Remus' Christmas

By: Lucy Fur

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, something something la la...
Remus Lupin, covered in flour from head to toe, stopped singing long enough to put his mincemeat tarts in the oven, then burst into his own rendition of 'Frosty the Snowman'.
At the kitchen table, surrounded by baked goods, sat wanted criminal, and Remus' childhood friend, Sirius Black.
Sirius stared darkly at a jam tart before popping it into his mouth. "I don't know what you've got to be singing about," he said, after swallowing.
"Voldemort's back, more powerful than ever, the Ministry is sitting idly by, and Harry is in danger"
Remus looked sympathetically at his old friend as he wiped the flour off his hands on his frilly apron. "Padfoot old friend. It will all work out. Dumbledore will take care of everything. Besides, Harry's safe as long as he's at Hogwarts. don't be so serious Sirius. It's Christmas! Let's drink some wine and sing in front of a roaring fire."
"I've got a better idea," said Sirius, "let's drink some rum and roar at the fire."
An hour later they were doing just that.
Next morning found Remus and Sirius tenderly nursing headaches. A tap on the door, loud as a cannon blast, jerked them from their ministrations. Remus, a garland of tinsel wrapped round his head like a turban, stumbled to the door. Sirius meanwhile, a giant red bow round his neck, turned into a dog. Remus opened the door and blinked owlishly at his visitors-Muggle Police Men. Apparently their singing had annoyed the neighbours. The fact that Remus lived in a semi-secluded cottage, one of four placed around a lake, was testament to the intesnsity of their revelry.
The police were sympathetic to Remus as they read him his rights. He would spend the night in jail for disturbing the peace. His dog would spend the night at the local pound.
As they drove him away in the cruiser a horrific thought entered Remus' mind - Tonight was the full moon.

This is just a fluff story-I was bored and wrote this to kill time. I have no idea if that's what they do to people for disturbing the peace. But I had to finish it somehow. It takes place after Goblet of Fire.

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