Encyclopaedia of Creatures and Things

Acromantula - enormous spider.

Apparating - very difficult. Means disappearing from place and reappearing almost instantly in another. Apparating refers to the portion of the procedure in which the witch or wizard appears at his or her target location.

Aquavarious Maggots - maggots who are capable of living in water.

Auror Office - office from which Aurors work out of. B
Ballycastle Bats - Quidditch Team

Banshee -

Bezoar - a stone found in the stomach of a goat, used in antidotes.

Blast-Ended Skrewt - cross between a manticore and firecrab. Illegally created by Hogwarts gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid.

Bowtruckle - tiny pixieish creatures made of wood. Knobbly brown arms and legs. Two twiglike fingers at the end of each hand and a flat barklike face. Glittering beetle brown eyes. Tree guardians who usually live in wand trees. Eat woodlice and fairy eggs, if they can get them. Broomstick - used as a form of air transportation. Also used in the game quidditch, players ride broomsticks. Butterbeer - a non-alcoholic drink similar to the Muggle drink "Root Beer". Can be intoxicating to house elves.

Canary Cream - an invention of the Weasley Twins'. When someone eats one, they turn into a canary for a brief period of time. Once the person moults, they turn back into a person.

Chimaera - hatched from eggs.

Chocolate Frogs - candy in the shape of a frog, enchanted to jump once or twice. Package contains Wizard Card which many young witches and wizards like to collect.

Cockroach Cluster - a type of candy. Minced Cockroaches, covered in a gelatin.

Control of Magical Creatures - office for the control of Magical creatures. Control the breeding of magical creatures and maintain secrecy involving same from muggles. Cribbage's Wizarding Crackers - brand of wizard crackers. Renowned as the best crackers in the Wizarding World, novelties include actual flying broomsticks and certificates for various shops.

Crup -

Dark Force Defense League - A group of Wizards and Witches who meet every week and keep an eye on any suspicious, or dark behavious occurring in their area.

Dementor - when Dementors breed it produces cold weather and mist. Dementor's Kiss - when a dementor lowers it's hood fixes its "mouth" over the mouth of its victim and sucks out the victim's soul.

Diagon Alley - magical area which contains the largest magical shopping centre in Britain. Located behind the The Leaky Cauldron in London.

Disapparating - Very difficult procedure in which a witch or wizard disappears from one place and reappears almost instantly in another. Disapparating refers to the portion of the procedure in which the witch or wizard leaves his or her original location.

Dragon - a dragon's eyes are it's most vulnerable part.

Dr. Filibusters Fabulous No-Heat, Wet-Start Fireworks - fireworks that produce no heat and can be set off even when soaking wet.

Droobles Best Blowing Gum - candy. Bubblegum which comes in assorted flavours, enormous bubbles can be blown with only a small amount of gum. Largest bubble ever blown was the size of a small house.

Duelling Club - a club at Hogwarts, started by Gilderoy Lockhart in order for students to hone their duelling skills.

Everlasting Icicles - icicles (used as decorations) that never melt.

Exploding Snap - a card game in which the cards could explode at any moment.

Firebolt - top of the line broomstick.

Fire Crab -

Fizzing Whizzbee - candy, foams and fizzes in the mouth and makes person foam at the mouth.

Flobberworm -

Galleon - large, gold, unit of currency.

Gargoyle -

Giant - vicious blood thirsty and brutal. Brought themselves to the point of extinction in the last century by warring among themselves. Joined with Voldemort. Responsible for some of the worst mass-Muggle-killings. Some giant communities remain in foreign mountain ranges. Tribes are led by a 'gurg' the largest and meanest giant of the lot. Giants like magic but not when it's used against them.

Gillyweed - Looks like slimy, greyish green rat tails. When eaten makes a wizard or witch develop gills, webbed feet and hands thus allowing the witch or wizard to breathe and swim easily underwater.

Gnome - Creature that looks like a muddy potato on legs. Barely 10 inches high with horny little feet. Dwell in gardens, in gnome holes.

Goblin - clever, untrusting. Run Gringott's bank.

Gobbledegook - Language of the Goblins. ex. Bladvak means pickaxe.

Gobstones - a magical game, much like the Muggle game of marbles, except that the stones spit a foul smelling liquid at the loser.

Golden Egg - the repository for the clue to the second task in the Triwizard Tournament.

Griffin -

Grindylow - small, horned water demon with pointed fangs. Grabs swimmers and pulls them to the bottom of lakes to drown. Lives in weeds.

Gringott's Wizarding Bank - bank where magical folk keep their money. Owned and operated by Goblins

Heliopaths - spirits of fire, great tall flaming creatures that gallop across the ground burning everything in front of them. No officially confirmed sightings.

Hippogriff - half horse, half eagle.

House-Elf - tiny creatures, kept by old wizarding families to perform household chores. A house-elf is bound to the family it serves. It cannot speak ill of the family and must punish itself if it makes a mistake. A house-elf can only be set free from the family it serves if it is given clothing.

Inferius (plural Inferi) - the undead. A corpse reanimated by a wizard/witch in order to do his/her bidding.

Intruder Alarm - alerts a wizard/witch when an univited witch/wizard is nearby.

Invisibility Cloak - cloak used to make a person invisible. Very rare and expensive.

Knarl - Looks like a hedgehog. Quills have many magical properties. Highly suspicious creatures, go berserk if offered milk, see it as an attempt to poison them.

Kneazle -

Knockturn Alley - Shopping centre for the Dark Arts. Located just behind Diagon Alley

Knut - tiny, bronze, unit of currency.

The Leaky Cauldron - a famous wizard pub in London, front entrance way to
Diagon Alley

Legilimens - Wizard capable of reading other people's minds Liquorice Wand - a wand (functions for a maximum of 5 spells) made of black or red liquorice

Luminous Holly Berries - Christmas decorations. Holly berries that are bewitched to glow.

Mandrake -

Manticore - very vicious creature.

Merpeople - language cannot be understood by those who don't speak it unless they speak underwater. Have greyish skin, long wild, dark green hair, yellow eyes. Teeth are broken due to eating shells of shellfish. Silver fish tails. Incapable of magic.

Metamorph-Medals - supposedly sting medal around your neck and it will allow you to change your appearance at will. Actually just causes wearer to turn an orange colour or sprout tentacles. Sold for 10 Galleons.

Mimbulus Mimbletonia - plant that looks like a grey cactus but covered in what looks like boils instead of spines. Pulsates slightly giving it the sinister look of some diseased internal organ. Really rare, from Assyria. When threatened, squirts thick, dark green jets of liquid which smells like rancid manure. Croons when stroked.

Muggle - non magical person.

Muggle Liason Office - Department at the Ministry for Magic. Deal with breaches of magical security involving muggles. Maintain muggle relations. Murtlap - tentacles can be pickled to create a soothing skin balm

Nagini- gigantic snake at least 12 feet long, with a diamond pattern on its back. Ugly triangular head. Voldemort's pet. Venom was milked from the snake in order to keep Voldemort alive before he regained his body.

Niffler - fluffy black creature with a long snout. Front paws are curiously flat like spades. Move through dirt as though it's water. Usually found down mines. Like sparkly things. Are known to wreck houses.

Obliviators - modify muggle memories after contact with wizards and/or magical phenomenon. Work for the office of misinformation. Office of Misinformation - change muggle memories after incidents involving magic. Omnioculars - can reply action, slow down, flash play by play breakdown if required. 10
Galleons each.

Parseltongue - the ability to converse with snakes. Considered a Dark Art.

Pear Drop - a type of candy

Penknife - given to Harry Potter by Sirius Black, can unlock any lock and untie any knot.

Platform 9 3/4 - Train station, between platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross, where the Hogwarts Express stops.

Porlock -

Portkey - object used to transport wizards from one spot to another. Can be any object, usually garbage is used to deter muggles from playing with it.

Pumpkin Juice - a drink favoured by Magical folk.

Quidditch World Cup Stadium -
Muggle repelling charms on every inch. When muggles approach they suddenly remember urgent appointments and have to dash off.

Runes - Symbols used by the ancient druids in magical ceremonies. Engraved upon magical objects in order to increase their power.
Salamander - fire loving amphibians. Prone to scale rot which can be treated with chili powder.

The Salem Witch's Institute - American Witches Institute located in Salem. Does a lot of fundraising for the Eelsworth Hospital for sick Children.

Scarab Beetle - used widely in potion making.

Scurvy-grass - plant used in confusing and befuddlement draughts.

Serpent - synonym for snake. Serpents are used in "the worst kind" of dark magic and are historically associated with evil doers.

Sherbert Lemon - a type of candy.

Sickle - unit of currency, silver.

Sleekeazy's Hair Potion - hair potion used to style hair, keeps hair in place for upto two weeks, and makes hair soft and sleek.

Sneakoscope - a device to alert a witch/wizard when there are others around who are being sneaky or have something to hide.

Sneezewort - plant used in confusing and befuddlement draughts. Can cause extreme sneezing fits.

Spattergoit - serious dermal affliction which leaves the victim pockmarked and gruesome. The only remedy is to take the liver of a toad, bind it tight around the throat, and stand naked at the full moon in a barrel of eels eyes.

Sphinx - creature with the body of a lion and the head of a woman. Very intelligent and dangerous. Known for its aptitude for guarding. Splinch - when Apparating, leaving half of one's self behind.

Spinners End - a muggle street located near a disused mill. Severus Snape resides there. Sugar Quill - a functioning quill made of sugar. You can suck the end of it.

The Three Broomsticks - a pub in the town of Hogsmeade.

Toad - an amphibious animal used in some (ancient) magic rituals.

Ton-Tongue Toffee - candy invented by the Weasley twins. Causes a person's tongue to grow to enormous proportions at an alarming rate.

Triwizard Cup - the trophy won by the winner of the Triwizard Tournament.

Unicorn - foals are pure gold. Turn silver at 2 years. Grow horns at 4 years. Go white when fully grown, about 7 years. Gentle creatures. Immensely magical. Blood will keep you alive even if you are only an inch from death but at the cost of eternal damnation.

Unspeakable - name given to those who work at the Department of mysteries.

Weird Sisters - Wizarding band comprising of drummer, several guitarists, a lute player, a cellist, piper and two singers. All band members are extremely hairy.

Wizard Card - collectable cards with a picture and brief biography of a famous witch or wizard on them. Found in Chocolate Frogs.

Wizarding Wireless Network (WWN) - comparable to a muggle "radio station"

Wood Nymph - tiny creature with lovely singing voice, used as background music at dinner parties and for meditation purposes.

Yule Ball - a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament, the champions traditionally dance the first dance at the ball.

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