To our hereos whom we lost, Bco 11th engineer battalion:
        4 April 2003 SFC Smith, Paul, I will always remember you as the person that did everything to standard.  In a way I admired your leadership and what you have taught me as a soldier.
        7 April 2003 SSg Hollinisaid, Lincoln,  I did not know you to well but I remember you being quite and taking the mission to be take my soldiers the first night we crossed into iraq and making sure you get them back to me safe., which you did. Then I remember you taking over when SFC Smith was killed and then I remember hearing the word about you and PFC Meyers, I could not believe it as I sat there at 0430 with the CSM telling us how it happened. Believe me we were mad.
        7 April 2003 Pfc Meyers, Jason, You were a friend whom I joked with on a daily bases or everytime I saw you, I remember you asking me if I wanted to go on a fishing trip when we got back.. so we had made those plans but unfortunattly we never did that. but I will always think of you when I go fishing Meyers.

This is for the Soldiers that served their Country well.
SFC Smith
SSG Hollinsaid
PFC Meyers
SSG Hollinsaid playing gameboy
PFC Meyers, Jason,
Arlington Cemetary
SSG Hollinsaid and SFC Smith
Click on the pictures if you want to read about these soldiers.
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