Safety tips for living near a werewolf

1. Never let a werewolf (even in its human form) into your house. The werewolf hunts by smell. Allowing your "friendly neighbour" in for a cup of tea will allow it to mark you and your home with its scent.
2. Stay inside during the full moon. If you must venture out, keep your wand ready at all times.
3. The werewolf can strike anyone at any time. Keep away from windows and doors. If possible, board windows up during the full moon. The werewolf may see you through the glass or smell you, and attack.
4. Keep witches away from the werewolf at all times. Never allow a young witch to be alone with the werewolf. Werewolves, in their human form, will seduce young witches, have their way with the young witch, then rip our her throat and drink her blood. A werewolf's bloodlust is insatiable. It will use any means at its disposal to lure young witches. It may appear vulnerable, charming or macho in order to play to a witch's sympathies.
5. Do not allow yourself to feel pity on the werewolf. For example, do not greet it if you pass it on the street. Avoid eye contact. The werewolf will see any act of kindness, no matter how small, as a sign of weakness and attack.

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