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Boys of Gundam Wing

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In order : Wufei, Duo, Heero, Trowa, Quatre

I love these guys very much. I think they are all so cute!!!!!!

HEERO : in fact I don't like him very much. He's not really cute (to my mind. Okay, he's not ugly but he's not the one I prefer....and I hate his clothes) and he's the 'perfect soldier' (so not funny at all) but I like him because he's with Duo and they are so cute together (I know they are not really together, we are not sure of it, but don't forget I love yaoi so they ARE together...)

DUO: My favorite one!!! (I know it's commonplace) .But how could I resist??? He's cute with his wonderful, long, very long hair, his huge blue eyes and his shining smile (Moreover, I think he has 'something' of my former boyfriend who was the boy I love the most in my love...sigh...). I love the things he wears (I love black clothes). And he's FUNNY!!!! I love funny persons especially when the other characters are wasted or boring teenagers....And he's in love with Heero!!! How could I ask for more!!!!!!

TROWA: The one I prefer after Duo because he's so....I don't to explain.....maybe....'elegant'....He's tall, slim, with cool hair and green eyes (but I hate his turtleneck, I prefer when he wears his uniform...). He's mysterious, silencer, very closed but at the same time he's a clown in a circus....very strange character....And he's so cute with Quatre!!!!!! I think they are a really sweet couple....

QUATRE: I like him very much. He's so sweet!!!! Especially when he's with Trowa. But he seems so young!!!!! Anyway, he's cute, nice ,rich (I know it's not romantic but that's important.....Very lucky Trowa...I'd like to have a boyfriend who is a prince...) And he's so sweet with Trowa.. (I knowe that the third time I say it but I can't help it....)

WUFEI: The first time I saw the gundam boys, he was my favorite one. I loved his black hair, black eyes, nice face....Well, he's cute (even if I don't like his clothes). Then I learnt about his personality....not funny at all...we can even say boring......not really interresting....and not even yaoi.....But I love him anyway!!!!!!! (placed equal with Trowa....)

This wonderful guy is Zechs Merquise

These two guys are the wonderful Treize Kushrenada and the gorgeous Zechs Merquise...... They are my two favorites in the serie!!!!!!

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