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NAKAGO.jpg (40182 octets) Nakago is the bad guy in Fushigi Yugi but I think he's a very interresting chara.
Indeed, he's very cruel. He plays with Yui, he orders the murder of Tamahome 's family, he tries to rape Miaka (even if I think Miaka is not at all the kind of persone he's interresting in... And I'd like to be rape by him!!!!!!). But he's so damned cool!!!
Even if I haven't read yet the end of Fushigi, I'm sure he has a good reason to act as he does... Nobody can be that bad without a reason.
And about his sexual preference... I don't know... He sleeps with Soi (but I don't think he loves her), he tells Yui he loves her, but I think it's a lie... So... I think he makes love with people he finds attractive, not bothering if it's male or female (the way he looks at Tamahome is an evidence of it)
Well, a very complex and handsome chara!!! And he's also a very clever and a very great warrior!!! And he has such a charisma!!!


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