The Half Blood Prince


Well, I certainly hope that the romance between Tonks and Lupin does NOT work out! It's WAY WAY WAY too trite. So wrong for so many reasons. I was impressed that mean Fleur, stayed with Bill despite his injuries although I'd rather see him with Tonks, they're closer to the same age, and they match up personality wise. Anyway, the good thing is that Fleur is not a superficial (word that isn't mentioned in polite society). I saw Snape being the half blood prince, just because he's a major character and the writing in the potion book seemed Snapeish. I'm still stunned that he turned traitor and killed Dumbledore, I'm hoping he's maybe under the imperius curse or that it was planned by the two of them. I think Regulus Black is the one who stole the Horcrux from the cave and either Mundungus or Kreacher knows where the real one is hidden. I hope Slughorn doesn't return in the next book, he really seemed like a replacement for Gilderoy Lockhart, he served his purpose and all but really didn't sing for me.

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