JUST DO IT, motto LC Netherlands president 2001/2002, Marjan de Groot
Click to go to website of Ladies Circle #40 Voorne, Netherlands Click to go to personal website of Anke-Thea Dijkman, national secretary LCNL 2001-2003 Logo Ladies Circle Netherlands Pins for sale for LCI project Zambia. € 5.00 a piece (excl. postage/package). To order: e-mail vstern@lcvoorne.nl or your national board

January 2002
Dear world Circlers,

what to write here, I wonder. How to describe nine years of Circling, two of them as Circle in formation and seven years of what feels like full time Circling, despite job, friends and family.
Years of service, friendship and learning. Years of sharing, making friends, learning to work with fellow-Circlers, building and creating, fundraising, promotion and internet!

What I did in Circle can be found on this website. But the website itself I created as the perfect way to extend friendship and to let the world know that there is this wonderful organisation called Ladies' Circle.

Since 1998 I have initiated, been managing and promoting the Circle Friendship List (CFL), a way to keep in touch with Circlers all over the world through e-mail. I am immensely grateful for the 100+ faithful and interested members that share their Circle experiences with us.

As National Secretary I now have the opportunity to take communication further. Since August 2001 our National Board sends out a monthly newsletter by e-mail to 220 Dutch Circlers, crammed with news and short information. Circle events, news from the board, LCI news and contact information.

Ladies' Circle Netherlands (LCNL) grows one year and diminishes the next. Like many Circle countries, it is not a given fact that we grow all the time. Something to give hard attention to. It helps to know exactly who is in our national club, what the age build-up is, and the average size of each Circle. We try our hardest to keep LCNL growing and flourishing.

But whatever the amount of members, the friendship is always great. And the opportunities we have to help others are even greater. It is indeed a privilege to be part of it all. And to be part of Ladies' Circle Voorne, is the best thing of all.

In friendship
National Secretary of LC Netherlands
I love hearing from you!
P.S. If you like travelling and are curious about my travels to 28 countries, then do visit AT's Travels

Thank you!

BRANDNEW LADYBIRD PIN for the LCI project Zambia.
Only � 5.00 (excl. postage/package) a piece. Designed by Anke-Thea
Please e-mail LCI president or your national board.

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