<BGSOUND SRC="goyourownway.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Open letter to the rest of the country!.....

Ok, here's the deal:

We here in Florida have all gotten together and decided it was time to respond to all the jokes insinuating that we don't know how to vote. Fact is, we have decided to hold the rest of the country hostage with these election results till you come and take your parents back home with you!

That's right, we're tired of hearing how good it was back home and how beautiful your children are. We can't stand it any longer!

We're running out of Depends down here, and it's gonna get messy.

And where did they learn how to DRIVE???

You want a president, we want the speed limit over 20 mph......Is it a deal?..............

George W. you listening? How about you, Mr., Gore? Ya gettin this?

We need a break, and quit sending the Canadians down here too!  We mean it, we're not lettin the results out, we'll stall with law suits and claim ballot fraud, anything till you come and take the old farts outta here!

The State of Florida
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