Welcome to the Web-Studio for LAD Art Underground.
The underground has actually been around for quite some time.
Created in
Riverside, California, from the scribbles & doodles of it's creator, Me. Eventually the freebies would become the basis of the business that was yet to come. LAD is this pen name that I have used since 1982 & it has stuck with my artwork of many forms since that time.
It was only obvious for me to use it as the business title, & the term
'Art Underground' comes from the fact that most of my work has been geared towards the 'underground' music scene.
I started the actual business in 1986 & operated it successfully untill 1992, before moving to
Washington State, where I put down my drawing for awhile.
In November of 2001, I began to bring my visions to life once again. I have relocated to
Mesa, Arizona, & have begun the process of re-establishing the old business once again. Perhaps a bit better now with the addition of computer created graphics & animation thrown in with the old school creations by hand.
No matter what needs to be done, I strive for perfection in the highest manner.
I am my only hardest to please critic.
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