Walking  |  Jogging  |  Sailing  |  Pedal Boating  |  Kayaking  |  Biking  |  Skating  |  Skateboarding  Horseshoe Pits  |  Playground  |  Picnicking  |  Volleyball  |  Catfish & Trout Fishing...


   The "perimeter road" offers a 2 mile course that must be shared with auto traffic.  The inner road offers a 1.5 mile course with no auto traffic and a more scenic route next to the lake.  

   For the more ambitious jogger, you might want to tackle our 18 station Par-Course stationed on the inner trail around the grassy meadow.


FOR THE BOATER... a public boat launch, dock (for entry and exit of boats in the water not boat storage), and trailer parking if you bring your own boat.  There are pedal boats, kayaks, and sailboats for rent in the summer. Check out the summer sailing camps for kids and classes for adults.


Bring your bikes and helmets (everyone under the age of 18yr MUST WEAR A HELMET if they are on anything with wheels, excluding a stroller... of course)!  There are plenty of pathways and there's a 2 mile roadway around the parks interior.  Skateboards are allowed... malicious, disruptive, and damaging ("grinding") behavior is not allowed.  Skateboarding is allowed on the surface of roadways and paths.  Skateboards are not allowed on curbs, banks, tables, or anything that could be considered a structure. Skateboarding is not a crime, unless your doing it in a place or manor that is prohibited or inappropriate by law.   Goto the skate park site


The courts are first-come-first-serve non-reservable.  Sports Equipment (volleyballs, soccer balls, football, & Frisbees) may be available for daily use form the Marina (summer only) with a $20 deposit, refundable at the end of the day.

Volleyball Court and Horseshoe Pit location map 














Courtesy of CSJ

The goal of the Lake Cunningham Custom Play Lot Project to define a unique image and conceptual layout plan for replacement of play lots at Lake Cunningham Park. In 2008 two play lots were removed from Lake Cunningham Park because the original (twenty-five year old) wood and metal structures do not meet current safety standards for play lots. 

The scope of work for this project includes the preparation of conceptual level custom play lot designs, budget estimates and a community outreach process.  The preparation of final construction documents, bid, award and construction are not scheduled at this time.   

An initial presentation was made to the community on April 8, 2009 to solicit input.  Additional information was presented at a Council District 8 Roundtable on June 4, 2009. The Roundtable recommended further development of the “Treasure Islands” theme for the youth play lot (ages 6-12) and “The Picnic” theme for the tot play lot (ages 2-5).

Your comments and questions are welcome!  Please send them to:  Marybeth Harasz by e-mail at [email protected] or call 408.793.4183.

April 8th Presentation
June 4th Presentation



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