JAG: Defensive Action

Airdate: March 13, 1996.

Harm gets his promotion, to Lieutenant Commander. He and Meg are sent to investigate an apparently unprovoked attack on a Serbian aircraft by the Seahawk's CAG, Captain Thomas Boone, an action that threatens the ceasefire. As political pressure mounts, Washington calls for an immediate court-martial, and assigns JAG's best prosecutor, Commander Krennick, to the case. Harm exercises his privileges as JAG officer to commandeer a helo for a night jump into Bosnia to find and rescue his key witness.

All Episode Summaries Used By Permission From DJE Online

© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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