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I have so much things to say about him that I don't know where I can begin (I love him so much, he's so tragic).

The first time I bought Tokyo Babylon, I didn't know what the story was (but I loved RG Veda so I thought 'it's Clamp too, it should be great'). AND THAT WAS GREAT!!!! I laughed so much!!! (I mean, at the beginning of the story). So, first, I will try to explain who the characters are at the beginning.

The hero of TB is my so cute cute Subaru. He's a magician (he exorcises spirits most of the time). He's the head of the powerful Sumeragi clan even if he's only 16 (why are they always so young?). But in spite of his great powers, he's the shiest and the most naive boy I have ever seen in a manga (or in the real life (except my last boyfriend)). He's so polite too!!!! That's why he's so cute. To me, he's like a little boy who needs someone to protect him!!! And he has someone to protect him : Seishiro who is his 'best friend' (n°4 in my handsome men). So I will try to sum up. Seishiro is a handsome veterinarian (the job Subaru (who loves animals very much (in fact, Subaru loves and cares for anybody)) wanted to do) who claims he's in love with Subaru and who wants to marry him (Subaru's reactions are always so cute and so funny). But Subaru thinks Seishiro is always joking (he's so naive!!!). Subaru is also close to another person : his twin sister, Hokuto, who is his opposite. She's very weird and is always pushing Subaru and Seisiro in each other's arms. But Subaru and Hokuto love each other very much. Okay, I think that's all for the presentation of the characters. Now the story.

That's really hard to explain because TB is really a strange manga, really hard to class. But to sum up, Subaru has to fight spirits but he doesn't want to hurt people so he has problems and Seishiro (we learn he has great powers too) saves him. What is really interresting in this manga are the relationships between the characters : Subaru and Hokuto who are so different but so close (the way Hokuto takes care of Subaru is so cute!!!!!), Hokuto and Seishiro who seems to be friends (they are always accessories to tease Subaru) but Hokuto wonders if Seishiro is really what he appears to be, and Subaru and Seishiro, the damned lovers (so funny at the beginning, so tragic at the end). Indeed, in the fifth volume, Seishiro saves one more time Subaru but lost one of his eyes. Subaru, after this accident, feels very guilty and wonder why he had such a strong reaction when Seishiro was at the hospital. Then he realizes (he's a little bit slow witted) he's in love with Seishiro so when he goes to the hospital to visit Seishiro, he's very disoriented but maybe (that's my interpretation) full of hope (after all for 1 year seishiro claimed in front of anybody he's in love with Subaru). He enters in Seishiro's room and then....then....AAAHHHHH, THAT'S SO TRAGIC!!!!!!!

Seishiro shows he's real personality : he's Sakurazukamori (I spent 10 minutes to learn this name by heart), the killer magician and he had to kill Subaru!!! (Too long to explain why here but I said it in my article about Seishiro). He tells Subaru he has no feeling for him (it's so hard to accept for my poor little baby who has just realised his love for this man). Then Seishiro hits Subaru who is too upset and feels too betrayed to fight back (and maybe he doesn't want to hurt the one he loves), breaks one of his arms and he is about to kill Subaru when Subaru's grandmother (who is also powerful) saves him. Seishiro vanishes and Subarus falls in a catatonic state. His last thought is 'Seishiro, I really loved you'

AHHHH!!!! Really, really tragic!!!!!!! Why, in manga by Clamp, lovers can't be happy together and together in life???? But wait!!!!! The story is not over. That's much more tragic (girls of Clamp are heartless) because Hokuto wants to wake Subaru up so she gives her life to Seishiro who takes it immediatly. That wakes Subaru up but he's to explain....He's so desperate. He lost all the people he loved, his dear sister and the man he loves. He can't forgive Seishiro so he swears to kill him (Love and Hate are so close feelings...).

We meet Subaru again in X (in fact I only read 7 volumes of it so I don't know many things about Seishiro and Subaru's relationships in it) but he's not a cute and naive boy anymore, he's closer to a suicidal young man and he hunts Seishiro.

Okay, that's all for the story but I'm sure they are still in love with each other. Seishiro can't admit (or maybe can't (or doesn't want to) realize) his feelings because of his nature and Subaru can only still be in love with Seishiro : Seishiro is his whole life if they are not in love, this story has no meaning anymore. How love can be hard and cruel sometimes....The only way for them to be happy together and to be together forever is death. If Seishiro kills Subaru (he had many occasions to do so and never did it, it's one of the evidence of his love) his life has no meaning anymore (and that's the same thing to Subaru) so why staying alive?? They have to die together (Subaru can't forgive and Seishiro knows his soul is already lost). AAAHHHH THAT'S SO TRAGIC!! (I shouldn't read such stories, they drive me weird).

Subaru and Seishiro are sad characters, they are martyrs. Seishiro because he's prisoner of his nature and can't be the one he wishes he could be (that's my point of view) and Subaru because he's the symbol of an innocence, of a purity wasted by an unfair fate, a kind of angel who wanted peace and love for everyone and who was betrayed by someone he trusted (near to Jesus Christ...euh....maybe I think too much...). Anyway, Tokyo Babylon is the saddest story I have ever read and Subaru is the most tragic character I know. The unfair pain he goes through, the thought he could have been so happy with Seishiro if this latter had accepted his feelings....That's so tragic....Subaru doesn't deserve such a destiny. That's why I love him so much. I would like to help him. I want him to be happy with Seishiro. But this won't happen, I am sure of it.....

Subaru is a real martyr, the symbol of unfair pain and unfair sufferings, the symbole of a strong but impossible love.

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