The Elisa Calconn Series: Before Hogwarts

Chapter 2 / / Chapter 3

Hello, remember me?
Of course not, I see.
You have other friends now,
Other people there,
To laugh with you,
To help you do your hair,
And you'd help me too,
Not now thought,
You've been gone too long,
Through winters and snow.
But, friend, I still remember
How it used to be,,BR>How I'd laugh with you,
And you'd laugh with me.
I missed you friend,
But you're back now,
I can't explain it,
And I can't tell how.
But you're back,
All the same,
Just as you were before,
Just as I saw you,
First walk through the door.
And I'm here too,
With a smile on my face
Oh, such a grin,
That you can't erase.
And you're smiling too,
But you're nervous,
I can tell,
Ready to jump,
At the sound of a bell.
But I missed you, I did,
When we'd swim in the pool,
When we'd jump and we'd play,
And we'd break all the rules.
Where have you been?
Did you miss me too?
Did you think of me now and then,
As I did for you?
For I am not you,
I don't know your height
or the size of your shoe,
But I missed you.

Chapter 1:The Beginning

At the beginning, well, strangely, or not strangely, enough, both stories, those of Harry Potter and Elisa Calconn, begin from the same source: Voldemort. Even so, we all know the Harry Potter side of the story. The problem is, what happened to Elisa? I, spectre, am here to tell the tale that all forgot, or didn't even hear.
we all know what happend that night, when the unsuspecting Dursleys found Harry on their doorstep. but what about the child who was left in a dungeon room, warmed for the infant living there. Here we go:
Hagrid landed on the driveway, carrying the sleeping Harry in a sling on his back.
"Ahh, Hagrid, you have got him?" Dumbledore asked.
"Li'l tyke fell asleep just as we flew over Bristol,"
"And the girl?" Dumbledore said, looking over the rims of his half moon glasses.
Hagrid grumbled and sneered as he did so.
"Hagrid, you must notice that it is not her fault that she is his daughter."
"She'll grow up to be just like him, you'll see!"
"That is why no one will know, and why she'll be sent to live with muggles, just as Harry will be." Dumbledore's voice was calm, while Hagrid's was brimming with emotion, "Perhaps I should send Sirius to get her..."
"He's a traitor, Professor, he broke the spell!" Hagrid said, snarling.
"I don't believe it was his fault Hagrid, now hand me Harry and give the motorcycle back to Sirius, he'll need it to take Elisa where I'm sending her."
sirius looked down at the little bundle in the sling lent to him by Hagrid. He couldn't stop thinking about what he had done, letting Pettigrew be the Secret Keeper, and now because of that traitor, the Potters were dead, all except Harry. No, Sirius corrected himself; it wasn't Peter's fault as much as it was his own.
Sirius forced himself to focus on the task at hand. He looked down once more at the face in the sling. The red, cat-slit eyes looked back at him, but unlike voldemort's eyes they held a kindness, an understanding. He poured out his soul to her that night, telling all his thoughts, and Sirius felt that the little girl hanging by his chest listened. Elisa grabbed his dangling finger, but didn't smile until he smiled, then she laughed the way true babies should laugh. Oh well, he thought, I'll worry about that rat tomorrow. elisa sat in the TV room of her house, listening as her parents told her how proud they were of her for doing so well in Kindergarten. She laughed to herself, they were idiots. They didn't know what she could do. she had figured out long ago that they weren't her parents, she didn't look anything like them. They were blond haired, they had brown eyes, they were chubby, slow, yet graceful, while she was brown haired, red eyed, thin, in a toddler-like way, and catlike. Her parents walked away to say the same things to her brother, Henry. Ahh, but he would like it, unlike me, she thought.

But she contented to sit and wait 'til it was explained, for now she let her mind wander from them to the cat sitting on the floor in front of her. His name was gunther Gables Williams, named for a famous tiger-tamer, but he was just Gunther for short.
"How is it that people with small minds always have big mouths?" Gunther asked her.
"They think that if they give me praise, I'll be happy here and not want to run off wherever I'm destined to go. It's a human thing, you wouldn't understand." Elisa teased him.
He teased her back, "Neither would you, O Changling of mine. You're only human for about one one millionth of your brain."
"How do you know what I'm called? Where'd a cat like you find out?"

"I travel the highways, Elisa, I've talked with the Majicou, the one-eyed black cat, and I've run with the best of them. I would know."

"Mmm. Me too."
An owl flew past the window. Elisa had seen them, tried to talk to them, but they just flew on with the simple words of "Business to attend, can't talk." She had also seen the letters they were carying.
Just as she was wondering about this for the hundredth time that day, a knock came from the door. "Who is it?" Elisa called from her bed.
There was no answer. She got up and went to look through the window at the stranger. There sat an old man, with the longest beard she had ever seen; it swept the ground as he walked.
He wore sweeping robes of dark blue, and a dark blue pointed hat to match. His hair was a long as his beard. He reminded elisa of the Merlin she had heard of so many times in stories.
she walked to the door and opened it for im, while calling a long "MOM!" down the hallway.
The stranger's eyes twinkled behind his half-moon spectacles. "Are you Merlin?" she asked.
"No child, but I will tell you who I am soon enough." He smiled.
the Elisa's mother walked in, "Yes?"
"I have come to speak to the child about her later years in life. I believe it is necessary to tell her now before she leaves for school when she is eleven."
"And who are you?"
"My name is Albus Dumbledore. I am a professor at a school in England, and I am here to tell Elisa what she needs to know."
"No you will not. We live a very happy life here without you telling her!" Elisa's mother yelled. Ever calm Albus simply said, "Ahh, my dear, I am afaid it is a must." With that he laid a hand on Elisa's shoulder, and with a rush of wind, Elisa felt herself soaring like the birds she had so often transformed into.
then they were in an office, circular, with pictures of sleeping people in them. That was silly, why would anyone draw sleeping people? then she noticed that they were moving, and that, in a corner, there was a beautiful bird of scarlet that could only be from a fairy tale. "Who are you?" she asked in a repetitive way.
"Head master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Watch them caper and dance,
Like a deer on the run,
Watch them fight with their swords,
Watch them kill for the fun.
Watch them do the impossible,
In the blink of an eye,
Watch them jump, watch them tumble,
Watch them duel, watch them die.
Somewhere in the land of pretend
This all lies,
Where the good fight the bad,
Where the cowardly die.
This is where all find themselves,
At least once in an age,
When they want something new,
When they crave for a change.
When they want to be something,
They can't possibly be,
They run to the unreal,
They escape, and they flee.
When one calls for safety,
From the day after day,
Sanctuary is false,
To all who will stay.

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Chapter 2:

"And it's time that you understood your future." Dumbledore continued.
"mom says that I'm going to Ransom Everglades, but I don't want to. It's boring there, I've been to the camp." She gave him the "Thinks-she's-smart little girl" act.
"Elisa don't play with me, I know your past and I can create your future."
"Mmm. Continue, O ye master of times. That's what I'll call you from now on. You're Father Time." "I hate to disappoint you, child, but I am Albus Dumbledore and always will be!" He laughed.
"sorry but you look like Father Time, smell like Father Time, talke like Father Time, and act like Father Time, so, like it or not, you're Father Time." Elisa crossed her arms and gave him a sideways look.
"I thought you said I was Merlin."
"Ahh, yes, but Gollumdo say he be dead, my preciousssss!" she hissed. that was a good book, the Hobbit. Her Father had read it to her when she was four.
"Yes, he is isn't he. Either way, I'm here to tell you that, well, that you're a witch, Elisa. And we want to send to Future Thyme's School of Wizardry, where you'll learn everything you need to know about the wizarding world."
"Thought there was something weird going on. You know that I can change forms to any animal I want? It's really cool. My cat told me that I'm a 'Changeling,' whatever that is." "Well, Elisa, you just explained that yourself. I'll tell you why. You see Elisa, you're the daughter of a great, evil wizard who-"
(I think you know how this goes from here, and so, as Spectre, I think that I will simply skip ahead to the beginning of school)

Good Evening, Evening,
Good Morning, Solitude,
O, thou who doth fill
My every hour,
O thou who doth watch my every move.
Good Noontide, Drawings,
Good Night, O Books,
My forever lasting pastime
Of unreality.
How art thou, imagination?
And you, O ideas?
O thou who doth
Wander my mind
In hopes for salvation,
In hopes to be told.
Hello, Emotions,
Greetings, senses.
Will the sun shine in my world today?
Doth thou still love and hate, resent,
and yet still hope for the impossible?
Goodbye, O sadness
Forget me, sameness,
O thou that doth hamper me so.
Be thou forever gone,
Never return,
And leave my life in peace.

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Chapter 3:

Future Thyme's School of Wizardry
Elisa carried her trunk on a trolley at a local Metro station to get onto the Metro Rail on her way to Future Thyme's. She knew how to get on, it wasn't hard, but it had everything to do with the clear glass elevator. Elisa though this didn't sound like the way you should get to school, on a Metro Rail, but she was stuck. So she got onto the elevator.
Along with the people she knew to be other people, because most Floridians didn't take the Metro. One of the many people in the elevator pressed their wand to the three buttons, four, one, and three, and with a rush of wind, the elevator stopped, and they all got out onto a station high up in the air.
There, lined up, were about one hundred carriages, floating in mid-air by a platform. Elisa remarked to herself that it looked very much like the heaven that her old school had preached on about. Parents were saying goodbye to their children, but Elisa, her foster parents, now having long since left in the Acura, was alone, and quickly put herself and her trunk into the first empty carriage she saw. She liked solitude, she had been stuck with it since she went to a new school in first grade, basically since she had found out that she was a witch.
There she sad reding a book called "The Amber Spyglass" when the door to the carriage opened. There stood a girl of about Elisa's age, holding a trunk and looking at Elisa.
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
"Not in the least,"
"My name's Dana,"
Elisa went back to reading, and Dana looked around the carriage.
"You know, this is strange, that I'm a witch, I mean. I've never been really good at anything except sailing, but that's a family thing, and-"
"Don't worry about it," Elisa said.
"Rubah," was all that Dana could say, in a bit of a forlorn tone. (Rubah is pronounced Roo-buh) But after the long carriage ride through the air, they were good friends, and laughing by the time a witch on a broom stick opened the doors and offered them food off a cart in trailing in the wind behind her. They spent the last of the imoney on it, (the only way Elisa had paid for any of her things was that Voldemort and her mother had left her a lot of money, and Elisa was surprised that they hadn't removed it and given it to the family of the dead people. (She suspected that Dumbledore had left it for her use later in life) and she spent the ride eating the usual chocolate frogs and making strange remarks like "I'm high on cheerios!" (Which Dana had brought along) and "Oh, sure, blame it on the llama!" (This was after Elisa had told Dana that she was a Changling and explained what it was).
"Wonder what you do at a wizarding school anyway?" Elisa asked, as she held on to her chocolage from and looked at the picture of Merlin.
"Magic?" Dana said.
"I guess. It's not like I would know, but hey, ho, what d'you know, I'm gonna find out anyway, right?" Elisa sighed. She'd never had a friend like this. In her old school she had been considered strange, not only because of her eyes, but because of the way she acted. She was different, they were the same. Elisa had thought this over a million times in her head. she recalled her favourite saying in her head, from a store called Hot Topic. The saying went "You all laugh because I'm different, i laugh because you're all the same." She recited in her mind part of a poem that she had written;

Do you not notice that they are the same?
They shun difference, promort monotony,
And reward it with a higher social staus.
Do they not understand how it works yet?
It zigzags, loop-de-loops, then topples over in its own gamboling,
It is constantly changing, spinning, mixing,
To create other meanings.
No force controls it, and no force has it under its power.
It's free as our mind,
It's caged as our thoughts,
It's imprisoned in our thoughts,
It's imprisoned as our ideas.
It, whatever "it" is,
Will only mean anything to those brave enough,
To dig beneath the surface, those logical enough,
To see what's right in front of them, those creative enough,
To see unreality.

Who cares, she thought, it's a new beginning, this school, and for all I know, it's new world altogether.
Light shone on the glass of the carriage, contrasting the darkness inside. The carriage bumped in the turbulence, but only for a moment. Dana babbled on.
Elisa thought of another saying she had heard, and to her is was amusing. It said "don't interrupt me as I'm talking to myself."
Dana stopped, then laughed her head off.
It was a few minutes before Elisa could get anything out of her.
"What is it? What's so funny?"
"What you just said, stupid!" she gasped.
"I said that out loud?"
"Perfect timing, right?" Elisa sighed, then began laughing herself.
"Let's change, I think we're almost there." said Dana after recovering. she looked out the window at the now dark sky. They both changed into their forest green robes, and put anything they had had out of their trunks.
Their carriage bumped, like a boat coming into port, against a platform with a red carpet. In they walked, among a throng of people, into the corridors of a shining caslte of a school. Torch after torch burned along the passage, lighting their journey, until a smiling woman called them. "First years, this way, please!" she called from a hallway that parted from the main one. "I am Professor Turner. I will be teaching you charms this year at Future Thyme. Before we begin, you need to be sorted into your houses, as you do in most Wizarding schools. The four houses are Kyna, Shey-Na, Kailack, and Calinria. Each are named for part of this school's history. You may find out about this soon enough. The was we sort is done by the headmistress of this school, Leah aren. She will decide your house for you depending on questions she asks of you. Follow me to the Great Hall." and of course, the bewildered first years followed.
the Great hall was huge (almost nothing compared to Hogwarts, though), big enough to fit the one thousand or so students. They walked up to a raised platform where the professors were seated, and a hush fell around them.
From here on, it ends up like Harry Potter. Her next friend is Laura Alonzo, and her worst enemy turns out to be two worst enemies: Margaret Catcher and Erin Cohen. She gets sorted into the House of Kailack, the equivalent of Gryffindor in Hogwarts.
Later, sometime in her third year, Elisa gets accused of murdering four muggle children when in her werewolf form (yes, she is part werewolf, too. She must be, as she is part of every animal.) After the wolf's mind took over the human logic of her primary brain. But that's another story (and will, of course, be told at a later date)

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