We Meet Again...For the First Time
By: Sarah Houtby

Professor Ian Quirrel was greatly looking forward to summer holidays. Today was the last day of term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The students were headed to Hogsmeade to catch the Hogwart's Express which would take them to London. As Quirrel stood at the front doors waving to the last stragglers he heard a high squeak behind him "good morning Professor Quirrel," said Professor Flitwick, the charms teacher."Looking forward to your holiday I presume. Where did you say you were going?" Flitwick asked.
"I-I-I'm, vi-v-visiting m-my aunt i-in a-a-Alb-b-bania." Quirrel stuttered."I-I-I leave f-first thing in the m-morning."
"Ah," replied flitwick, "I'm headed to Canada myself. I've got family there on a ranch in Alberta. Speaking of which, I'd better finish packing!." And he hurried off.

Next morning found Professor Quirrel bleary-eyed waiting for the Knight bus, which would take him to Paris. He'd stay a day in Paris with his sister, Sabrina. Then he'd apparate to Albania and stay with his aunt.
Finally, although ten minutes late, the Knight bus arrived, and he was off to Paris
An hour later Professor Quirrel was sitting at his sister's kitchen table gingerly sipping tea. Travelling by Knight bus always left him feeling queasy.
The next morning, Sabrina woke him early to go sightseeing, he knew that she'd keep up a running commentary the entire while. They visited the Eiffel Tower, "it's amazing what muggles can do when they put their minds to it." The infamous wizard cafe - the Cordon Doff "sooo expensive, you really just pay for the name." As well as the world's largest wizard shopping center- Perpetual Alley, "it's always so crowded..." Where Ian purchased a set of purple robes, replete with a purple turban "n-n-not th-that I'll ever w-w-wear th-that ugly thing," and some books, 'The Idiot's guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts,' and 'Defense Against the Dark Arts for Dummies.'
That evening he and Sabrina saw the new wizard play "Wendelin the Weird: the Musical!" The following morning, after an uncomfortable sleep on a lumpy hide-a-bed, Ian bid his sister "a-a-au r-r-revoir." and apparated to Albania to his Aunt Zelda's.

Ian never got along well with his parents. As a result he had spent a good portion of his childhood with his Aunt. He loved her like a mother and she, a spinster, loved him like a son. She lived in a tiny cottage on a lake in the forest. When he stayed with her, he spent many happy hours walking in the forest, watching and cataloguing birds, animals and plants.
Every morning saw the same routine. Zelda would prepare a delicious breakfast, usually consisting of bacon, eggs and pancakes. Meanwhile, Ian would milk Herschel, the cow, and collect the eggs from Zelda's chicknes. After breakfast Ian would clean the dishes then go for a long rambling walk. Sometimes he would return for lunch, then head out again, Zelda in tow. Usually though, he would return for supper, exhausted but bursting with stories of things he'd seen. After supper he and Zelda would invariably play a game. Cribbage, scrabble, wizard's chess and Old Maid were among their favourites. Such was life for Ian at Aunt Zelda's. One day however, all that changed.

Ian went for his walk and came back carrying a bundle. He went straight to his room. He did not eat supper. He did not play any games with his aunt. He did not leave his room. The following morning he did not come down to breakfast. Zelda milked Herschel and collected the eggs. Her worried queries through his locked door were met with sharp replies, harsh shouts to be left alone, curses and swears and finally, after a scathing tirade of invectives, stoney silence....Ian Quirrel had met Lord Voldemort.

On his walk Ian came upon a clearing, strewn about were the bodies of several snakes. The bodies appeared shrunken and withered, as though the life had ben sucked out of them. Intrigued, Ian crouched beside one, prodding it with a stick. So intent upon the snake was he, he didn't notice the sound of rushing air behind him, or the figure coalesce, as though from smoke. A high laugh reached his ears. He started and spun, losing his balance and landing in a heap. Before his wide, terrified eyes stood a spectre, grey and transparent, like a wisp of smoke.
Quirrel opened his mouth soundlessly as the spectre advanced. Finally he managed to sputter "wh-wh-who a-a-are you?"
The spectre paused, appraised him, and spoke. It's voice was the sound of a thousand souls screaming, and chilled Quirrel to the marrow. "I am Lord voldemort," it rasped. "You will serve me." Quirrel's mind became blissfully blank. He felt a mind, much stronger, much surer than his own, probing his. Collecting and assessing his thoughts, knowledge, and memories. Some thoughts it pondered. Dumbledore, Hogwarts, the Philosopher's Stone. Others, his childhood, aunt Zelda, it cast aside, these were unimportant. There is no good. There is no evil. There is only power, and those strong enough to use it.
A snake slithered into the clearing and stopped. It gazed at Voldemort and opened it's mouth wide. Voldemort entered it's mouth. Quirrel obediently removed his cloak, tenderly wrapped his master in it and returned to Zelda's cottage. He went to his room where Voldemort told him what he must do. The Philosopher's Stone was being stored at Gringott's before it would be relocated to Hogwarts. Quirrel would steal the stone, present it to his master, and Lord voldemort would rise again.

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