The Complete Works of Barry Smith
brought to you by Moaning Myrtle

Episode 2  Episode 3  Episode 4  Episode 5  Episode 6  Episode 7  Episode 8  Episode 9  Episode 10 

Barry Smith: The Introductory Episode

There was once a young wizard named Harry Potter. However, this story is not about him. There are too many stories about Harry and not enough of the other characters. Characters that may or may not exist in the real and original Harry Potter stories. You will, by reading this, be expanding your mindes and be introduced to new and exciting characters.

There was once a young wizard named Barry Smith. Barry was a moderate student at all his lessons. He was moderately good at Quidditch and he was moderately good looking. In fact, he was probably just a moderate kinda guy. He attended a wizarding school in Scotland caled Lockness School of Magic. The poor little thing was an orphan. his parents had died when he was very small. He had been adopted out into a kind Muggle family.

Let me describe Barry. His moderate looks were not ones that enticed many girls. He had a mop of messy, black hair. Knobbly knees, and bright green eyes. Every summer, a kind British wizard would visit him. This wizard's name was Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore was Barry's godfather. He was unable to take on the responsabilities of Barry's care, when his parents died because he was Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He would tell fabulous tales of the school. Peeves the poltergeist, Hagrid the Keeper of the keys, and a young lad always saving the day, named Harry Potter.

You see, Dumbledore was hiding something from Barry. Barry had a twin brother. His name was Harry Potter and we all know his story. When Voldemort tried to kill the Potters, Barry was doing as he did best, hiding under the house in the dirt. He was not harmed at all by Voldemort. Dumbledore thought it best to separate the boys so there would be no rivalry. And so their lives go on. Harry in England. Barry in Scotland. Never knowing that either had a relation in this horrid world.

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Barry Smith Episode 2: The Truth is Out There

In the first episode of Barry Smith, we established that there are two wizards; Harry Potter and Barry Smith. We also know that they are twin brothers and unaware of it. We also know that no-one from their generation knows about it. Or so we thought...........

Every tale involving young wizards has a cliche. That is that there are good wizards and bad wizards. When we write about good wizards such as Harry and Barry, we know that they are bound to have an arch nemesis. In Harry's case, the evil Draco Malfoy. But for Barry, I will have to introduce you to a new Scottish wizard. We'll name him Richard Green.

Now Draco took a family vacation to the evil wizards convention in Scotland last holidays. Here he met Richard who, for the sake of aiding my fingers we will nickname Dickey. Draco and Dickey, good evil duo I say. Ok, the two spent the convention formulating evil plans to aid the other in their trouble making. That was until, they decided to kill two birds with one stone and combine their efforts in order to get back at Barry and Harry at the same time. Their main plan was to make up a stupid tale connecting the two good guys and publish it as a rumour in their local Wizarding Newspapers.

Draco returned to England and sought out his evil Hogwarts partner, whose name we will not disclose at this point in time. We'll call them, "A Sneaky Gryffindor" Oops! That's giving away too much. Anyway, you now know that they are a Gryffindor. With ASG's (a sneaky Gryffindor) help, Draco gained access to the secret Gryffindor library. (Yes, there is a secret Gryffindor library. It is so secret that no one knows about it.)

In this library, files on all the students residing in the Gryffindor house are kept. ASG and Draco, pilfered through Harry's file. They read under the heading "siblings" : "one brother, Barry. Lives in Scotland." But what to do now?

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Barry Smith: Episode 3: The Stalking

This gut wrenching episode of Barry Smith is bound to leave you shaking under your robes, well it seems good in theory, whether it's going to happen or not, I dunno. Anyway.

So, we left our evil villains with knowledge that should never be put into an evil wizard's hands. Information about his rival. But what on earth were Draco, Dickey and ASG going to do with the information that Harry Potter had a brother named Barry and even if they had information about Harry, how were they going to get back at Bary Smith? DING!!!! ( meanwhile a lightbulb flashes over our vilains' heads) Barry Smith was actually Harry Potter's brother! (well DUH!!! The enjoyable thing about villains is they are so dumb that you can relate to them extremely well whilst writing about them)

Now our villains have a surplus of information and no proper way to use it. At this point in time, they believe that it is best to take some lessons off a master and go and enlist some help from a dark wizard (who will also remain anonymous.) This evil wizard came up with a plan to help Draco and Dickey do their evil doings and never get caught. Pretty smart guy if you ask me. Though, how do we know it's a guy? I haven't decided on who it will be yet. Dang, Damn, Dickety doo. I'm just confusing everyone.

Meanwhile, our heros Harry and Barry still have no clue about their connection. Let alone that anyone knew of a secret between the two. Harry went on playing his Quidditch and Barry went on being very moderate and mediocre. Until one day, an anonymous letter came to Lochness addressed to: Barry Potter. Odd as it was, no one took much notice and just gave it to Barry Smith who was the only Barry in the school.

The note read:
"Barry Potter, we know who you are. Do you want to know who you really are? Yes, we know you think that you are just Barry Smith, but we know more. If you do not respond we will find you. We will tell you the truth. If no one else did, at least you can rely on the dark side."

After reading this note, Barry threw it into the fire and had no more to do with it.

Throughout the next two months, Barry was plagued with letters and howlers demanding he go over to the dark side and find out the truth about him. He ignored them at first, even though something sounded suspicious about him being call Barry Potter, he just couldn't figure out what it was. Until one cold day in January, he gave in and booked the next plane to England, which is where the letters had been sent from.

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Barry Smith: Episode 4: United At Last?

As Barry's muggle plane landed in Heathrow airport, butterflies flew around his stomach. He didn't want to go over to the dark side, but what else could he do? These notes would never stop otherwise. There was also the feeling deep down inside, of emptiness. If Barry wasn't who he thought he was, then who was he? Who were these people that were going ot tell him the truth about his identity? If they were evil wizards, why would they bother telling Barry something he wanted to know? He couldn't figure it out. He had decided to visit his Godfather, Albus Dumbledore. He'd know what to do.

But Barry never made it to Hogwarts. In fact, he never even made it to the lounge in the airport so he could contact Dumlbedore (after being brought up in a Muggle family and going to a poor wizarding school like Lochness, silly Barry expected that he could just phone Dumbledore). After Barry emerged from the plane, a robed figure whisked him away. Strangely enough, no one seemed to notice. Barry was placed on a broom with the robed figure, and transported to the dungeon of a castle.

Seven hours later, Barry woke up, as if from a dream. That was until he realized that he was bound, gagged and locked in a castle dungeon. He could hear no movement around him, except for some rats scurrying outside the door. He could see nothing but darkness all around him, then his eyes adjusted to the darkness and he located a silhouette on the floor. Barry soon found out that it wasn't a silhouette at all, because the silhouette started to move. It lifted its head, topped with a mop of untidy black hair. Its knobbly knees began to shake as the dungeon was cold and damp. Its bright green eyes were visisble even through the darkness.

"Blimey..." thought Barry "it's me."

But it wasn't Barry. One clearly visible characteristic separated this figure from Bary. The scar on its forehead. The scar in the shape of a lightening bolt. This my dear friends was not Barry at all. Rather, his twin brother Harry Potter.

Suddenly...the door began to creak open and in stepped.....

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Barry Smith: Episode 5: Together Forever?

Oooh, I love leaving my readers in suspense! Though I'm sure it is really crappy suspense because I'm such a lousy story writer. I have the ideas, they just don't go down well on paper. Maybe parchment would help?

Where were we? Oh yeah.

Suddenly...the door began to creak open and in stepped....Draco Malfoy, Dickey Green, the Sneaky Gryffindor, Lavender Brown, and last, but not least, the anonymous evil one. Yep, you guessed it, Professor Sybil Trelawney. i suppose you didn't get that. But yes, Professor Trelawney is of very evil breeding. More on her later.

Harry begain to hurl abuse from underneath his gag. Barry started squirming to loosen his ropes. But it was impossible. These two wizards were being held, against their will and they could not escape. Nothing had dawned on our heroes yet. They didn't realise that they were related. I suppose if you were locked in a castle dungeon, you wouldn't worry about if you had a long lost brother or not.

Professor Trelawney slowly strode over to our captives. She walked with a confidence previously undetected in her personality. Professor Trelawney removed the gags and ropes from both Harry and Barry. Our two heroes, frozen in shock, did not move an inch. To Barry, this situation was extremely freaky, he only knew Dickey and didn't know what on earth he had done to offend the others. Harry, on the other hand, was furious. he began to scream at them until he collapsed on the floor in pain. His scar had begun to burn. Voldemort was nearby. When the pain subsided for a brief interval Harry started yelling again. This time, nothing would stop him.

"What the heck do you think you're doing Draco? You can't hold me here. Dumbledore will save me. Sirius Black will save me. Yeah, him, he's no murderer, but he would be if you try to lay one finger on me. Professor Trewlawney? Are you possessed or something? You're not a dark wizard? Are you? Lavender, what is this? You're in Gryffindor, the best house of all. Why on earth are you hanging around gits like this? You'll get hurt. Oh please, would someone make sense of this situation for me? And who that heck are the other two?"

Silence followed Harry's speech. Professor Trelawney's long, drawling voice broke the silence.

"Quiet you fool. Don't you realise who you aredealing with? We are not doing this out of spite or malice. We are acting on behalf of the Great One. Our Lord and Master, Voldemort."

"Voldemort?" interuppted Barry. "You mean you-know-who? What does he want with me?"

"Patience you idiot." spat Professor Trelawney. "We'll get to that. First things first. Harry, Draco is working with me to give our Lord what he wishes. You. The other boy, you see with us is another accomplice, Dickey Green. Barry, I am sure you are familiar with him. Lavender, as I know not what your motives are, explain yourself."

"I had to Harry. How else would I get what I want?"

Harry and Barry, along with everyone else in the room exchanged bewildered looks. Lavender spoke on.

"Draco's love. I've loved him since the first moment I saw him. Draco, I'd do anything for you. I'm totally yours."

"Right...Okay then," Professor Trelawney was back in control. "My final answer is for you Barry. You ask what you are doing here? I'll tell you that. What would be the point of finishing the Potter family off if there was one member remaining? What would be the point of killing Harry and leaving his twin brother alive? Oh yes Barry, your resemblance is stiking. You are twins, we are sure of it. Now that we have finally reunited you, the two of you will be together forever. In death that is."

Harry and Barry turned to look at each other, white faced, as Professor Trelawney's words reverberated off the dungeon walls.

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Barry Smith: Episode 6: The Meeting of the Moaner

Professor Trelawney ushered the other bad guys out of the dungeons. But which one? they weren't anywhere near Snape's dungeon, that Harry was sure of. Could they possibly be in one of the secret passages that was shown on the Marauder's Map? Maybe there was a dungeon hidden there? If that was so, wouldn't Dumbledore know about it, and the fact that Harry had been missing for over a day? Something was really fishy. Out of the blue, Barry interuppted Harry's thoughts.

"You-know-who wants to kill me? I've never done anything wrong."

Barry slumped down onto the floor and began to cry. Harry shuffled over to him.

"Barry, he's been trying to kill me all my life. He's never suceeded yet. And he's not going to . If he can't kill me when I'm on my own, he won't be able to kill us when we're united. As long as we stick together and trust each other, we'll be fine. Besides, Dumbledore will save us. He's always there to protect anyone from Voldemort."

"Thanks Harry. This is going to be great. Finally I have someone who is part of me. My adoptive parents are great, but they're not my real family. You are."

"At least you didn't get the Dursley's." thought Harry.

A cold breeze began to waft through the door of the dungeon. Out of thin air, a ghostly figure appeared. It was a plain looking school girl with glasses. It was Moaning Myrtle, the ghost who haunted the girl's toilets at Hogwarts. Was Harry ever glad to see her.

"Myrtle!!! You've got to help us, me and my twin brother Barry. Please, go and get Dumbledore. They're going to kill us!"

"There's two of you?" exclaimed Myrtle in a suspicious tone. "I never knew that there were two of you. Imagine that, two identical boys, both with magical powers and both completely spunky."

Barrry started to giggle. He had heard about Myrtle from Dumbledore, but he never knew that she had a crush on Harry. Harry didn't see anything funny about the situation, neither did Myrtle. Her bottom lip began to quiver, her eyes started to get glassy.

"Myrtle, don't cry. Barry didn't mean any harm. He just doesn't know you like I do. He was probably just amazed that such a good looking girl would take notice of him."

"You're just humouring me Harry," Myrtle was still extrememly distressed. "But, as I'm such a wonderful ghost, I will help you. I'll tell Professor Dumbledore where you are and he can rescue you. I'll go now. Goodbye by spunky friends."

"Thanks Myrtle. I love you!" screamed Barry.

Myrtle left the dungeon without another word or even a glance behind her. As Myrtle departed so did the cold feeling. In fact, the complete opposite occurred. Harry's scar began to burn intensely. He collapsed to the floor in agony, this time the pain did not subside. Harry and Barry were suddenly raised from the ground and found themselves floating out through the wall of the dungeon and off to who knows where.

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Barry Smith: Episode 7: The Way to the End

The Hogwarts Castle became a distant blur in the background to Harry and Barry as they were lifted high up into the air. They floated acros the town of Hogsmeade and high off into the mountains surrounding the town. Almost instantaneously, they began their descent. Our heroes landed in a cave on the other side of Hogsmeade Mountain.

Both our heroes were knocked unconscious upon landing on the floor of the cave. When they regained consciousness, they had been surrounded. Draco Malfoy, Dickey Green, Professor Trelawney and Peter Pettigrew stood in a huddle over the boys. In the far corner, a huge snake was circling a giant wooden chair. There was a figure seated in the chair. Harry assumed it was Voldemort.

The seated figure spoke in a low, hissing voice. Harry was now positive that it was Voldemort. The snake, Nagini who was a very rare one indeed, slithered to the back of the cave when Voldemort ceased his speech. Voldemort then turned his chair around to face the boys and the other four villains knelt down to the floor out of respect for their master. Barry jumped back in shock, but Harry stayed perfectly still, seeminly unafraid of the Dark Lord, who, at Barry's sudden movement, began to speak.

"Harry Potter, Barry Potter. So glad that you could finally join me. I have been waiting for so long to get you two together. Ahh Barry, am I detecting fear? Since you were previously unaware of your identity you had no idea that I wanted to kill you, did you?"

"Umm, arr, err, no, Sir." Squeaked Barry.

"Barry, you git, don't call him Sir. He's a low life, he's a murderer. He killed our parents for crying out loud." Retaliated Harry.

"Silence Harry," Voldemort hissed. Harry's scar started to burn. "Barry; I can see that there is promise in you yet. Your brother has been warped by good wizards his entire life. You however, still seem to possess the evil edge I detected in Harry when he began his schooling. He has lost it though, but you Barry, still seem to have it. Come to me my friend."

"Barry, nooooooo." yelled Harry. But Harry's protests faded into the background as Barry began to edge closer to Voldemort.

As Barry's outstretched hand reached that of Voldemort's a dark cloud fell over the cave, mountain and their surroundings. When the two hands linked, thunder crashed. A lightening bolt pierced the sky which illuminated everything around it, from the rocky floor of the cave, to the heavens way above it. Something bad was happening, Harry could feel it in his bones.

A surge of power swept through Barry's body, his hand still enclosed in Voldemort's. An evil, menacing smile appeared on Voldemort's face as Barry's hand went limp and he collapsed to the floor.

"Barry!!!" screamed Harry. "You killed my brother you monster!"

"Harry, Harry, Harry, don't you know that things are not always as they seem?" whispered Voldemort. "Barry is not dead, this is perhaps just the beginning for him. For you though, this is the beginning of the end."

With that, a menacing, malicious laugh drifted out from the shadows where Nagini had previously disappeared to. Out stepped Barry, with Nagini at his heels. He stepped over the body of the old Barry and walked towards Harry, wand drawn.

There were now two Barry's. One dead, one not. One on the side of good, one on the side of evil.

"Harry, dear brother. I will now dispose of you." laughed Barry "This is the end."

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Barry Smith: Episode 8: Good Versus Evil

Meanwhile, back at Hogwarts Castle, things were in a state of panic. Ron and Hermione had gone to Dumbledore to report that Harry was missing, just as Myrtle had arrived to tell the Professor of Harry and Barry's location. Dumbledore sent Hedwig to fetch Sirius Black and bring him to Hogwarts to aid in Harry's rescue. He then set off to the hidden dungeon with Professor McGonagall, Snape and the returned DADA teacher, Professor Lupin.

The four teachers, led by Dumbledore and Fawkes, crept cautiously along the passage leading to the dungeon. Dumbledore broke down the door, and all the teachers held their wands ready. They were astonished to find the dungeon empty.

"They're gone Dumbledore," cried Professor McGonagall. "Vanished without a trace."

"My dear Minerva, you have been at this school under my instruction for how many years? It is not possible that Harry and Barry could have vanished without a trace. They are somewhere around this school or the town of Hogsmeade. We just need to find where."

Suddenly a large black dog bounded into the dungeon. He transformed from a dog into Sirius Black on the floor of the dungeon. When he saw that neither Harry nor Barry were in the dungeon, he quickly transformed back into the dog and started to sniff the floor of the dungeon as fast as possible. Dumbledore and the others followed.

Sirius set a blinding pace and the others were soon quite worn out. Professor McGonagall had turned into a cat so that she would be faster. On the way to Hogsmeade they passed Hagrid's cabin and stopped outside the door. Hagrid emerged with his crossbow and led the others to a group of unicorns he had aquired for his classes to study. Professor McGonagall transformed back into a human and everyone grabbed a unicorn and followed Sirius to the cave where Harry and Barry were.

At the cave, Draco, Dickey, Peter and Professor Trelawney were moving the good Barry's body aside. Nagini was again circling Voldemort's chair. Evil Barry was holding his wand ready, so that Harry could not move an inch. Everything was very tense and quiet, until, the loud barking of a big dog pierced the quiet air.

"Sirius," thought Harry, "I'm safe at last."

Voldemort must have detected Harry's relief because just as he thought this, his scar started to burn again. As if out of nowhere, three animals appeared at the entrance to the cave. A dog, a cat and a phoenix, who flew gracefully over to Harry and landed on his shoulder. The dog and cat transformed and were joined by Dumbledore, Snape, Lupin and Hagrid, who all had wands at the ready.

Draco and Dickey, by this time, were really scared. They fled from the cave. Professors Snape, and McGonagall went over to Peter, Professor Trelawney and the body of good Barry. As the others had no wands, Snape and McGonagall had no trouble binding them up with magical ropes. They stood guard over the body of Barry. Hagrid had put away the wand he was holding, and drew his crossbow once again. He fired an arrow straight at Nagini who now lay lifeless at the floor of Voldemort's chair.

Sirius, Dumbledore and Lupin all joined Harry's side. Hagrid, from across the other side of the cave, threw his wand to Harry. They were now ready for battle. Good versus Evil.

All wands were drawn. Voldemort had risen from his chair. Not a single sound was uttered, until, Barry screamed;

"Avada Kedavra!!" His wand pointing directly at Harry.

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Barry Smith: Episode 9: Unfogiveable

A flash of green light flew from Barry's wand across the room to Harry. It hit him directly in the middle of his scar. The pain in Harry's head became unbearable but, surprisingly, the curse did not kill him. Surprisingly, it reflected off Harry's head and went straight back to Barry. The Avada Kedavra curse hit Barry in the middle of his head and he died instantaneously.

Hagrid's wand dropped out of Harry's hand and he fell to the floor, completely exhausted. Hagrid walked over to him and picked him up. He carried him over to where the good Barry lay. Sirius, Dumbledore, and Lupin still had their wands aimed at Voldemort.

"Dumbledore, after us being enemies for years and years and years, do you think that I would put myself in a position that would let you finally get the better of me? I think not. Farewell, I will return. And next time, Harry won't be so lucky."

With that, Voldemort disappeared. He had apparated as far away as possible. The carcass of the dead Nagini went along with him.

"I think," said Dumbledore, "that we should return to the castle and get Harry seen to. There is nothing more we can do here. Voldemort, once again, has slipped from our grasp."

Snape and McGonagall led Peter and Professor Trelawney out of the cave. Dumbledore followed, with Fawkes on his shoulder. Then came Sirius, carrying Harry, Professor Lupin followed him.

"Professor Dumbledore," bellowed Hagrid, "What about Barry?"

"Leave Voldemort's evil creation. Bring the good one. I will see what I can do for him.'

Hagrid departed the cave, carrying the good Barry.

"Poor lil thing," thought Hagrid, "I don't think the Professor can do much for 'im. What You-know-who did is unforgivable. Poor 'Arry, never done anything wrong that boy."

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Barry Smith: Episode 10 All Good Things Must Come to an End

Upon arrival to the castle, the party was greeted by a bunch of anxious students. The party ignored all of them and made their way to the medical wing. Here, Madam Pomfrey was instructed to attend to Harry. Luckily there was nothing much wrong with Harry. Everyone was relieved.

Barry was another matter. He was not actually dead, but he was very close to it. He had been put into a deep coma. The likeliness of him regaining consciousness was slim to none. On top of this, he had serious brain damage and amnesia. He would probably not remember anything. The Barry that Harry had just met, would never return, unless a miracle took place.

Harry was alone again. He would have to face having another family member taken from him by Voldemort. His life would go back to normal and he would never find out what it would be like to have a brother.

The next day, Harry awoke. Dumbledore came to break the news to Harry. Barry was to be kept on life-support in an institution. Harry could visit him whenever he liked, though the experience may be too painful for him. If Barry did not regain consciousness after a set amount of time, they would give up. Nothing could be done for him.

Peter Pettigrew and Professor Trelawney were locked up in Azkaban. Moaning Myrtle was given the privilage of being able to torture them with pointy sticks seeing as she raised the alarm about Harry and Barry. The body of evil Barry was left to decompose in the cave.

So there you have it. The story that begins with Barry Smith and ends with Harry Potter. Twin brothers, alike in appearance, both victims of Voldemort's cruel wrath. Both doomed to walk this earth alone. Both, as Myrtle would say, complete spunks.

Adieu Barry, Adieu Harry. Here concludes my tale, a good thing that has now come to an end.

Your toilet has just been invaded by the likes of Moaning Myrtle. Ha ha ha. Moan!

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