The Diary of a Young Witch
By: Lucy Fur

December 20th
Dear Diary,
Theoretically it's Christmas break. Theoretically I should be at home right now. However, we're all stranded at Hogwarts. The weather is so bad the train can't make it through. On the plus side, Professor Dumbledore said there'd be a Christmas dance. I'm so excited! Even though no one has asked me yet. I'm hoping Sirius Black will ask me...he's SO cute! Lily is going with James Potter even thought she says he's a bighead. Alanna is going with Peter Pettigrew. Remus is upset because the dance falls on the full moon so he can't go. Anyway, so far I'm going stagette with Jen.

December 21st
Dear Diary,

Well I've officially got a date for the dance. You won't believe who asked me-Severus Snape. He is the LAST person I expected to ask me-I always thought he hated me. Heck, he hates everybody else. Hee hee. Anyway after supper this evening he came up to me. I have to admit he was kind of cute when he asked me. He called out and asked if he could talk to me "alone" then he started sputtering and stuttering. " kind of...wondering....if, you If you're not doing anything, Maybe-you to um...go to the w-w-w-with me?" All the time he was talking he was looking at the floor, the ceiling, my left ear...anything but right at me. At first I was totally flabbergasted (waiting fof the punch line if you want to know the truth). I thought about it for a minute and said 'yes, I'd love to go to the dance with you' He turned puce he was blushing so much said 'th-th-thanks' and ran off.
Of course when I told the girls they nearly peed themselves laughing. Alanna was astounded, saying 'but he's in Slytherin!' Jen, through sounds of disgust pointed out his lack of personal hygiene-finishing with 'well if that's the best you can do you'll just have to live with it.' NOTE: SHE doesn't have have a date! She ASKED 3 guys and they all said NO! He's really not that bad. He's really intelligent (well at least in Potions). And I'm sure he'll clean himself up-wash his hair for the dance (I hope).
Besides, if Sirius WAS going to ask me, he would have by now.

December 22nd
Dear Diary,
Damn damn damn I COULD KICK MYSELF!!! Why am I such a stupid idiot?!? Today in the common room, Sirius came up to me and asked me to the dance and I said (I can NOT believe I did this!) 'No, Sorry, I'm already going with someone.' Aaarrrggghhh! He looked so upset. Maybe I can tell Snape I'm too sick to go, then go with Sirius. No I can't do that, a promise is a promise. I COULD KICK MYSELF!
(3AM) You know this just occurred to me-Sirius went all weird when I told him it was Snape I'm going with. Guys are so strange.

December 23rd
Dear Diary,
Well you think I felt like a jerk yesterday. HA! this morning after breakfast Sirius confronted Snape. I couldn't hear what he said but HE WAS MAD! They got madder and madder at each other when suddenly Sirius attacked Snape! It was purely physical, no wands-and it only went on for a few minutes before my dad broke them up. They were both sent up to Professor Dumbledore's office. Sirius came back to the common room at about 9 o'clock tonight-he looked mad (turns out he had to help Filch clean the castle for the dance WITHOUT magic, all day) I can hardly believe 2 guys were fighting over me. Okay I can NOT believe Sirius Black was fighting over me. Maybe he DOES like me after all. Hee hee. Or maybe he just hates Snape.

December 24th
Dear Diary,
It turns out Sirius is not allowed to go to the dance, because he attacked Snape. Snape is still allowed to go. It was so sweet, he asked me if I still wanted to go with him after yesterday. He was afraid I'd be embarassed to be seen with him. Sigh. Tonight is the dance!!! I am SO excited!

December 25th
Dear Diary,
Severus was SO charming at the dance. He greeted me in the Entrance Hall with a beautiful corsage. A white magnolia surrounded by forget me nots. He escorted me to a table for supper (we sat with Ravenclaws and a Gryffindor 4th year) all through dinner we talked about all kinds of things. The situation with Voldemort. The incident involving the minister for magic and a certain species of fish. Paradoxes of time travel. And even though he was raised by wizards he knew all about chemistry and biology. We danced nearly every song. (He's a very good dancer) He'd washed his hair and looked terribly handsome. All night he told me how intelligent I am and how beautiful I am. After the dance we went for a walk 'round the courtyard. It was so romantic, snowflakes were drifting lazily through the air. Sigh. Then, the most perfect moment of my life. The moon was shining down on the pristine surface of the snow, making it look like a million diamonds. He held my hands in his...and kissed me. Gently, on the lips. Jen always says kissing is gross and slobbery. Well this-my first kiss-was perfect. They say your first kiss is the one by which you'll judge all others-and find them lacking.

Jan 2
Dear Diary,
Severus and I have been seeing each other for almost two weeks now. I really don't like his friends though, especially Lucius Malfoy, he treats me like something scraped off the bottom of a shoe. Oh well, at least Severus likes me. This next weekend coming up is a Hogsmeade weekend. Severus is going to take me to the Three Broomsticks and buy me lunch. It's going to be so romantic. Sirius Black has been going mental since Christmas. He keeps telling me what an awful guy Severus is and that he's just using me. I have no idea what the matter is with Sirius. Is it just that he hates Severus so much that he hates to see him happy? Or does he like me and hates to see me with another guy? Or maybe, a little bit of both. Alanna, Nettie, and Jen are really jealous that I've got a boyfriend, I guess they're shocked too, as I'm the least pretty out of all of them. James Potter and Peter Pettigrew are ticked of at me for dating their "mortal enemy." Remus is really the only person other than Lily who isn't mad at me. Then again, he's my best friend, so he's not allowed to be mad at me.


Jan 5
Well all hell has broken loose for me. Professor Mosley, the herbology teacher has threatened to have me expelled if I don't "clean up my act and show him some respect." He says I don't take his class seriously (which is true), that I kill everything I come in contact with (which is also true) and that I'm rude and disrespectful and sarcastic towards him. Which is total crap! Anyway, now I have to spend 3 evenings a week helping to clean up the greenhouses and if I don't pass herbology with at least a B+ I have to take remedial classes over the summer. Oh well, best not to dwell on the negative. (I HATE Professor Mosley!)

Tomorrow is Saturday, Severus is taking me to the Three Broomsticks. I can hardly wait! Alanna and I got a hold of several cases of fireworks as well as several other contraband items. Remus agreed to let us store them at the shrieking shack for a cut of our profits. We are gona make a killing with the paintballs!

Jan 6
Well Severus and I went to Hogsmeade together. He'd arranged beforehand for a 'private table' at the Three Broomsticks. On the table was a gorgeous bunch of flowers. We ordered lunch and afterwards he gave me a box wrapped with paper that changes colour. Inside was the most beautiful silk hair scarf I've ever seen in my life! It's irridescent blues and greens. He said it was his mother's, he kept it with him to remind him of her but wanted me to have it because it would bring out the colours of my eyes. My heart skipped a beat. Is there ANYTHING more romantic than that? I immediately put it in my hair and he asked me to walk with him up to the shrieking shack, we held hands all the way there. When we got there, there were some fourth years wandering around so we talked until they left. Then he got on one knee (for a second I was afraid he was going to ask me to marry him) and gave me a promise ring. He said that he had loved me since the first time he laid eyes on me and would love me forever. He said the ring was a symbol of his love for me. I was completely speechless, it was practically a marriage proposal! But I was totally caught up in the moment, I started crying! I think, after we graduate, if he asks me to marry him, I will! He's so kind and intelligent (and, dare I say it, sexy). After I stopped crying we kissed - for a loooong time. hee hee hee! I think I'm in love. Anyway I told the girls everything (except about the kiss, a girl has to have SOME secrets) Lily was overjoyed, I think she always felt sorry for me because I'm ugly and never had a boyfriend. Jen, of course, told everyone in Gryffindor (remind me again why I became friends with her.) and now everyone is teasing me about dating 'stupid slimy Snape' Sirius was livid, he threatened to kill Severus for 'taking advantage of me.' Remus is worried that Severus is using me and will hurt me. Oh diary, why can't they see him as I do? Okay - he has issues with personal hygiene and his teeth are...well his teeth are awful. And he hangs out with a group of really bad kids. He doesn't stink or even smell of B.O., he doesn't have bad breath. Just because his friends are jerks doesn't mean he is. He treats me like a queen, he's intelligent, and I think he really likes me. I don't care what they say, he's a good guy and he makes me happy.


Feb 9
It's official, the ministry has declared war on Voldemort and his supporters. Aurors are being ralied at the ministry to track down dark wizards. Voldemort and his followers are wreaking havoc everywhere. They're murdered over 100 witches and wizards in the past 2 weeks and they've killed over 2000 muggles. Everyone is deathly afraid even though Hogwarts is supposedly the safest place to be. As soon as I graduate I'm applying for membership in the Order of the Phoenix. I'm so scared, I can't concentrate at all on anything. Severus says not to wrorry, that everyone is over reacting to Voldemort. I hope he wasn't just trying to make me feel better.

Feb 10
Voldemort and his 'death eaters' have struck again. Winwillow's primary school for magic was completely destroyed - not one of the 1376 students and 423 staff survived. How could they do that? Murder innocent children? Headmaster Dumbledore is leading the fight against Voldemort. If Dumbledore can't beat him - no one can. Oh please let this be over soon!

Jan 17,
Dear Diary,
It's been almost 2 years since I've written in you dear diary so I'll bring you up to speed on what's been happening. I've been reading over my previous entries and I can't believe how naive I was! First off. Severus Snape - spot on the face of humanity! As soon as he graduated he became a death eater! What a monster! The day I graduated, we didn't have a ceremony because of the war, I tried to join the Order of the Phoenix. Not as easy to get in as I figured, the order is an elite group of wizards and witches who have proven themselves to be good and stout of heart. So instead I joined the medical corps with Alanna. After 8 months of intense training we were set to work at St. Mungo's and as members of the emergency response team for battle field injuries. Sirius Black and I are a couple, we've been dating for almost 8 months now. He's working on a search and rescue team and has also applied to join the order. I haven't seen anything of Remus since graduation although we owl each other every week. The minister for magic has decided all werewolves, giants, vampires etc., must be shipped off to Canada "before they join forces with you-know-who." What a moron!

Jan 20,
Yesterday was the most terrible day of my life! There was a battle raging in muggle London between Voldemort's forces and ours. Alanna and I were sent in on medic duty. I have never seen such horror and carnage in my life. There were bodies and body parts eveyrwhere, it seemed as soon as we patched someone up, he or she was down again with another hit. We had wizards and witches being wounded as we were frantically working on them. We didn't stand a chance. Two thirds of the medical corps were killed. All around us were pitiful cries for help. And the smell. God! The smell! It will haunt me until the day i die. I saw Jen in the melee, she was screaming, in flames. She was my friend at school but I couldn't help feeling a perverse sort of pleasure watching her die. She joined the death eaters after graduation. Alanna and I are "off duty" back at St. Mungo's. Another team is out on the battle field now. I had a hard time apparating out of there with all those pleas for help ringing in my ears. My team goes back into battle tomorrow.


Feb 3

The battle in muggle London ended yesterday. Our forces were forced to withdraw, Voldemort won this round. Hovering over London is a hideous skill with a snake portruding from it's mouth, the 'Dark Mark', Voldemort's sign. The muggles are terrified, perhaps more so than magical folks as they don't understand what's going on. All they know is that they are dying. Being murdered by hundreds, perhaps thousands. To celebrate their victory in muggle London the Death-eaters tortured and killed at least 300 muggles. Every night the Dark Mark grins wickedly at us. On any given night we can see 4 or 5 dark marks scarring the sky.

March 1
We've won! Voldemort and his death eaters tried to take Hogwarts! But our forces drove them out! It's been nearly a week and neither hide nor hair of them has been seen. Things are getting back to normal. Lily and James are geting married on May 1 and Sirius has asked me to marry him! We're going to wait a year to get married on my birthday. Remus is back from Canada. Life is beautiful once again!

May 2
It's 3 o'clock in the morning. Lily and James had a beautiful wedding. Sirius was best man, I was maid of honour. Lily looked like a fairy tale princess. Alanna and I made sure to short sheet the bed in the honeymoon suite, put saran wrap over the toilet, put dish soap in the jets of the jacuzzi and fill the closet with ping pong balls. Alanna danced with Remus several times at the reception. Due in no part to my manipulations. Wink wink nudge nudge. Yup, just call me cupid!

May 7
Okay so I'm an idiot. Alanna hates Remus, thinks he boring and is freaked out by his illness (she's afraid she might catch it). Remus thinks Alanna has no personality and is dumber than meat. Lily and James were amused by Alanna and my's antics in their suite. James said the bubbles in the jacuzzi filled the tub room and spilled into the bedroom. Oops! They're on their honeymoon right now on the continent. Sirius and I have planned our wedding for my birthday. Alanna, as my very best friend in the whole wide world is, of course, going to be my maid of honour. I talked to Lily about it and she's fine with that even though Sirius wants James to be his best man.

Jan 1 Happy New Year. The war is back on. There aren't any major battles being fought, it's become a war of subterfuge. A witch or wizard can come home from work to find the dark mark grinning madly above their home. Sirius and I have postponed our wedding until things settle down. Lily is 3 months pregnant. She's asked me if I'll deliver the baby for her. James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Alanna and I have all been accepted into the order. It took some finagaling on James' part to convince Dumbledore to allow Peter to join (maybe because Peter's not all that talented) but in the end Dumbledore accepted him. Severus Snape has turned against Voldemort and is working 'undercover' for our side. I don't trust him but Dumbledore does so that's good enough for me. I'm leaving tomorrow on my assignment.

August 1
Lily had her baby last night! A boy, they've named him Harry and are naming Sirius as his godfather. Once we're married I'll be Harry's godmother, it was too much paperwork to name me his godmother as I've just been named godmother to Alice and Frank's new baby Neville. Harry's a cute little baby, his eyes are blue but I think when they colour in they'll be green like his mum's. He's completely bald but has eyebrows, it's really quite comical to see him. Voldemort is actively pursuing Lily and James now so they're on the run. Someone on our side is leaking information to Voldemort. Lily and James are having a bugger of a time staying one step ahead of him.


August 2
Alanna is dead. My best friend is dead. Murdered. She was working at St. Mungo's when it was attacked. Death eaters simply strolled in and killed anyone they came across. Staff. Patients. Visitors. My best friend. None was spared. The alarm went up and aurors arrived. A battle ensued. 4 death eaters were killed, 1 taken captive and 1 escaped. None of the aurors were hurt. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. My friend. My best friend. My soulmate. My sister. Gone. I wish I was dead instead. If I'd been on day rotation instead of evening it would have been me.

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those, whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow,
Die not poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy picture be,
Much pleasure, then from thee much more must flow,

And soonest our best me with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou'rt slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy, or charms can make us sleep as well,
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And Death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.*

October 31
It's been more than a year since Alanna died. I didn't think it was possible for me to feel any more pain or bear any more loss. Lily and James are dead. Murdered by Voldemort via Sirius Black. All along he's been passing information about Lily, James and Harry. Dumbledore convinced Lily and James to use the fidelius charm and use him as their secret keeper. James insisted on using Sirius though. I suppose he thought Sirius loved him as much as he loved Sirius. Sirius must have been ecstatic when he told his "master" he could hand him the Potters on a silver platter. Voldemort rushed right over to their hideout and killed them both. The only good news is that somehow, baby Harry killed Voldemort. The wizarding world is mad with glee. I suppose the deaths of two people is a small price to pay for freedom from tyranny. I suppose many, many lives wree spared tonight. Dumbledore sent my dad to get Harry and bring him to his aunt and uncle. Dad said Sirius was at the Potter's 'overcome with grief'. Dad didn't know about Sirius being their secret keeper. So now Sirius has disappeared. Remus came straight to Godric's hollow when he heard the news. I haven't seen or heard anything of Peter yet, the little coward is probably hiding in case Sirius goes after him.

Nov 5
They've captured Black! Peter tracked him down and cornered him on a muggle street. Poor Peter must have been overcome with grief, he was crying about Lily and James when Black cursed him, killing him, 12 muggles, and destroying half the street. As ministry hit wizards swept down on him he just laughed. He'll rot in Azkaban forever. I hope.

Apr 14
Well here I am. Remus, my only remaining friend from school has moved to Blackpool. Voldemort is gone, not dead, I don't think he was human enough to be dead, but gone. For now. The last of the death eaters have been killed, thrown in Azkaban or 'repented and seen the error of their ways'. Of course they didn't put it that way. They said they'd been placed under the imperious curse and forced to do the evil deeds they'd done. The Longbottoms are in St. Mungo's, driven mad after being under the cruciatus curse for 5 days. I'm teaching at Hogwarts now, I teach muggle studies. Neville stays with his grandmother while I'm at school and with me during the holidays. When he starts school we'll switch. This may very well be my final entry in you dear diary. I've poured my heart into you. A lot of joy and, also a lot of pain. Too much pain. I don't have the energy or the will to write to you right now. We'll see what the future brings.

* Holy Sonnet X by John Donne


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