Harm’s Office

Meeting her eyes one last time, Harm cleared his throat, trying desperately to change the subject back to the case. Damn if it wasn’t really warm in here all of a sudden. "You know, I think you're right. We should just put..."

"...the corporal on the stand. It's the only way we're gonna win this one, Harm," she finished emphatically.

He couldn’t help but smile. "I thought we just agreed that you’d stop finishing my sentences."

Her bright smile mirrored his. "No, we just agreed that you’d stop starting mine."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot," he conceded. There was no point in pushing it. Besides, he was thoroughly enjoying this new ease they seemed to have with each other now. Sitting back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest in contentment, he just sat there watching her as she finished her lunch.

Knowing he was watching she took her time, eating with deliberate slowness, trying to figure out what to say next to the man sitting across from her. A slight blush crept up her cheeks as she recalled the past few weeks. Harm was acting different towards her, almost....almost like he was, well, interested in her. There was a new glint in his eyes now, a light that hadn’t been there in a long time. She was still afraid to completely believe it but things were definitely different between them.

Unwilling to meet his eyes just yet, she busied herself with the clean up of the mess on his desk. When she had finished she finally looked at him. "So, you ready to get back to work, Flyboy?"

"Let’s do it." Mac arched her eyebrow at the unintentional double meaning. His only response was that killer smile. Yep, definitely different.

Harm stood up to exit the office behind Mac, lagging slightly behind. Unable to help himself he watched her retreating backside with great interest. His mind drifted back to the month before on the Seahawk, when he had caught that teeny, tiny glimpse of her undergarments as she opened the door to her quarters. God, what an incredible memory. One of the major mysteries surrounding his Marine had been answered. Who’d have thought she wore colored underwear under her
uniform? ‘Hmm...wonder what color they are tod...’

She was almost to the door when suddenly she turned and caught him staring. The abrupt action snapped him quickly out of his thoughts.

"And just what are you looking at?"

"Ummm...ahhh...nothing" he mumbled, his face turning a very interesting shade of red.

"Yeah, right. That must be why your face is nowhere near red right now," she laughed. "Out with it, Mr. Rabb," she stood, hands firmly planted on her hips, glaring at him as menacingly as she could muster in her amusement.

"I was just wondering what color they are today." It slipped out before he could catch himself. Briefly he closed his eyes, waiting for the ass kicking he just knew was on the way. But after a few tense moments he realized it wasn’t going to happen. Daring one eye open, he took in her surprised _expression, her mouth hanging slightly agape. Harm had to tramp down the urge to grab her and kiss those full, parted lips.

Mac stood stunned as the realization of what he really meant sunk in. Watching as his focus shifted from her eyes to her mouth, she decided to turn the tables on him. Two could play at this game. "Wouldn’t you like to know? I’ll tell you what, Sailor. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?" And with a saucy wink, she sashayed out of his office, making sure his eyes followed every movement.

Harm just groaned as he watched her go, all the while knowing that with out a doubt, his Marine had won this round.

Harm’s Apartment
North of Union Station
Almost 4 Months Later

"Come on, Harm. I’ve never known you to turn down free food. What gives?" Mac’s voice lilted over the line. Well, as much as ones voice can lilt through the static of a cellular phone.

Sighing in frustration, Harm answered as honest as he could. "I’m just not going to be very good company tonight. I just got home Italy, I have a serious case of jetlag and...well I....I’m just not up to it tonight, Mac." Not that he wouldn’t love to see her, he was just in a really crappy mood after everything that had happened on this last trip. Hell, after everything that had happened in the last three and a half months.

He and Mac had fought or been on opposite sides of the issues for months now. All the issues. Things had been kind of nice between them for a short time after getting back from Afghanistan. His face still flamed when he thought about that rather risqué remark he made about her underwear in his office...and the Victoria Secret bag he'd had stashed in his closet ever since then.

Right after their...discussion, he’d went out shopping, for what he couldn’t even remember now. Anyway, he had been passing by the store window and seen a matching set of really sexy, Navy blue, camouflage underwear that had reminded
him so much of Mac. Well, the camouflage reminded him of her, them being really skimpy and "Navy blue" was just the icing on the cake.

Next thing he knew, he found himself inside the store, hunting down a salesclerk to help him pick out the right size, which had turned out to be an interesting, and highly embarrassing endeavor to say the least. He’d had every intention of giving them to her right away...but then Sergei had left and one thing after another had happened and they had simply been forgotten. Well, maybe forgotten wasn’t the right word. Just ‘shelved’ for the time being.

Of course he’d probably never get up the guts to give them to her now. Things were different right now and it seemed like that conversation had happened so long ago. Even though they’d managed a few dinners alone together the last few months, things were no where near as easy between them now as they had been then.

His life had been on a steady spiral out of control since Sergei had left. Harm still shivered at the thought of Sergei and Lauren Singer leaving together and...having...God, he couldn’t even finish the thought. And then throw this last murder investigation and his new partner into the mix...no, it was just better to be alone tonight.

"Oh, come on, Harm. You have to eat. I already said I’d treat since you just got back," she pushed a little harder.

"Mac..." Just then there was a knock at the door. ‘Great. Just great.’

Heading toward the offending sound, Harm tried to end the call while reaching for the door to get rid of whoever was on the other side. "Look, Mac, there’s someone at the door. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Oka..." His voice trailed off seeing Mac standing on the other side of his door, pizza in one hand, cell phone in the other.

"Delivery," she offered up with a saucy smile.
"Anyone ever tell you that you are one pushy broad?" he asked, at the same time opening the door wider to let her in.

"All the time," she replied, smirk still firmly in place. At his answering glare, Mac relented. "All right, I’m sorry I bluffed my way in, but I really thought you wouldn’t mind. If you want me to go I will."

It was said casually but Harm caught the tinge of hurt in her statement.

Sighing Harm took the pizza from her hands and headed for the island near the kitchen area. "No, it’s okay. I’m sorry I...it’s just been a really long week."

"Italy couldn’t have been that bad, Harm." Noticing him tense slightly at the mention of his latest case, she rubbed his forearm in silent support. "What’s really wrong?"

He looked at her, her eyes pleading with him to share. Letting out a breath he sat down on one of the stools facing her. "The case...it was bad, Mac. But that’s not all of it really. Life has just been crazy lately that’s all." Looking up at her he knew he still had her undivided attention. "You know I’ve been...well all of the trouble with Sergei and his citizenship right?" At her nod of affirmation he continued. "Well, he decided to go back to Russia."

"Oh, Harm." She knew how much his brother meant to him. This had to be killing him. "Why?"

"I don’t know. He said he was lonely, that I’m never around and that he feels like back in Russia he could make more of a difference."

Mac could only remain silent. She could tell there was more to this story but for some reason he was holding back. Maybe if she just gave him some time he’d tell her what was really going on in that Rabb mind. Both Rabb minds. In a move that took her off guard, Harm reached for her hand, his fingers twining with hers.

Recovering quickly she squeezed his hand, gently, encouraging him to let the rest off of his chest.

"So, when is he leaving?"


He hadn’t answered her so she continued. "I just want to make sure I say goodbye."

When he still remained silent Mac gently prodded, "Harm?"

He was looking at anything but her and Mac was starting to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. When he finally answered he still wouldn’t look at her. "He’s already gone. He left almost four months ago."

"Four months ago? And you didn’t tell me until now?" Mac tried to keep the accusing tone out of her words but it crept in anyway. How could he not tell her about this, such an important part of his life? ‘Damn it! So much for
getting closer,’ she thought, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I’m sorry, Mac. I...just...well, I didn’t tell anybody."

"Why, Harm? There is a reason why, isn’t there?" she asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

He couldn’t hold her glare, choosing instead to study his feet. "I don’t know. I just felt like I let him down. Life has been pretty crazy for a while now, with Bud and work and...well, I wasn’t there for him. I don’t know why I didn’t
tell you. I just...couldn’t."

Mac was seething. "Sure you couldn’t. So, what? You just took him to the airport and that was the end of it? He just left?"

"I didn’t take him to the airport."
Mac was so confused she momentarily forgot her anger. "You didn’t? Why the hell not?"

"I was going to go pick him up. It was right after the case with Gunny Akers. Remember when I ran out? Well, I rushed over there to take him to the airport and he said he already had a ride. He said goodbye and left...with Laure Singer."

The shock must have been evident on her face because Harm gave her a sympathetic look before continuing on. "Yeah, kind of felt the same way. I’ve been trying for almost a year to steer him away from her but he was just so God damn...stubborn."

Mac didn’t even try to hold back her snort of laughter.

"What is so funny?" Harm asked incredulously.

"Imagine that. The Rabb men being stubborn," she replied barely containing her mirth.

"I am not stubborn," Harm pouted.

"HA! Try stubborn and pig headed and arrogant. Oh, and let’s not forget that you pout like little A.J. Roberts when you don’t get your way."

"I do not pout," Harm huffed indignantly.

"Oh really? So then how come your bottom lip is sticking out right now?" Mac asked, one eyebrow raised. "And you acted like a total ass in my courtroom...and out of it for that matter."

Sighing, Harm conceded, knowing she had him there. "I really am sorry about that, Mac."

Taken by surprise at his candor, Mac stammered, "For being an ass?"

Looking her in the eyes he replied, nodding solemnly, "For everything. For not telling you about Sergei, for my less than flattering comments and behavior lately, for..." his mind drifted back to the image of a very attractive Lt. Commander in nothing but a towel. He wasn’t even interested in Manetti at all but even looking at someone other than Mac now felt like a betrayal.

Mac noticed the struggle taking place within him. Things were now way too deep, and it was definitely time to change the subject. She'd tear into him some more *after* they ate. "Look, it’s been a long week for you, and for me. How about we just, for right now, forget about everything and just concentrate on digging into this pizza? What do ya think?"

Letting a smile tug at the corner of his lips, he nodded in agreement. "I think you, Sarah Mackenzie, are a very wise woman."

"Of course I am. That’s why you need me around," she smiled sweetly, getting up to grab them some plates.

"Yeah, I do," Harm replied softly.

Later, after the pizza had been finished and the mess cleaned up, and after Mac had chewed him out a little more for not telling her about Sergei, they sat on the couch silently, side by side, arms barely touching. It was a familiar position for them, comfortable. Yet, somehow, now it left both wanting more than just "comfortable". With light jazz playing in the background, it seem the most natural thing in the world for Harm to bridge the distance between them and let his arm drape across her shoulders.

A little surprised, Mac’s eyes met his; his eyes asking for permission, her shy smile letting him know it was welcome. Still with no words, her head fell to his shoulder as his hand brushed lightly up and down her bare arm in time with the music. When his fingertips found a particularly sensitive place on her elbow, he felt her shiver.

"Mmm, you cold, Mac?"

The husky rumble of his voice had a profound effect on her. It was just a simple question, but just the way he said it made it sound more like an invitation. But an invitation to what she wasn’t sure. Maybe it was time to test the waters a little bit. "Maybe," she whispered back, her hand coming up to trace invisible circles on his chest, her answer leaving the door wide open for wherever it was he wanted to take them.

Harm sat there, letting the music and her touch intoxicate him. He knew exactly where he wanted to take them, but he still wasn’t convinced that she was ready for that yet. But what, exactly, could he do to find out? The smooth sound of the tenor sax mimicked the lazy patterns being drawn on his chest, giving him an idea. Halting her movements, he took her hand in his, bringing it up to his lips before placing feather light kisses on each of her fingertips.

Mac sucked in a desperate breath. Her lungs had quit functioning while she sat, mesmerized by his every movement. Before she could find her voice he spoke. "Dance with me, Mac."

Wordlessly, Mac nodded and Harm rose, pulling her up with him and walking her to the center of the dimly lit room, before taking her into his arms. Both sighed in contentment, marveling at how perfectly their bodies fit together. So caught up in each other, neither noticed that the music had stopped, continuing to sway to the music only they could hear. Their rhythm was slow and unhurried, her hands playing in the hair at the nape of his neck, his rubbing her back just under her shirt, dipping every once and while beneath the waistband of her jeans.

This was totally new territory for them, and they both knew it, they both accepted it. It was as if, now that they were here, in this moment, they had all the time in the world. They had been "dancing around" each other for years now, it couldn’t be this simple, could it?

With his chin resting lightly on the top of her head, he happened to glance over at the window. "Hey, Mac. Look at that."

Following the direction of his gaze she looked on, shocked, as white flakes fluttered past the window. "Wow. It’s really coming down."

Hand in hand they moved to the glass. As they watched the snow fall together, she felt his arms wrap around her from behind, his chin coming to rest lightly on her shoulder. Mac couldn’t help the contented sigh that escaped her. This was more than she ever could have hoped for this evening. Originally the plan had been to just spend some time with him; laugh and joke and just generally enjoy each other’s company, which they had not had a lot of time to do lately. And that’s exactly how the evening had started out, even after his initial hesitancy, but it had definitely morphed into something more. Much more. Not that she wasn’t enjoying it, it was just...unexpected.

Harm heard her sigh as she snuggled back against him, content. He definitely felt the same. He hadn’t planned on any of this when he had reluctantly let her in this evening. He just figured they’d hang out like they normally did and maybe she’d succeed in cheering him up. Well, she’d done that in spades. He felt like he was floating. If felt great, being able to just hold her. No expectations, nothing else to worry about, just two people enjoying each other...and Harm realized he didn’t want it to end.

Standing there a few minutes longer Harm lightly kissed her cheek before whispering, "It looks like it’s really getting bad out there."

She sighed again, this time in disappointment. "Yeah, I should probably head home."

"You know, you don’t have to do that. It’s a Friday night. Why don’t you just stay here tonight?" he asked, hoping all the while she’d take him up on the offer.

She met his eyes in the reflection of the window, preparing to decline. When he just smiled back at her she knew she wouldn’t be going anywhere tonight. "All right. But I need to shower, and then I’ll need something to sleep in."

"Hey you know where everything is. Just grab some stuff out of the closet on your way to the shower," he replied, pushing her towards his bedroom, oblivious to the possible ramifications of the outing he had just sent her on.

"And what are you gonna do while I’m doing that?" she threw over her shoulder, grabbing her purse on her way into the other room.

"Make you some hot chocolate," he grinned, knowing it was one of her favorites.

"You know, you’re all right...for a Squid," her voice carried across the apartment. She heard him chuckling as she opened the closet door. Rummaging around, she finally found a suitable sweatshirt and a pair of huge, drawstring sweat pants under a Victoria Secrets bag. She had almost shut the closet door when it registered what she had just seen. Opening the door again, she reached in, extracting the dainty bag from the closet while eyeing it suspiciously.

Looking around to make sure Harm was no where near, Mac peered into the bag. Moving the tissue paper aside, what she saw made her heart beat a little bit faster. It was a matching bra and panty set, Navy blue camouflage, and a card with her name on it. With trembling fingers she lifted the items out of the bag, setting the underwear to the side before opening the card.

She skimmed the inside not once, but twice, trying to make her brain comprehend the words she was reading. It was completely blank except for the inside of the card which simply read...

I’ll show you mine, if I can see you in these.


Mac was stunned. Their conversation from months ago came rushing back. Her blatant flirting to his risqué comment had obviously affected Harm more than she thought. Not that she hadn’t played that little exchange over in her mind a few times as well, but after all of these months it had just been placed in that mental file along with all of the other conversations that had yielded no outcome.

Picking up the undergarments, she couldn’t help but laugh just a little. Of course they’d be Navy blue. Damn Squid. Glancing at the card one more time, Mac stood, taking it and the underwear with her into the bathroom area. If he wanted to see her in them, then she’d give him the show of his life.

Harm had noticed that it was awfully quiet on the other side of the apartment. He hadn’t heard the shower start yet and was about to go check and make sure everything was okay when he finally heard her turn on the water. Figuring everything was fine he went back to work on their drinks. He had even decided to bake her some chocolate chip cookies from the pre-cut package he had in his fridge. They weren’t as good as homemade, but hey, they’d have to do. Noticing when the water shut off just a few minutes later, he had to laugh. She showered with an efficiency any Marine would be proud of. He figured he had maybe ten minutes, at the most, to finish getting everything ready for her.

He had just got the cookies on a plate and her hot chocolate poured when he sensed her behind him. Picking the plate up, he was turning around to offer her a cookie as he spoke. "Hey, Mac. I just got your hot chocolate done and I made you some coo..."

When he turned completely around from the island counter, the words died in his throat. Before him was a vision he’d only allowed himself in his dreams. There she was, standing there on the steps leading to his bedroom, in nothing but that matching bra and panties...and all he could do was stare. No words, no motor functions at all. None, except for one automatic response. Was it really possible to be instantly and painfully aroused just by looking at someone? Of course, Sarah Mackenzie was no ordinary someone. Whatever fantasies he had had concerning Mac in this particular pair of underwear paled in comparison to the real thing.

She was a goddess. The cups of the bra barely held the fullness of her incredible breasts, and the strings of the bikini panties hung low on her curved hips, just covering her...he gulped. Wow! Long, long legs that go on forever. Holy shit, she had a belly button ring. How sexy is that?! He also noticed that she had put some make up on as well, her full lips shining with a light coat of gloss. Stunning. She was absolutely gorgeous. Harm was fully aware that his mouth was hanging open but was helpless to do anything about it.

This was the reaction Mac had been expecting so she was more than prepared to take the initiative. Walking over to stand as close to him as she could, without touching, Mac looked up at him through her eyelashes. "You made me hot chocolate and cookies? That is so sweet," she practically purred while reaching over to take a cookie from the plate. Bringing it to her lips, she moaned in delight, her eyes fluttering shut after biting into the warm treat. "Oohhh, Harm. This is sooo good."

Chancing a glance at his face, Mac laughed out right. His lips and throat were working furiously, but no sound was coming out at all. "What’s wrong, Harm? Cat got your tongue?" she teased.

"Ma...Ma...Mac, what are you doing?" Harm stammered. He still hadn’t moved, afraid that in his state of arousal, if he moved at all she didn’t stand a chance.

"I thought that was pretty obvious. I’m taking you up on your offer," she replied, waving his card in front of his nose. "So, what do you think? Now that I’ve shown you mine, are you man enough to show me yours?" There it was. The challenge had been issued, for the last time as far as Mac was concerned. If he didn’t take her up on this then...

The plate clattered noisily to floor, it’s contents all but forgotten, and it didn’t take her long to realize he had every intention of taking her up on her offer. That is, when she could think at all with him kissing her. Kissing her, hell, more like devouring her. All Mac could do was grab a hold of the sides of his face and hang on for dear life...and kiss him back of course.

Harm’s control was gone. No more fighter pilot with nerves of steel. No more JAG lawyer with all of the answers. All that was left was a man. A man who desperately needed the woman he now held in his arms. Tearing his mouth away from hers, both stood panting, both trying to get a hold of the need that had sparked out of control with just one kiss.

"Mac..." Harm gasped, still trying to catch his breath. "I...I need you, Mac."

"Well..." Mac panted as well. "What are you waiting for then? Show me yours so we can get this show on the road, Sailor," she offered up a sexy smile, eyebrow quirked in invitation.

"Mmm, I think that can be arranged," he managed before claiming her lips again.

While their lips battled, Mac’s hands came up to splay across his chest, fingering the buttons on his black silk shirt. In a flurry of activity his shirt and his soft, faded jeans melted away from his lithe, still athletic frame as the pair made their way to the bedroom. Damn he was in better shape now than when she had first met him.

Pulling away when they reached the bed, she let her eyes roam over his body soaking up every detail. Yum! There were those scrumptious, white cotton boxers that she just knew she’d find under those ass hugging Levi’s of his. "Very nice, Commander."

He had the decency to look slightly embarrassed. "Come on, Mac. They’re no where near as impressive as yours," he gave her a shy smile while ogling her unabashedly before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I guess we have you to thank for that," she replied, coming to stand in between his legs.

Harm reached for her, bringing her closer, his breath fanning across her flat stomach. He began placing open mouthed kisses all over her, working his way to the center before running his tongue around the ring she had in her belly button. The sensation was almost enough to make her knees buckle.

Hearing her groan of pleasure Harm continued to tease her, his kisses becoming more bold. With every stroke her hips moved closer to his mouth, begging for more. Harm was more than willing to give her what she wanted. With nothing but Navy blue camouflage in sight, his mouth found the top of her bikini panties, his tongue tracing the line where skin and material met.

It was then that reality decided to creep into her sexually hazy mind. They were finally there, her and Harm, about to have sex. Sex. Was that all this was to him? It had to be more than that. She needed to tell him. He needed to know. He needed all of the details before they took this next step. He needed to know up front what this would mean to her. But she couldn’t do that with his mouth...oh God...

"Harm...Harm wait," she pleaded breathlessly.

He could feel her stiffening in his arms, starting to withdraw from him, but he chose to try and ignore it. "What is it?" he asked, still placing butterfly kisses all over her stomach.

"I have to say it...I have to tell you," but man it was difficult to speak with him doing that.

"Tell me what, Mac?" he asked, not sure he wanted to hear the answer.

"That...I love you, Harm."

Whew...he started breathing again. "I love you, too," he murmured as if it was the easiest thing in the world to admit, still keeping up his assault on her skin.

‘He still doesn’t get it. Damn!’ Mac groaned to herself. Halting his ministrations with her own hands, Mac looked him straight in the eye. "No, you don't understand. I love you," she drew out each word, as if trying to make a small child to understand.

He held her face gently in both hands. "I know, Mac," he said, pulling her face closer. "I love you, too." With that he took her lips again, feeling her respond instantly, kissing back, opening her mouth under his.

She was warm and alive again. Grabbing the back of his head she pressed harder, kissing him back with all of the heat and passion she had in her, and it blew every other kiss he'd ever had up to this point in his life out of the water. Sliding his hands up to her firm behind he grasped her hips, turning her around before pulling all of that fleshy pleasure directly onto his lap, her back against his chest. Feeling all of that sexy warmth against him only served to throw him that much closer to the edge.

Taking a hand and placing it on her thigh, he began to kneed the soft flesh. With the other hand he brushed her short, dark tresses away from her neck, exposing her shoulder. From this position he looked over her shoulder, his eyes traveling a path down the long column of her throat, down to the crevasse between her breasts, her low-cut bra serving to emphasize the large mounds. The sight of that beautiful bounty caused his cock to swell even more and he knew Mac could feel it because she began to moan. "Oh, Harm..."

Leaning forward he brushed his lips against the exposed skin of her neck, feeling her pulse beating wildly, as her head fell back against his shoulder in silent surrender. She faintly smelled of flowers and jasmine from the soap and lotions she always used. It made her even more enticing, her skin even more delectable. As he was kissing his way down her neck, her hands sought out his, her hands covering his own as he stimulated her.

"You smell incredible," he growled into the sensitive skin of her neck.

"It feels so good," she gasped as he stuck out his tongue, licking and then sucking his way down her neck and over her smooth shoulder.

Harm worked his way up, sliding the hand that was squeezing her thigh up between her legs. Running the tips of his fingers over her panty-covered mound she moaned again, as he prodded her lightly. Tracing his fingertips up and down, he could feel her panties getting wetter and wetter, her passion mounting.

"Turn around and straddle me, Mac," Harm instructed, his voice husky. She did as she was told, and the resulting friction set his cock surging. Her hands began to rub his back and shoulders, down his strong muscular arms before moving up to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck, encouraging him, urging him closer.

With his free hand, he reached around to unclasp her bra. "Oh yes, Harm," she said, egging him on. "Take it off me…"

Drawing the straps off her shoulders and down her arms, Harm finally tossed the garment aside before looking back. There they were, her beautiful, naked breasts being displayed before him. He couldn’t help it. He just sat there for a bit, studying them, awed by their perfection. He had no idea how long he had been staring at her when he was interrupted from his trance by her voice. "Well, are you just going to stare?" she asked coyly.

Pulling back slightly he caught her eye. She was flushed, yet glowing, a sheer expression of passion on her face and lust in her eyes. But there was...more. It wasn’t just passion and fire he saw there, there was unconditional love radiating from them. It was then that he noticed Mac was studying him just as intently. Harm realized he must have had the exact same _expression on his own face and in his eyes because she had stopped moving on his lap and leaned in, her generous chest pressed against his, her erect nipples rubbing sensuously against his body.

Placing her soft cheek against his, he felt her flawless skin against his own rough, unshaven face. "I love you, Harm," she said into his ear as he kissed her cheek.

"I love you too, Mac."

"Good. Now touch me, Harm," she issued her sensual demand.

Wanting to please her, he reached both hands up to cup each breast. Her nipples poked into his palms as he gently squeezed each mound, surprised, not for the first time, at how firm and full they were. Harm had always knew Mac had a knockout chest, but this was incredible. He began to play with each one, squeezing and rubbing before slowly twisting and pulling each nipple. With feather light strokes, he traced concentric circles outward, toward her areolas before cupping his hands under each mass, massaging them.

As he worked magic on her breasts she began to rock forward again on his lap, rubbing his shaft against her aching center through both layers of their underwear. Arching her back, she filled his hands with her breasts, putting her hands on the mattress behind her so she wouldn’t fall. The intimacy of the position wasn’t lost on either one of them, and both cried out as her bouncing increased in speed and Harm began to flex his hips upward, increasing the pressure between them.

Knowing she was close to climax she stopped, righting herself on his lap. She wasn’t ready to give in just yet. She wanted to touch and explore his body too. Not wasting any time she brought her hands between them to begin rubbing him through his boxers. He was stiff and ready for her, and her slim fingered hand reached into the small hole of his boxer shorts, causing him to gasp when he felt her finally encircle his cock.

Her cool fingers felt so good on his heated flesh. Not to be out done, Harm slipped his hand into her soaked panties, his nimble fingers slipping easily through her slick folds. Mac was still grinding against him, Harm’s palm cupping her mound. As her speed increased, she started to pump his shaft in time with her thrusts.

Without warning her back arched and she screamed something unintelligible, her movements becoming stiffer as Harm realized she was climaxing. Rubbing her breasts more roughly, he finally leaned forward and brought one of her nipples to his lips for the first time as his other hand continued to manipulate her clit.

"Oh yes! Ah, Harm...that’s it, just like that...oh..." she encouraged him, releasing his shaft to hold on to his shoulders. A few more strokes and she was there, soaring.

Harm felt her release flood out and over his fingers as he continued to stroke her through the last tremors of her orgasm. Collapsing forward, Mac rested against his shoulder, his arms coming around her to hold her close to him. With him rubbing her back lightly, Mac finally found enough energy to lift her head and look at him.

"That was incredible, Harm," she whispered, the awe evident in her voice.

"Yes, it was," He answered her solemnly. "So beautiful..."

Giving him another of her shy, little girl smiles, Mac teased, "You didn’t get much out of it though. I’m sorry."

"Don’t be sorry, Mac." Laying back, taking her with him, he rolled them over until he was on top of her before kissing her soundly. "I’ll get mine soon enough," he replied, before nibbling his way down her body once more.

When he reached her last piece of clothing, Harm moved to kneel between her legs, which she held open for him. Grasping the strings at the sides, he pulled her little panties down to her thighs, exposing all of her to him for the first time. He then pulled her underwear to her knees and she brought each leg up, allowing him to take them off of her completely. Inhaling deeply, he could smell her arousal, clearly evident on her damp underwear.

Bending over, he placed a small kiss just above the dark curls covering her. Before he could get too distracted, he moved off of the bed and stood to dispose of his boxers. When she started to sit up to help him, he stopped her. "No, stay on your back. I just want to look at you...to see you like this," he pleaded.

Pulling his boxers down he stood over her, finally naked. Taking his cock into one hand he just continued to stare at her while he pleasured himself. She looked so perfect lying there, waiting for him. Her face was framed by her short, dark hair spilling over his pillow. "You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Mac." The whole time those big brown eyes were watching him, pleadingly with him, trying to convey her need to him as well.

Mac watched the lust and love cloud his beautiful blue eyes. Never in her life had she seen anything as erotic as a completely aroused Harmon Rabb touching himself...because of her. But as exciting as it was, she wanted to feel him. They’d both waited long enough.

Without a word, Mac sat up on the side of the bed, her face coming within inches of his erect penis. Looking up at him from her position on the bed, Mac licked her lips before leaning forward just enough to touch the tip of her tongue to the head of his cock. She heard his breath catch in his throat before he groaned out right. Encouraged by his response, Mac started kissing and licking the head, sucking it gently into her mouth.

As amazing as it felt to have her mouth on him, Harm was ready to be inside of her. Pulling out of her mouth, Harm looked down at her, conveying the silent message. She seemed to understand him completely because she began scooting back into the middle of his big bed.

Following her down, he covered her, easing her back into the mound of pillows at the head of the bed. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she rubbed her heated core against him. The contact was exquisite.

"This is it, Mac. I’m...are you..."

Nodding, she set him at ease. "I’m sure, Harm. I’ve always been sure."

"I know." And with that, he eased his way inside of her.

Both moaned loudly at the incredible feeling of the other’s body. God it had been such a long, long time. Harm marveled at how amazingly tight she was, knowing she hadn’t been with anyone since Mic. Of course he hadn’t been with anyone since Renee. It was going to be an overwhelming relief to know he wouldn’t have to be careful what name he shouted at that critical moment. With the others it had been quite a struggle.

He pulled out to the tip and then slowly slid back in, but only a couple of inches. Spreading her legs further, Mac begged him to go deeper. Setting the tortuously slow pace, Harm pressed in deeper into her, her muscles tightening around his shaft with each downward plunge. He couldn’t believe how tight she was making it for him.

Mac was in heaven too. Harm filled her completely, every stroke was perfect, hitting all of the right spots. However, he seemed to be intent on taking this slow.

Well, Mac wasn’t having it. She began to lift off the bed, meeting each of his downward strokes with an upward one of her own. Her hips moved up and down on the bed, increasing the sensations for both of them.

Finally Harm gave in, speeding up his pace, pistoning in and out of her while she held fast to the bed sheets, bracing herself. Her inner muscles gripping him, milking him, were making it extremely difficult for him to last, but he wasn’t about to complain.

"It feels so good. Oh God, Mac. You feel so good..." he panted between thrusts.

"Please, Harm...please..." she begged as he pumped into her one, two, three more times and then she was once again riding a tidal wave of sensation, her orgasm washing over her.

The tightening muscles surrounding him were suddenly too much. Harm finally let himself go, shouting out her name. "Sarah..."

Her mouth sought out his as he shuddered violently and filled her completely, spilling his seed deep inside her. Pulling him down, she wrapped her arms tightly around the body atop hers. For along time after she continued to stroke his back lovingly, easing him back down to earth with each caress.

"Is this uncomfortable for you?" he asked, murmuring softly into her breast.

"I’ve never felt more wonderful," she answered sincerely.

"I know what you mean. I’ve never felt like this before." There was a slight pause before he spoke again, and when he did Mac could tell he was close to sleep. "I love you, Mac."

"I know, Harm. I know," she whispered before joining him in slumber.


JAG Headquarters
Monday Morning

Harm whistled merrily on his way to his office, totally oblivious to the curious stares of the other JAG staff. The weekend couldn’t have been better had it been planned. And Mac...Mac was amazing, absolutely amazing. They had stayed in the apartment all weekend, enjoying the time off and each other. And after making love all weekend he still felt like he couldn’t get enough of her. How he’d went so long without this incredible high, he’d never know.

Glancing over to her office he noticed her already working, her head bent over a file on her desk. Christ, she was beautiful. Instantly, vivid memories of the past two days flooded his mind. He thought for a moment about taking a detour over and "distracting" her, but decided against it. If he went in there right now they’d both be in big trouble.

Walking quickly to his office Harm entered, shutting the door behind him, before noticing the very festive gift bag sitting in the middle of his desk. Plucking the plain card out of the top, Harm opened it and read...

Want to know what color they are today?
I’ll show you mine if I can see you in these...


Curiosity killed the cat, and Harm fingered the card for a moment longer before boldly throwing caution to the wind and digging though the mounds of tissue paper.

His laughter could be heard all the way through the bullpen, and no one but the Marine Colonel in the next office could understand why Harmon Rabb was in his office holding up a pair of Marine, standard issue boxer shorts.

The End. <g>

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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