JAG Headquarters
March 14, 2002

Mac was in shock.

That was the only word that would describe what she was feeling. With the door closed and the blinds drawn, no one saw as Mac let the picture slip from her fingers and flutter onto the floor. In the space of a moment her life had went from amazing to horrific, from heaven to the depths of hell, and for Sarah Mackenzie there didn’t seem to be a way out.

Struggling to fight the tears, Mac let them fall as she let her mind wonder to last night. It had been the most incredible night of her life and Mac allowed the memories to cascade over, willing them to wash away the horrible words she had just read and the images those words invoked.


In the next office, Harm was also at war with himself, albeit for an entirely different reason. Last night had been the stuff that dreams were made of. He’d finally made love to Mac, and it had been...well, absolutely earth shattering. But now they were back at work and all he could think about, or concentrate on, was when he could be alone with her again. Damn, he had it bad. ‘But,’ he thought miserably, ‘she still doesn’t know how you really feel.’ The words hadn’t been uttered last night, actually not much of anything had been uttered but their mutual shouts of pleasure. But Harm had every intention of telling her tonight. Tonight and every night for the rest of her life, if she’d let him. Closing his eyes, he let his memories of last night assault him...


Previous Day
Harm’s Apartment
North of Union Station
March 13, 2002 1830 EST

“You want anything to drink, Mac..?” Turning around to catch her answer to his question, Harm was stunned into silence. Raptly, he watched as Mac began unbuttoning her uniform blouse while slowly moving in his direction. In an instant, Harm’s body was completely on fire, again. It had been virtually impossible to sit next to her the whole ride home on that helo. If he hadn’t known that it would have gotten them both court martialed, Harm would have given into his baser instincts and initiated them into the mile high club.

And Mac had been absolutely no help what so ever. Her knowing looks, and not so casual touches all throughout the flight, had left him frustrated and in a serious state of need. Sensing his fragile thread of control about to snap, Mac had cautiously let up on him. But, every so often, she would still make her presence known, just enough to let him know who was really in charge.

Now, as Mac stood before him with her uniform shirt undone, Harm had turned to stone. Frantically he tried to hear the message his brain was trying to send, but it seemed that his senses were not going to cooperate as he stared at the beautiful bounty of her heaving breasts. ‘Reach for her, Rabb. Help her. Don’t just stand here like an idiot, DO SOMETHING!’

Instead of an action, he managed to croak, “Mac...”

“I’m ready, Harm. Just you and me. Nobody else. Are you ready for me, Flyboy?” Mac purred, sauntering over to stand in front of him. She was willing to play the aggressor if it would get her everything she had always wanted.

Harm couldn’t resist her any longer. “I...Oh, hell yeah.” Roughly he gathered her to him, his lips crushing hers in a bruising kiss. The mating of mouths flamed an already uncontrollable passion, the heat and intensity igniting like wildfire instead of waning. Their overwhelming need for each other was so strong, so overpowering, that as soon as their bodies touched two souls were fused into one. With the jolt of electricity at this new intimate contact, a spark of recognition dawned. They were both right were they were always meant to be.

Slipping his arms around her waist, Harm molded the firm but satiny flesh of her back, kneading the strong muscles under her uniform shirt. At the unbelievably erotic sensation of his rough, calloused hands moving over her smooth skin Mac shivered. The small involuntary reaction to his touch was enough to give Harm pause. Not wanting to, Harm broke the kiss, drawing in deep breaths of air he hadn’t realized he needed.

Looking intently into the bottomless depths of her beautiful brown eyes, he had to make sure. He wanted there to be no doubt about what they were about to do. “Mac, are you sure? Are you sure this is what you want?”

Cupping his cheeks between the palms of her hands, Mac starred back and into the face of her destiny. There was absolutely no question. “Harm, this is all I’ve ever wanted. And you are all I’ll ever need. Make love to me. Please don’t make me wait anymore.”

Once more, Harm couldn’t speak. The power of her words hit him full force and rocked him to the very foundation of his being. This was it. This was forever. Instead of saying a word, Harm gently gathered her to him, luxuriating in the feel of her body pressed tightly to his. Closing his eyes, he just breathed in her scent, letting her sweet but subtle fragrance fill his senses while his hands began stroking her back once again.

Mac let him set the pace, almost purring as his incredible hands became familiar with all of the lines and curves of her body. Leaning down, he began nipping at the sensitive skin on her neck and Harm could feel the exact moment that Mac began losing control. Her neck had always been one of her erogenous zones and the feel of his lips teasing the satiny skin of her throat was shooting tiny little jolts of electricity to her center. When his tongue joined in the assault, teasing that sensitive place behind her ear, all of the air left her lungs. “Harm...”

Through the passionate haze that had settled over him, Harm’s mind finally made it’s presence known, his logical side kicking in full force. Everything was happening so fast. Too fast. They needed to slow down, enjoy each other. They needed to talk, to settle things. Trying to push away from her, to distance himself, Harm started to offer up the voice of reason. Drawing a shaky breath, Harm tried to gain some semblance of control. “Mac, honey, wait. Stop. We need to talk. We need to...”

Mac knew she was losing him. She knew that they definitely needed to have a serious conversation about where they were going to go from here, relationship wise. There was also the slightly off topic matter of her stalker that needed to be discussed. But, that could wait too. Right here, right now, all Mac wanted to do was get him into his bedroom. The rest would all come out in the wash; later. She needed this. She needed him. This was it, they were finally alone, and it was about damn time.

Thinking quickly, Mac began reaching for the buttons of his uniform shirt, swiftly working each one open.

Distraction, that was the plan, and it was working. Her nails drug down his chest, just barely tickling him through the thin layer of his undershirt. When he shivered, groaning at the almost unbearable pleasure she was giving him, she allowed herself a small smile of triumph. If he was in this state fully clothed, Mac couldn’t wait till they got to the good stuff. Harmon Rabb hadn’t seen nothing yet.

Continue to Part 9

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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