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Rauresu2.jpg (56478 octets) Rauresu is the main character of a manga called Seimaden, by You Higuri but as I "read" the manga only in Japanese, I'm not really sure about what I will speak about.
It seems to me that Rauresu is the king of the demons. Once he was a human being (a prince in think) and he was in love with a girl, then the girls died and Rauresu became the king of the demons. But the girl reincarnated in another human being called Hilda whose Rauresu is in love with. But the problem is that he can't stay in the world of human for too long because it's not good for his health.
But there is another problem. Rauresu has a servant called Tetiyus who is a demon who looks like an angel and who's in love with him. Tetiyus is terribly jalous of Hilda and he tries many times to kill her.
Even if Rauresu is not in love with Tetiyus, he has a great affection for him, that's why he always forgive him (and Tetiyus has so much problems that he doesn't need Rauresu to punish him!!)

Hum... that's all!!!! (just one more thing... Rauresu is just too handsome and I really like his ears!!!!!)

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