To Be Added Soon... mean while, I hope you will enjoy the rest.. If you have a question, please don't hesitate to email me, or write. I will reply ASAP.
Thank you for your patience..and for visiting my site. Right now this is the only page under construction, the rest are complete for you to enjoy. The Catalog with Doll Pictures, the Home Business Page should make your visit worth while.

In the mean time..look around my site, and at the pictures of the dolls on my online catalog...(don't be afraid of the bigger dolls..they also go together quite easily...and they are great sellers!)
If you would like..I'll be happy to send you a FREE List of the Dolls I have, and will email you of Updates, and Special Sales Automatically so you won't miss out. Tell a friend about my site, perhaps they want to make extra money too! Thanks for visiting ..
Make 2001 Pay-off for You!


Just email me, or write me, with Name & Address with your request for My Doll List,Future Sales, and Updates to My Site..Thanks

LaDonna's Dolls 592 Harris Creek Rd. Jacksonville, NC 28540
or Phone:(910) 455-5638
Fax:(910) 938-0351

or EMAIL : [email protected]

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