The Story of an Azkaban Prisoner
By: Mary Safety Pins

As I sit in my cell, I look past the bars that hold me in my little box. I see them, the dementors. I sit and think of a way to escape. I look up at you.

"13 years ago, my best friend James Potter and his wife Lily Potter, were killed by none other than Voldemort. Their son is the famous Harry Potter, yes, the only person who ever stayed alive after Voldemort wanted to kill him.

"Anyways, the only way Voldemort could find the Potters was by getting the location from the Potter's secret-keeper, which I was for a while, but I thought it would be safer if our friend Peter was the secret-keeper because he is such a weakling that Voldemort would never think it would be him.

"Little did I know that Peter was on Voldemort's side. So the night of James and Lily's death, I went to check on Peter, to make sure he was ok. When I got there he was gone, I knew something had to be up so I rushed over to James and Lily's house was destroyed. There was only little Harry. I wanted to take care of him I wanted to make sure he was OK, I could raise him. After all I was his godfather.

"Yet, Hagrid, the game keeper at Hogwarts, was on orders from Dumbledore, to take Harry to him. I couldn't fight with Hagrid about this, Muggles were coming. I somehow felt that Harry was my last link to James. I begged one more time. Hagrid tried to comfort me, I was such a mess. So I gave Hagrid my motorcycle, so he could take Harry to Dumbledore. I knew deep in my heart it was the safest place for him. So I watched Hagrid and Harry fly away. I knew deep in my heart something bad was going to happen soon.

"About a week later, little Peter knew he had to do something before I let it out that he sold James and Lily to Voldemort. So he made a little plan to frame me. This is how it happened.

"I went searching for Peter in the Muggle world. I had him pinned against a wall, I was about to tie him up, but Peter started yelling about how I betrayed Lily and James and stuff like that. He was getting quite a lot of attention from the Muggles around us. Then he blew up the part of the street we were on. 12 muggles died, and so did Peter.

"At least that's what I thought. Till not too long ago, Cornelius Fudge, came to Azkaban, I asked if I could have his newspaper if he was done. He gave it to me and right there in the newspaper was Peter. As a rat that is, he was on a young boy's shoulder. The article said the boy was going to Hogwarts, where Harry was.

"That's how I got my plan to leave this place. I have to leave that story where it is, it's dinner time."

You watch me change into my dog form, I know you won't tell how I escaped because you are just a little rat.

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