The Night Before Christmas
By: Sarah Houtby

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the school
Not a creature was stirring, not even a ghoul
The students were nestled in bunks snug and warm
While outside the windows there raged quite a storm.
The elves in the kitchen had cooked up a feast,
A delectible treat fit for man or for beast.
When in the Great Hall there arose such a clatter
All sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.
Into the Great Hall we rushed in to see
Peeves the poltergeist who had tipped over a tree.
He cackled insanely, the mean little man
For he wanted some fun and he'd worked out a plan
"Oh Dumbledore dearest," he said with a grin,
"Have a razor so that we might see your chin.
Dear Snape some shampoo and soap for your shower,
With grease buildup like yours it could take over an hour.
McGonagall, Flitwick, Hagrid and Sprout
I've gifts for you all which you'll love I've no doubt
For Minerva a scratching post to keep her claws sharp,
For Flitwick some platforms, for Hagrid a harp
For Professor Sprout who's my favourite by far
I've got you some seeds kept tight in a jar."
Peeves turned to the students who'd gathered around
But before he could taunt them he crashed to the ground.
A fat little man dressed in red all could see
Stepped over to them from in the chimney
"That's enough of this nonsense," he said in a huff
Christmas is simply no time for such stuff!
Now all back to bed I'll tell you just once,"
And looking at Peeves, said "I'll deal with this dunce"
To the man who was speaking all stared at because,
They could see in a moment it was Santa Claus.
The students and teachers ran off to bed
Snape stopped just a moment to kick Peeves in the head.
As they slept in their beds all warm and tight
They were thankful that Santa had stepped in that night.

by Sarah Houtby

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