Pilates Decision

A. Jesus On Trial

  1. Jesus before the earthly judge.
  2. Pilate before the judge of all the earth
  3. The most important decision of his life
  4. We must also make this desicion









































Thursday, Friday

1st Sunday of the month

8:00 - 9:45 am

9:45 - 11:00 am

4:00 - 5:00 pm

4:00 - 6:00 pm

4:00 - 5:00 pm

11:00 - 11:30 am

Long ago, God made the world. He made all the animals and gave them everything they needed to live. And he made people a man and a woman.

The man and the woman disobeyed God. They sinned. As time went on there were more and more people on earth. They sinned too. They hurt each other, and no one thought about God anymore.

No one except Noah, that is. Noah loved God. So God talked to Noah and told him that make a big boat called and Ark. He told Noah how to make the ark and even where to put the window and door. The ark would save Noah, his family any many animals from the big flood that would cover the whole earth .

Right away Noah obeyed God and began building the ark. Bang! Bang! Bang! went Noah's Hammer. Chop!chop!chop! went hios ax. The neighbors may have come running to see what he was buliding. If they did, they probably watched as Noah and his Three sons cut down great big trees, sawed them into strong boards and nailed the boards together.

Noah's neighbors probably would have just laughed because they did not want to obey him.

But NOah believed God. He loved God very much and wanted to obey him. Noah and his three sons went on building. Bang!bang!bang! went their hammer and chop!chop!chop! went their axes. THen one day their great big boat was finished.

"Now Two animals of each kind will come to the ark" God told Noah. So Noah collected great piles of food for all the animals. He filled large room with hay for cows and horses and sheep and goats. Then the animals went into the ark.

A mother and a father elephant, a father and a mother giraffe, and a father and a mother goose, and many, many ,many other animals went into the big boat. Birds Flew in the open window and perched in their places Snakes crawled in too. The Ark was like a zoo. And what a noise all the animals made!.

Noah , his wife his three sons and their wives went into the ark. God himself shut the door. They were Safe! They listened as rain drops started falling. Carefully they listened and more and more raindrops fell from the sky.

The rain fell all day and all night. It kept raining the next day and night. It rained and the ground . Water filled the rivers and over the dry land. The water rose higher and higher. It covered the houses and tall trees and even the mountains.

All the animals and Noah's family were safe and dry inside the ark. God was keeping them safe because Noah had belieced God and had obeyd him.

Sunday School

Worship Service

Cottage Prayer Meeting

Weekend Prayer Meeting

Pastor's Visitation

Communion Service

Noah and the Ark

No Faults Found in Jesus

Tears on Easter Morning
Pharaoh: Man In Rebellion
Jesus on the Cross
The Gospel
God of God's
To God be the Glory