Myth & Magic
Elves & Druids

There are 7,500 Druids in Great Britain

It should be noted that the Druids and Celts inhabited not only Ireland and Scotland, but all of Europe. The reason they are known mainly from Ireland and Scotland is that the Romans did not occupy these lands when they had supposedly conquered "the world."

The Celts had an alliance with the Greeks! About 400 BC, the Celts actually sacked Rome, a good reason for the Romans to want to eradicate them.

The Druids were the priestly caste whose duties were somewhat all-encompassing, in that they were also the teachers, the judges, and the law of the land. They were in a way the keepers of all knowledge.
Most people know what elves are, but here's the semi-technical definition: Elf - a small, often mischievous creature considered to have magical powers. Most people associate elves with pointy hats, curled up shoes, mushrooms and Santa Claus. You make it up, because mythical creatures require lots of imagination to, um, work. There you have it. Now go make some mischief.

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Due to the prevalence of red and blonde hair among the Celts and Germans, and the name of "Dan" being common (Danmark, Tuatha de Danaan), one could reasonably assume descendance from the Israelite tribe of Dan. Furthermore, the similarity in pronunciation of "Eire" and "Ur" produces speculation that the Israelites and the Celts may be orginally from the same area. Thus are the people of the world related.     g-StudiousTroll.gif - 62724 Bytes

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