Llewellyn's Garden

A Support Group for those suffering from Werewolfism

Being a werewolf in today's society can be difficult and frustrating. It seems every way you turn there are barriers. This group was formed by Llwellyn Gustafson, the mother of a werewolf, as a means of offering support to other parents as well as adult werewolves. Our aim is to help werewolves learn coping skills and life strategies so they can become healthy, productive members of society.

It is extremely difficult for a werewolf to find a job. Many draconian laws punish employers for hiring werewolves as well as werewolves for seeking employment.
 Some employers obtain a permit that allows them to hire werewolves. Unfortunately, the ministry restricts positions that werewolves may apply for.
 Working conditions tend to be deplorable for werewolves. Werewolves are forbidden to join unions. Should a werewolf obtain employment he or she must forfeit 35% of his or her pay to the Werewolf Registry "Managerial" and "Licensing" fees; 25% to the Board for the Regulation of Dangerous Beasts for "Safety" fees and 15% to his or her employer as "toleration" reimbursement. This leaves the werewolf with 25% or his or her pay cheque for his or herself. Things are made doubly difficult because a werewolf must be fired if there is a complaint against him or her. At this point there are no social programs to assist werewolves and many end up on the street.

The social stigma associated with werewolfism can also make life difficult . Werewolfism has long been seen as a "dark" disease due to the danger posed to other by the sufferer during the full moon. Werewolves find that people fear them and recoil in disgust, fear and even anger upon discovering their condition. Many choose to isolate themselves rather than face rejection. Some build up networks of acquaintances whom they meet infrequently and from whom they conceal their condition. A minute number manage to build close friendships of people who know about their condition and accept it. No matter the route chosen by a werewolf the result is a lifetime of loneliness and pain. There werewolf cannot keep his or her condition secret for long, when he or she is found out the result is almost always rejection.

Here at Llewellyn's Garden we provide a network of emotional support, lists of sympathetic employers and guides for werewolves and their families. We strive to educate them community about the condition and eventually remove the stigma associated with werewolfism.

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