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Ashura ô

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Ashurao.jpg (57398 octets) Ashura ô is the father of the hero of RG Veda, Ashura, but he's already dead at the beginning of the manga. He was killed 300 years ago by Taishakuten (n°2 in this list) who appeared to be his enemy. Ashura ô was the god of war but he loved peace. He was wonderful with golden eyes, long black hair and a very noble allure. Yet he was a great fighter. He was a close friend of the former emperor. In fact, Ashura ô was not who he appeared to be. We learn all the truth in the tenth volume (my Bible!!!). Ashura ô knew that his son will destroy the Heaven. However, he wanted him that's why he asked the strongest warrior of the Heaven, Taishakuten, to protect the Heaven against his son when he will be born ( that's very difficult to explain so read the manga, it's wonderful). Anyway, Ashura ô and Taishakuten became lovers then because Ashura ô asked him, Taishakuten killed him and then ate him. Just before dying, Ashura ô confessed his love for Taishakuten.

They could have been so happy together!!!!! (that's my point of view!) Their relationship is so sad and so romantic! *sigh* I could write pages and pages about them....But don't worry, I stop here.

One of the most tragic scene of the manga when Taishakuten has to kill Ashura ô.

BWWWAAAHHHHH, this story is so SAAADDDD and... and... soooooo TTTRRRAAAGGGIIICCCC

snif... ;_;....

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