortably occupying his space, Harm could barely mask the displeasure in his voice. "Kate. What are you doing here?"

The Admiral had sent her out on an investigation the week before so she had not been present at Mac’s return. To be honest, he had completely forgotten about her even being at JAG.

"I still work here. Remember?" she asked him coyly. "I thought that now that everything is settled, and Mac is going to be okay, that maybe we could talk more about us."

"After everything you did, to me and Mac, you expect me to just forget all about it? You lied to me."

"I never lied to you, Harm," she defended herself. "I want you. I’ve really missed you. This assignment just seemed like the perfect opportunity to get close to you again. Like I said, that’s why I kept coming by. I just wanted to go back to the way things were between us."

"I thought I made it pretty clear how I felt the last time you were there, Kate. There is no us anymore, not that there ever was really."

"What are you talking about, Harm? We were good together. We were..."

"Kate, it was physical. That’s all we ever had. Yes, I care about you but I’ve never..."

"Felt about me the way you feel about Mac? That’s it, isn’t it?" she prodded, still wanting to hold out some hope, but knowing there really wasn’t any.

"Yes," Harm answered simply.

With a softly spoken word, Kate knew what would never be for her. Getting up from the chair, she made her way over to stand in front of him. "Well then, I guess this is goodbye."

"It’s for the best," Harm agreed.

"I hope she knows how much you really love her. You’re quite a man, Harmon Rabb."

"Thanks, Kate. You’re quite a woman."

"I’ll just see myself out. Then I’m going to go talk to the Admiral. I don’t think I’ll be staying at JAG now; there’s nothing here for me."

"I’m sorry, Kate, but I love Mac. We’ve finally figured it out and I don’t want to spend my life without her anymore."

"I know. I’m just glad you finally admitted it. Goodbye, Harm."

"Goodbye, Kate."

Kate made her way out the door, trying to hold at bay the tears that threatened to fall. Not looking up, she was on her way to the Admiral’s office when she ran into Mac. "Oophf. I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going."

Mac couldn’t help it. All she wanted to do was tear the woman in front of her apart. "No, excuse me, Kate. I should have watched where I was going."

Kate noticed the cool tone of Mac’s voice. She really couldn’t blame her. If someone had been trying to take Harm away from her, she would have been mad as hell too. "Look, Mac. I know we’ve never...well, I know that things..."

"Kate, I really don’t want to discuss anything personal with you. I have to go, so if you’ll excuse..."

"I’m sorry, Mac," Kate interrupted.

Momentarily stunned, Mac asked, "Excuse me? What did you say?"

"I said I’m sorry, Mac. I know you’re upset about Harm and I, but I just wanted to tell you, you don’t have to be."

"And why is that?" Mac asked, leery of the answer.

"Because there is nothing there between us. Not anymore. And I also wanted to tell you that nothing happened that night."

Mac feigned innocence. "That night?"

"You know what I’m talking about, Mac. I know it was you on the phone. Nothing happened that night. It wasn’t because of lack of trying, but Harm...wouldn’t."

Still unable to truly believe, Mac had to ask. "He wouldn’t? Why is that?"

"Because of you. It was like you were there with us. I had him, but he was really with you. He always has been."

Looking away, Mac didn’t know what to say. Kate saved her from the effort. "Mac, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m going to the Admiral’s office now and asking to be reassigned. He’s all yours, Mac."

"Yes, he is, Kate," Mac answered possessively. There was no room for question this time.

With a knowing look at the woman in front of her, Kate nodded in silent understanding. No more words were needed. She was on her way out.

Mac watched as Kate made her way over to the Admiral’s office, relief finally setting in.

"Hey, is it finally safe to come out?" Harm’s voice broke into her reverie.

Without looking at him, Mac replied. "Yeah, you big chicken." Mac couldn’t help the smile that threatened to break out across her face.

"Chicken? I don’t think so. I was not about to get in between you and Kate. I may be slow, but I’m not stupid."

"Well, the jury is still out on that one. And, as for being in the middle of me and Kate, you always have been." She turned on him with a mock glare, and Harm still gulped audibly even though he knew she was kidding. Grabbing her wrist gently, Harm pulled Mac into his office, closing the door and drawing the blinds while never letting her go.

"Now, Mac, you know that you don’t have to worry about that anymore."

"I know. She told me she’s asking the Admiral to reassign her."

"That’s not what I meant, Mac," Harm looked knowingly at her. "Even if she stayed here, in the same office, you wouldn’t have to worry about her, Mac," Harm soothed, pulling her closer to him, wrapping her into his arms.

"Oh, really? And why is that?" she asked, her arms making their way up around his neck.

"Because, I love you. I don’t want Kate. I want you," he stated matter of factly.

"Really," Mac blushed prettily.

Then impishly he added, "Well, yeah. But, now that you mention it, being ‘between’ you and Kate...that could prove interesting. Kind of kinky. What do you say, Mac?" Harm asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Actually pretending to ponder it, Mac answered seriously. "Well, I’ve never tried a threesome before, but I don’t think I’d be totally adverse to the idea. Just not with Kate." Looking up at him, Mac burst out laughing at the shocked expression on his face. "Don’t even think about it, Harmon. It was a joke. If another woman so much as looks at you, let alone touches you, I’ll kick her ass."

Grinning from ear to ear, Harm leaned down and kissed her. When the kiss started getting out of control, and the effects of their raging desire started assaulting his body, Harm broke away. "Okay, we need to stop now."

"Mmmm. Why?" Mac pouted.

Harm gulped again. She was looking at him like she wanted to eat him alive and Harm was having trouble calming his raging hormones. "Because, Mac. We’re here...in the office...and it wouldn’t be...right." He really was struggling.

Knowing he was right, Mac sighed. "You’re right. Besides, we need to get going if we’re going to make it in time to talk to Janet." Disentangling her arms from around his neck, Mac backed away straightening her uniform. "All right, Sailor. Let’s get moving."

Looking down at the lower part of his body, Harm met her gaze once more. "Ummm, maybe you should go first. I need to...um...calm down before I walk out there," Harm stammered.

He was blushing! Mac had never been more turned on in her entire life. Seeing this incredibly sexy man blush for HER was just too much. A little teasing was definitely in order. "Well, okay. Seems like such a waste, but we really do need to get going." Giving him a saucy wink, Mac opened the door and left a stunned Harmon Rabb standing in the middle of his office.

Ladies Maximum Security Prison

Prisoners Meeting Room

1340 Local

Mac sat across the table from Janet, considering the best way to approach her. The initial meeting with Harm present had not gone well and Mac had asked him to leave them alone for a few moments. Janet’s feelings of betrayal were obvious, as were the effects of Mohammed’s cruel treatment of her. Her arm was in a sling, her shoulder not healed from the bullet wound. The deeper scars of the rape and deception could not be seen, but it was apparent that Janet didn’t trust anyone, and Mac couldn’t really blame her. Nevertheless, she was determined to help the girl as much as possible.

"Janet," Mac finally broke the silence between them. Reaching over she took Janet’s good hand in her own. "I’m on your side. Really. You can trust me."

Janet’s angry eyes finally met hers. "I don’t think so, Mac. You were here to do a job, and you did it, very well. You had me completely fooled."

"Yes, I was here to do a job. But in the course of that job I realized that I had made a friend. A friend whom I would very much like to help. I haven’t forgotten how you tried to protect me, Janet, nor have I forgotten who the real criminal here is."

Janet sighed and looked down at the table. "I feel like such a fool. I fell for his line like an idiot, hook, line, and sinker. I betrayed my country and everything I believed in for him, and that was all he wanted. It was all an act and it cost me everything."

"I know. But let me help you, or rather, let Commander Rabb help you. He’s the best, Janet. He will get you the best possible deal."

For a moment Janet’s eyes gazed into hers. "What about you? Aren’t you a lawyer? Or aren’t you willing to represent me after everything?"

Mac’s steady gaze did not falter. "I’d represent you in a heartbeat, Janet. But the truth is, I’m a witness, and I can’t. But I got you somebody better than me anyway. He really is the best, Janet. You can’t go wrong with him."

A small smile, the first in a long time, graced Janet’s pretty face. "He’s the one, isn’t he? The one who came to see you that day? The one with the, and I quote, ‘God damned hero complex’?"

The blush must have started from her toes as she remembered that conversation with Janet. "Yes, he’s the one. We kinda…well…we worked things out."

Amazingly, Janet actually laughed. "I’m glad, Mac, really glad." The laughter was over quickly. "Do you really think he can help me?"

"If anyone in the world can, Janet, he can."

"All right. I’ll talk to him. Thanks, Mac. I thought…I thought you wouldn’t want to see me ever again after everything."

"Janet, I’m your friend. No matter what happens, that won’t change." Mac squeezed her hand before releasing it and rose to get Harm.

In Harm’s SUV

2 hours later

"So what do you think, Harm?" Mac asked as she concentrated on driving. After bringing Harm back in, she had left them to have their meeting. Mac couldn’t be present because she would not be able to give Janet attorney/client privilege and could be questioned as to what was said in front of her. That did not stop her, however, from questioning Harm for what he thought would happen. She knew he would protect Janet and only tell her what she could know.

Harm was flipping through a file as he answered her. "Mac, you know I can’t tell you anything," his tone amused at her curiosity. "It wouldn’t be fair to, Janet."

"Oh come on, Harm. At least give me a hint. Do you think you can do anything to help?"

"If I didn’t think I could help, I wouldn’t take the case."

"You really aren’t going to tell me anything?" He could be so exasperating at times.

"Well, you could try to torture it out of me." Continuing to flip through the file as he spoke, he didn’t see her mischievous look.

Pulling over into a rest area, she put the SUV in park and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Mac! What are you doing?" His startled look was almost comical.

Leaning across the SUV’s console, she reached over and grabbed his tie. She pulled at it gently, forcing him closer to her. "I’m torturing you. Give up?" She whispered in his ear before placing a soft kiss on it. A trail of featherlight kisses burned down his neck.

"Uh…well," coherent speech had left him for a moment. One minute he was looking over a case file and the next minute she was practically seducing him in the car. He could definitely get used to this.

Smiling at his seeming inability to speak, she continued her assault. Working her way up his neck to his mouth, she tantalized him by gently touching her lips to his, rubbing them back and forth across his mouth. "Well?" She whispered.

Without saying a word he reached out and pulled her closer to him, his lips engulfing hers, tongues teasing. She snaked her hand down between them, pushing the file onto the floor. Pressing her hand against the hard bulge she found between his legs, she caressed it, making him moan in response.

Resolutely he set her back on her part of the seat, taking all of his will power to do it. "Sarah, we are in uniform, in a car, in a public rest area, and in broad daylight. And if you don’t stop that, none of that will matter. I will make love to you right here and now."

Looking at her with her hair tousled and her lips swollen from his kisses, he knew. He knew that he had to make sure she was with him forever. Of course he had thought about it before, many times. But in that split second, everything crystallized for him, leaving no doubts. He was going to ask her to marry him.

Regretfully she straightened her uniform and brushed her fingers through her hair to straighten it. "I guess we can’t do that now," she stated, sitting up straight in her seat. Harm was somewhat relieved. Now was not the time, or the setting, to make love to Mac for the first time. Calming down some, Harm settled back into his own seat.

Her next words shattered that calm all to hell.

"But there’s always tonight."

His breath caught as she shot him a seductive sidelong glance before rebuckling her safety belt and pulling the car back out on the freeway.

"I still am going to find out ALL your information, Commander."

He managed to pick up the file and find a more ‘comfortable’ way to sit. "I look forward to the challenge, Marine."

Harm’s Apartment

Mac made her way into the apartment ahead of him. Leaving him standing in the living room area of the loft, Mac made her way to his bedroom without a word or a backward glance.

Harm frowned slightly, unable to gauge the reason for Mac’s silence. She had been silent the whole rest of the trip and Harm couldn’t help but wonder what exactly the problem was. But, determined not to let whatever was bothering her fester, he followed behind her. "Mac? Are you okay, honey?"

Looking at him, her face void of emotion, she answered. "Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?"

"I...I don’t know. You’ve just been really quiet since...well...the whole rest of the way home," Harm stuttered.

"I just didn’t have anything to say, Harm." Mac watched him closely. She hated playing with him this way, but she knew Harm. Her silence would kill him, but she needed to distract him. She didn’t intend to make him suffer too much longer. In fact, if everything went according to plan he would be a very happy man in about 20 minutes. "Look, Harm, why don’t you make us something to eat. I’m going to go take a shower."

Nodding at her, he watched as she made her way over to the glass partition hiding his shower. The urge to watch her through the frosted glass was almost too much, but he quelled it. He would never take advantage of her that way. Harm made his way to the kitchen to start on their dinner.

Fifteen minutes later, Mac was standing in front of his bathroom mirror, putting the finishing touches on her make up. After applying her lipstick, Mac rubbed her lips together, before stepping back to assess herself in the mirror. Smiling at the picture she presented, Mac made her way out to the kitchen, out to Harm and her destiny.

She didn’t have to say anything for him to know that she was there. He had always had a sixth sense when it came to Mac. Unsure whether to turn around, or to initiate the conversation, he decided to wait for Mac to come to him. She would come to him when she was ready.

Mac knew by the way he standing, rigid and tense, that Harm was aware of her presence. She also knew that he was going to let her make the next move. Well, she wasn’t about to disappoint him. Making her way around the island bar, Mac came to stand right behind him. "Harm?"

At the hushed whisper of his name, Harm felt relief course through him. "Yeah, Mac. What..." Whatever else he had been about to say died in his throat when he turned around and saw her. He was speechless. There, standing in front of him, was Sarah Mackenzie in a deep crimson red, floor length nightgown. Harm gulped, unable to form a coherent thought, as he took in the vision before him. From her slightly damp hair, to her lightly applied makeup, to the amazing way her gown clung to every curve of her body. She was the most exquisite creature Harm had ever laid eyes on.

Smiling coyly at his response, Mac sauntered the rest of the way across the small kitchen area to stand in front of him. Briefly taking note that he had changed out of his uniform, Mac wasted no time jumping right into the game.

"So, Commander, I was wondering if you’re ready to negotiate."

She was standing so close to him. The scent of her perfume assaulted his senses, distracting him, and Harm was almost unable to stay focused on the conversation. "Um...negotiate? What...exactly, are we negotiating, Mac?"

"Why, I told you earlier, Harmon. I want information."


"Of course. I want to know everything you know."

Trying to regain some kind of control, Harm countered, "Well, Marine, as stunning as you look standing there in that...amazing nightgown, it’s going to take more than that to break me."

"Oh, is that so? Well, then I guess I’ll have to turn up the heat." Sliding the straps of the gown off of her shoulders, Mac felt the glide of the silk against her body as the gown made it’s way to the floor. Stepping out of the pool of fabric on the floor, Mac stepped the few remaining steps to where Harm stood. "What about now, Sailor? Now will you tell me what I want to know?" She asked sweetly.

Harm was still trying to pick his jaw up off of the floor. The sight of Mac’s completely nude body was more incredible than and dream or fantasy he had ever had. She was absolutely perfect. Remembering vaguely that Mac had asked him a question, he had to inquire, "I’m...sorry, Mac. What was the question?"

"I asked if you were ready to tell me what I wanted to know earlier."

Finally regaining some semblance of control, Harm responded, "Ah, well if you’ll remember, I also said I was up to the challenge."

Walking her fingers provocatively down his chest, unbuttoning his black silk shirt as she went, Mac ventured further. "So, then tell me, Harm. Are you ‘up’ to the challenge?" Finishing the trail of fire down his torso, the end of her question landed her right at his straining erection. "My, my, Commander. I’d definitely say you’re ‘up’ to it."

"Yes, Ma’am," Harm replied before catching Mac in a searing kiss. All pretense of the game vanished as Harm’s tongue invaded her mouth. Closing his arms around her, Harm smoothed his palms over the soft skin of her back, moving down to the slope of her bottom. A soft sigh escaped her as their lower bodies came into contact with each other.

Coming up for air, Harm struggled to curb the all-consuming passion he had for this woman. He needed to be sure.

"Mac, I want you. Is this...are you...?"

"I’m sure, Harm. I’ve never been more sure."

That was all he needed to hear. Crushing her to him, his hands were running rampant over her, as the heat between them threatened to overwhelm him. Her answering passion only fueled his fire and he could not get enough of her. ‘Finally, she’s mine,’ was his last thought before desire drove everything out of his brain except the sensation of her body against his.

Mac’s hands had been busy as well. Pushing the shirt off his shoulders, she had just managed to get his pants unbuttoned when her hand closed around his shaft, causing him gasp and shiver in response. Realizing that things were moving too fast, and he had next to no control, he stopped for a moment. Pushing her away slightly he desperately tried to catch his breath.

"Harm?" Her soft whisper conveyed her concern, her coffee eyes searching his.

"It’s too fast, Sarah. I need to slow down, to enjoy every part of you." Taking a deep breath, he pulled her close again, enfolding her in his arms, just holding her for a moment. "I want this to last."

Reassured, she held him closely while she waited for her own racing heart to slow down. For a moment there was only silence as they stood holding one another, savoring the wonder of it all.

Pulling back a little, he leaned down and put an arm behind her knees, picking her up. Cuddling her in his arms, he walked to the bedroom and set her down gently on the bed. Straightening up, his eyes never left her as he finished removing his clothes.

"You are so beautiful, Sarah," he sighed as he drank in the sight of her naked, in his bed, his eyes roving all over her body. Blushing under his scrutiny, she held out a hand to him. "Come to me." Her voice was low and sultry, her eyes beckoning him with a fire in them he had never seen before.

Unable and unwilling to resist, he approached her, taking her hand in his, as he sat beside her on the bed. Leaning over, his lips met hers in a soft gentle kiss, which lasted only a moment before he nuzzled her neck. "Turn over, Sarah." His voice was a low growl.

Surprised, she looked at him.

"Trust me, baby." His voice was still a low rumble.

Giving him a short nod, she acquiesced and rolled over, presenting her back to him.

Slowly, tenderly, using only the barest of touches with his fingertips, he traced her back, leaving a trail of goose bumps wherever his fingers wandered. Continuing his delicate touching, he followed this with a trail of feather kisses, sometimes blowing softly on her skin, sometimes tasting her gently with his tongue. He covered her entire backside, down to her toes, spending a long time on the rounded curves of her bottom.

The exquisite torture continued as she gasped and moaned under his hands and mouth. Unable to take it any longer, she turned back over suddenly and took his face in her hands, bringing their lips together in a searing kiss. For a moment his tongue plundered her mouth before withdrawing again.

She reached over to touch his erect member, but he took her hand in his, stopping her. He answered her unspoken question. "I want to touch you and love you, Sarah. Let me have my way right now, please."

"But what about you? I want this to be wonderful for you too."

His eyes darkened in passion at her statement. "Oh, Sarah, don’t you know that just touching you is wonderful? If you touch me now, it will be all over too soon. I’m getting everything I want, believe me."

Again he leaned over, this time taking one dusky nipple into his mouth, as his hands went back to tracing her body with barely there touches. His tongue circled the nipple, his soft lips nibbling gently. Finally finished with the one, he went to the other. With his hands never stopping, he traced her stomach and thighs, coming close to her center but never actually touching it.

All the time he was touching and kissing her, her quiet moans and gasps never stopped. The sensations he was creating with his gentle touches were breathtaking. Never in her life had a man taken the time to just touch her like this; never in her life had she felt so cherished.

Shifting carefully, he moved between her legs as his mouth moved slowly down to her bellybutton, circling it before continuing down to his final destination.

Pausing in his journey, he was overcome by the warm scent of her passion, the scent that was uniquely Sarah. Each moan of his name, each gasp of pleasure was a source of delight to him, increasing his arousal. Giving her pleasure was giving himself more pleasure than he had ever imagined.

Finally he dipped his tongue inside her, reveling in the liquid taste of her. The warm honey of her excitement was exquisite.

Moving up slightly, he flicked her swollen nub with his tongue, teasing it. Slipping a finger inside her, then two, he felt her muscles contract as continued tantalizing her clit. In a matter of seconds her contractions were increasing and he knew her orgasm was eminent. He vaguely heard her calling his name, the moisture flowing out of her as she came.

Staying between her legs, his head rested on her thigh as she came back down to earth. He waited until he felt her muscles relax, and her breathing return to normal, before pulling himself up and over her.

As he slid inside her he had the strongest sensation that he was finally home. The warm wetness of her surrounding him was phenomenal. Moving as slowly as he possibly could, he began the push and withdrawal that sent the shivers of delight throughout his entire body. He was lost in a world of rapture.

Her legs encircled him; her arms pulling him down to her. As her lips captured his, he heard her murmur, "I never knew what making love was until you, Harm. I love you so much." Then the strong rush of his own orgasm arrived, overcoming him, spiraling him into a stunning ecstasy that he had never known existed until this woman.

"I didn’t know either, Sarah. I love you." Collapsing into her arms, he realized that he could never give this up as long as he lived. He needed her for eternity.

When he could muster up enough energy, Harm lifted his weight off of her, holding himself up on his elbows. Looking intently into her eyes. Harm asked the question that would forever change their lives.

"Mac?" he asked tentatively.

She noticed the strange new light in his eyes and was almost afraid to ask, "What is it, Harm?"

"Sarah Mackenzie, will you marry me?"

Out of all of the things Mac had expected, his softly spoken question wasn’t one of them. "Harm, I...I don’t know what..."

Panic seized him. Hurriedly, he jumped in, wanting to stop her from saying ‘no’ immediately. "Mac, it’s okay if you need to think about it. I know we said we would take things slow. Just please, Sarah, don’t say no right away. Please promise you’ll think about it." He was looking away from her now, not wanting her to see his weakness.

It was in that moment that Mac realized she didn’t need anymore time to think about it. She knew exactly what she wanted. Placing her finger under his chin, she turned his face, forcing his eyes to meet hers. Then she smiled.

"Yes," she whispered.

Harm was momentarily stunned, his brain not quite able to process the information she had just delivered. "What...what did you say?"

"I said ‘yes’, Harmon Rabb, Jr. I will marry you," she answered, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.

Her beautiful smile was infectious, and Harm couldn’t keep the broad grin from spreading across his own face. He was getting married, he was marrying Mac...Sarah. Sarah Mackenzie was going to be with him the rest of his life. Leaning down he kissed her deeply. Breaking away, he held her tightly to him. "God, I love you so much, Mac."

"I love you too, Harm. So much." The smile on her lips faded and in it’s place a look of pure seduction took up residence. "So, Harm, back to our earlier conversation. You still haven’t told me what I wanted to know."

That sexy Harm smirk appeared on his handsome face. "No, I haven’t, Colonel. So, just what could you possibly do now to persuade me after that spectacular display a few minutes ago?"

Flipping Harm onto his back, Mac straddled his body, rubbing herself provocatively against his stomach. "Oh, I think I can still come up with something."

Harm was trying not to let her see what the sight of her incredible body, looming over him, was doing to him. He could already feel himself start to get hard again at the thought of all of the things Mac could do to persuade him. Feigning indifference, Harm laid back with his hands behind his head. "Give it your best shot, Marine."

"Oh, I plan on it, Navy," was Mac’s saucy reply. "But first I want you to promise me something."

Turning serious for a moment, Harm answered. "Anything, Mac."

Smiling sweetly down at him once more, Mac made her request. "Promise not to touch me until I tell you to."

Hoping he would have the strength, Harm gulped before making his promise. "All right, Mac. I promise."

"Good answer, Sailor," Mac whispered while dragging her fingernails across the broad plain of his chest, playing in the soft hair spattering it.

When her nails brushed over his nipples, Harm jerked in reaction. "Oh damn, Mac."

"You like?"

"Hell yeah," Harm groaned as her mouth replaced her hands, closing over one of his nipples, gently biting it.

"Well, are you ready to start talking?" she questioned, knowing it wouldn’t be that easy.

The feel of her mouth on him was sensational. Harm wanted so badly to reach out to her, but he held back. Instead he uttered, "Um...I still think I need some more...persuading."

"Mmmm..." Mac started making her way down his body, licking and kissing her way down that trail of hair covering his stomach and down over his abdomen. He was arching against her in anticipation of her reaching her final destination. When she stopped just short of his throbbing erection, Harm grumbled his frustration


"Are you ready to tell me what I want to know?" When he didn’t answer right away, Mac lightly blew on the tip of his penis, before swirling her tongue around the swollen head.


Grinning to herself, Mac looked up at him. "Harm?" Watching as he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for her next onslaught, Harm shook his head no.

‘We’ll see about that,’ Mac thought smugly. Changing tactics, Mac raised herself over him, settling on his groin but not allowing him to enter her. "Open your eyes," she whispered. "Look at me, Harm."

With all of the strength he possessed, Harm slowly opened his eyes, locking his gaze on hers. When she had his undivided attention, Mac began caressing the soft skin of her stomach with her fingertips, then gliding them up her rib cage. Harm watched, mesmerized, as Mac palmed each of her breasts. His own hands ached to take their place as she fondled each globe before pinching and pulling her nipples, rolling them between her fingers.

Harm felt his body tighten as she began to rub her wet core against his cock, and he fought the urge to find release. Just watching her pleasure herself was almost his undoing, that is, until she spoke. "Don’t you want to touch me, Harm? Don’t you wish it were your hands on me?"

All the breath left his lungs when she reached down and began rubbing her clit, her finger gliding back far enough to rub his shaft at the same time. "Oh...God yes, Sarah. Let me touch you."

"Tell me, Harm. Tell me what I want to know," she moaned, still not releasing him from his self inflicted prison. "Tell me."

Harm’s control snapped. "I’m going to argue time served for brig break. Reduced sentence for treason. Going to plea bargain. Mac..."

"Touch me," she practically begged.

Wasting no time, Harm grabbed for her roughly, crushing her mouth to his. Touching her everywhere at once he finally settled on her hips, gripping them, before lifting her and slamming her down on his erection.

"Oh, Harm!" Mac cried out, closing her eyes at the intense pleasure of having him inside her.

"Ah, Mac, you feel so good...so good." Flipping them over, Harm continued to thrust into her, their mutual cries of passion echoing through the apartment. All too soon, Harm felt Mac’s orgasm rip through her body, and he followed her over the edge, exploding inside of her.

For a long time both laid there, not moving, completely spent. After a few minutes, Harm rolled off of her moving to lay on his back, before bringing her to rest on his chest. "Wow, Mac."

Practically purring, Mac whispered. "Didn’t think I had it in me, did you?"

With a lazy, satisfied smile on his face, Harm retorted, "Oh, I always knew you had it in you. I just wanted to experience it first hand. And let me tell you, baby, you were incredible."

Laying in silence for a few moments more, Mac finally broke it. "Harm?"

"Mmhmm?" he mumbled, drifting close to sleep.

"I would have given in and let you touch me."

Chuckling softly Harm countered, "I would have told you eventually without persuasion."

"I love you, Harm," she sighed in contentment.

"I love you, Mac."

Jag Headquarters

The following day

"Come on, Sturgis. There has to be something we can do. We’re not arguing that she’s not guilty, but there were mitigating circumstances in the brig break. Work with me here."

"Harm, the woman sold out her country, I have an open and shut conviction here. Give me one good reason why I should cut your client any slack, what so ever?" Sturgis knew his friend. He could already see Harm had his reason.

"Because, Sturgis, she knows she was wrong. But up until this time, she was an exemplary officer and human being. She made a mistake and is willing to pay for it. She just made the mistake of falling in love with the wrong person. He convinced her it was the only way to help save his family. She had a lapse in judgment, and here we are. You know you or I would do the same thing if someone we loved was in trouble."

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Sturgis replied. "Maybe you would, Buddy." At Harm’s knowing look, Sturgis continued. "All right, I’m listening. What do you propose?"

"Time served for the sentence on brig break. She’s suffered enough because of all the horrible things she had to endure while with Mohammed. The son of a bitch raped and beat her for Christ sake."

"That sounds plausible. Is that all?" Sturgis queried, knowing that he was about to get hit with the other shoe.

"In light of her actually helping us in bringing down Mohammed, and the mole in the CIA, we ask that her life sentence be commuted to twenty-five years, eligible for parole after ten."

"Harm, that is insane. There is no way that..."

"Sturgis, we both know that it’s in the best interest of both the Navy and the CIA to settle this as quickly and quietly as possible. Think about it."

Sighing in frustration, Sturgis looked up at his friend. Shaking his head in amazement, he answered. "All right, Harm. I’ll agree to this. But this is better than she deserves, you know that don’t you?"

"She saved lives in the end, Sturgis."

"You mean Mac, right?"

"She saved her friend and the woman I love. I owe more than this to her."

"You’ve got it, Harm." Raising to leave, Sturgis called over his shoulder, "Harm, have you told Mac?"

Grinning from ear to ear, Harm replied, "Yep!"

"Good for you. Nice doing business with you, Commander."

Nodding in the affirmative, Harm called back. "Thanks, Sturgis."

With a final nod, Sturgis closed the door behind him.

Heading back to his office Harm noticed that Mac wasn’t in hers. It was strange now, this whole new awareness of her. He had always been aware of her before, in almost every way. But now that they were together, truly together, it was different some how. And now, with the knowledge that she would be his forever, he knew he was finally whole. To quote that movie, she completed him. It was that simple.

After setting his briefcase down on his desk, Harm noticed Harriet passing outside his door. "Hey, Harriet."

Stopping in the doorway, Harriet answered. "Yes, Sir?"

Motioning her to enter, Harm tried to ask Mac’s whereabouts without trying to sound too needy. "Where is the Colonel? She’s not in her office and I was just wondering...well, I just needed...I mean..."

Harriet smiled at her friend. She knew from experience it would take a while for Harm and Mac to get used to working with each other now that they were sleeping together. It had taken Bud forever to look her in the eyes at work, just knowing what they had been doing before coming into the office. And from the look on Harm’s face, and the nervous stutter, any question on the current state of their relationship was now proof positive. They had finally gotten it right. "It’s all right, Sir. I know what you meant. The Colonel is in the Admiral’s office, Sir. He asked for me to tell you to meet them in there as well when you were done with Commander Turner."

Harm smiled sheepishly at her. "Thanks, Harriet. I guess I’m just not...I’m just not myself today, that’s all."

Not needing any further explanation, Harriet nodded. "I totally understand, Sir."

"You do?"

"Permission to speak freely, Sir."

"Permission granted," Harm answered, slightly scared of what he was about to hear.

"Well, Sir, the longer you’ve been ‘together’, the easier it will get," Harriet gave him a knowing look.

When Harm realized exactly what Harriet meant, color crept up his cheeks and stained the tops of his ears. "Well, uh...I mean, we just...how did you know that we were..."

With a smirk, Harriet countered. "That one’s easy, Commander. You have the same look on your face that Bud had the day after he got lucky."

The look on Harm’s face was comical. With his mouth hanging open, Harm fought to come up with some sort of reply to her outspokenness. He couldn’t come up with one. "Well, Lt. Sims, thank you. That will be all."

"You’re welcome, Sir." And with a conspiratorial wink she was gone, leaving Harm completely dumbfounded. Snapping himself out of his daze, Harm straightened himself and headed out the door with a goofy smile on his face. Maybe Harriet was right about the look on his face, but who the hell cared? He sure didn’t; he was way too happy to care. Besides, they would all know why the look was there soon enough.

Making a quick pit stop in Mac’s office to drop something off, Harm continued on to the Admiral’s office, whistling as he went.

Admiral Chegwidden's Office

Thirty minutes later

"So, besides the obvious ramifications, have you and Sturgis come to some sort of agreement?" A.J. quarried.

Harm answered affirmatively. "We have, Sir. Janet is being given time served on the charge of brigbreak and, Sturgis is commuting her life sentence to 25 years, parole possibilities in 10, Sir."

"I see, Commander. Very good. Now on to other things. How are you holding up, Colonel?" A.J. asked, the concern in his voice evident.

"I’m doing wonderful, Sir. My cases are under control and," she broke off to look at Harm before continuing, "I have plenty of help and support when I need it, Sir."

Looking back and forth between his two senior attorneys, A.J. couldn’t help but smile. They were definitely a couple. "Then, I guess my next question is, when am I going to have to start looking for a replacement for one of you?"

Glancing nervously at one another, Harm was the one who spoke. "Well, Sir, neither of us wants to leave. But I have asked the Colonel to marry me and she said yes, Sir," Harm responded, broad smile in place.

"Well, hot damn, Colonel, Commander. It’s about time," A. J. stood, coming around to hug Mac, before moving on to shake Harm’s hand. "Congratulations you two."

It was Mac’s turn to beam. "Thank you, Sir, for everything."

"You’re welcome, Mac. And I will do everything I can to make this as easy on you both as possible."

"Thank you, Sir," Harm placed his arm around Mac. "We would appreciate anything you could do."

"So, I suppose you want to make an announcement to the rest of the troops?"

"Maybe in a little bit. There are a few things I need to do first, then we’ll be ready."

"Very well. Dismissed."

Making their way out of the Admiral’s office, Mac inquired, "So, what is it you needed to do?"

"I have to grab something out of my office. You go on to yours and I’ll meet you there in a sec. Okay?"

"Sure, I’ll be waiting."

As she watched him make his way to his office, Mac entered her own and sat down at her desk with a thud. It was only 10:30 and already she was exhausted. Sighing, Mac straightened and reached for one of the files on her desk. That’s when she noticed it.

The black velvet jewelry case sat in the middle of the desk blotter, and with shaky hands, Mac reached for it. Picking it up, she just held it, feeling the weight, without opening it.

Harm watched her from the door way, his heart full of love for the woman in front of him. It was time to make it official. Walking over to her, he knelt, before gently taking the box from her fingers. Opening it, he took the platinum and diamond engagement ring out of its box, then looked up at her tear stained face. "Sarah Mackenzie, I have always loved you. And I promise I will always love you, now and forever." With those words, he placed the ring on her left hand, sealing his promise.

"Oh, Harm. I love you too, Sailor. Now and forever."

Gently she reached for him, kissing him tenderly. Breaking apart, Harm reached for her left hand, bringing her up with him. "Let’s go tell everyone."

"Are you ready?" Mac asked, some what breathlessly.

"I’m ready." Exiting her office, Harm noticed the Admiral and Tiner were already standing in the bull pen now as well. Taking a deep breath, Harm called for everyone’s attention. "If I could have your attention for just a moment, the Colonel and I have an announcement to make. I have asked Sarah Mackenzie to marry me and she has accepted my proposal." Harm brought their joined hands to his lips and kissed the ring on her finger.

The entire office erupted in cheers and well wishes.

And Harriet Sims just smiled.

The End

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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