Rhiannon's Frequently Asked Questions Page

Merry Meet! Please take a moment to read over this page, before emailing me. I have received hundreds of emails from people who go to my website and have further questions. Many of them are common questions, so I figured I would address them here. Some questions are good questions and in no way am I discouraging people to ask them. The questions on this page are some of the more ridiculous questions I receive--but I receive them a lot, so I figured I'd make this page.

This section of the FAQ will be for the positive questions I get. I get a lot of genuine questions from people, despite what some of the other FAQ says! So here I will answer some questions I think everyone can benefit from.

I used to practice Magick but have gotten out of practice. How do I develop my skill again?
This is a great question. We all go through times in our lives when we don't really feel like practicing our faith; when we'd rather watch old Seinfeld episodes instead of practicing magick; and times when we just don't feel connected to Mother Earth and the Goddess. That's okay. Don't feel guilty. This isn't Catholicism-there isn't a quota that needs to be filled.

First, I would journal or do a spell to discover the reason for this lapse. Pinpoint when you stopped practicing and what the reason was. Did something happen in your life to make your faith waver? Did you lose interest? Do you feel depressed or stressed about your life and didn't want to practice? Are you too busy? There could be a million reasons. So figure out what it is.

Next, meditate. Contemplate the reason you're out of practice. Perhaps the Goddess is testing you. For me, I ask, "Is Lord Ganesha putting obstacles in my path to show me I'm on the wrong road?" When something in our life is out of whack, meaning off balance or unhealthy, our magickal abilities are often times dulled. Think of it like being intoxicated: your senses are dulled, you don't really feel connected to life or people around you, your coordination is altered, and your mind is cloudy. Definitely not a positive environment for building magick and releasing the energy into the world!!

"I am only 16 years old and nobody takes me serious when i say that i am Wiccan my parents nor my friends, but i am serious about becoming Wiccan. I just dont know much about the religion i mean i know about most of the beliefs but i want to know more about the history behind the religion."
First, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about your beliefs. Your religion is very personal and doesn't need to be judged by others. My advice is to ignore the comments and focus on your own thing. It's hard when you're 16 and still at home. To learn more, I suggest reading books! Read everything on Wicca you can get your hands on. Most larger cities have "new age" stores and they'd carry a large selection of pagan books. Also try www.witchvox.com to find pagans in your area who are your age.

E-mail for Lady Morgan le Fey

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