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I don't know very much about this character of Yu Yu Hakusho because I saw him only one time in the eight volumes I read. But he's here because without his mask he's really handsome (the picture above is the only one I found of him without his mask. If you have others, please send them to me). I love his long black hair, his violet eyes and his sadistic face. Moreover, he's always wearing black clothes, like me. The only things I know about him is his name in japanese means crow, he's a villain who is in the Teguro team and he's always wearing an ugly mask (because, I read on the web, if not he explodes ????). And I read also that he loves Kurama?? But he wants to kill him?? Really, really weird...I want the next volume to be released in France. But he really has beautiful hair. However, as he's a villain and that in Yu Yu Hakusho, heroes are always the winners, I'm sure he will died at the end.

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As Karasu, he's a villain of Yu Yu Hakusho and I know really few things about him (even less than for Karasu). I saw a picture of him on my deck of cards of Yu Yu Hakusho and I loved his green hair, his golden eyes and his cute face. That's why I decided to look for informations about him on the web and I read that he is in love with a guy called Sensui (who, to my mind, looks like a sadist). Why are the guys I found cute always gay? Okay, I admit sometimes I love boys because they are yaoi but most of the time I find a boy handsome and then I learn he's yaoi (for instance Ashura ô, Taishakuten, Kurama and lots more....)!!!! *sigh*. Anyway, Itsuki is really a handsome man.

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SAKYO.jpg (20921 octets) Sakyo is the manager of the toguro team. He's a very intelligent man but he has huge ambitions. His dream is to create a way for the demons to come in the human world. And when he sees he's defeated by the urameshi team, he prefer to die.
I really like his style... so cold but so full of something I can't describe!!!!



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