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Masayoshi is one of the main characters of 'Kusatta Kyoshi No Houteishiki', a really cute manga by Kazuma Kodaka!!!!!

As the manga is only in japanese, I'm not sure of what I will write.

Masayoshi is a math teacher (why my teachers don't look like him???) but he also helps at the infirmary (don't know why). He's really wonderful but he little bit strange. He drives a wonderful sport car, can have strange way of acting, jokes a lot and is terribly in love with his brother called Masami (but Masami is in love with Tohru, another teacher (a friend of Masayoshi)... who loves him back... but nothing really hot has happened between these two)!!!!!!

But there is also Atsushi who is one of his students and who is in love with him (but who was in love with Masami when he (Atsushi) was younger... a very weird story!!!). They become closer and closer...But for the moment nothing has happened...

Anyway, it's a really funny manga!!!



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