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Kurama is a character from Yu Yu Hakusho (yeah, the first one who is not drawn by Clamp in this classification!!!!!). He's 400 years old, he is a youko (a fox spirit) and he was a thief but he was hurt by hunters and then he had to be reincarnated in a human foetus, that's why he has two form. In this text, I will speak about his youko form (for his human form take a look at my cute boys). He has long silver hair, golden eyes, silver fox tail, fox ears (they are so cute!!!!), he's really much taller than in his human form and his so handsome!!!!! I don't know very much about this form because I only read eight volumes of the manga (and he's not appeared yet) and I haven't seen the TV serie (we don't have it in France, and we don't have Fushigi Yuugi, we don't have Gundam Wing, we don't have Samourai Troopers, we don't have Ruroni Kenshin, we don't have ....etc....I HATE french TV......) but I read he's crueller (that's not really difficult...). Kurama can control plants and his favorite weapon is the rose whip. He's a great friend of Yuusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei (some people say he may be in love with the latter, I don't know but I think they could be so cute together!!!!!) , the other heroes of Yu Yu and together they have to fight spirits or things like that (if you want more details read the manga, watch the anime (if you are lucky enought to have it) or explore all the wonderful sites about it on the net.....).


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Kurama Hiei

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Kurama is the redhead and Hiei the other one


What can I say about them??? There is nothing to say about them (I write that at the beginning and after I write a very long text)....Just look at them...They are so cute together!!!!!!!

Kurama is so cute in his human body with his long red hair and his huge green eyes. And his so nice and so polite....Just the kind of boy I dream about (I can always dream......). On the contrary Hiei is small with strange black hair and worrying red eyes and he's very rude but so cute too!!!!!!

They are really a strange couple. Just at the opposite of each other. In fact in the serie they don't appear as a couple....but, according to some persons, there are some hints (as far as I'm concerned, for the moment, I saw nothing at all but they are just so cute together that all is allright for me).

They met before the beginning of the serie. Hiei believed that Kurama was one of his ennemy (he was looking for Yukina, his sister) and tried to kill him. But after, when Hiei realised that Kurama was not a danger for him they became friends (and more with the time.....). Then, as they were both robbers they made a team with a third guy and then they met Yuusuke (if you don't know what happened next, read the manga or watch the serie, I'm too lazy to write a story you can read everywhere on the net,YuuYuu Hakusho is not the topic of this article).

Anyway, they are always together and very concerned by one another. That's why they are so cute together!!!!


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