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Name:Commander PipsDara Ilia
Race: Bajoran
Age: 29
Birthplace: Bajor

Physical Data:
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 135 lbs
Sex: Female
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Dark Brown

Father: Dara Talin (deceased)
Mother: Dara Nilara (deceased)
Siblings: None
Spouse: Jahkar (Klingon/Romulan) - Divorced
Children: Tajel, Bajoran/Cardassian male, born 8810.31; Kedanya, Klingon/Romulan/Bajoran female, born 9908.19

Personality: Has a very strong sense of right and wrong. She hates prejudice and tends to be very open minded but is sensitive to issues regarding her past. One of her flaws is she at times takes other's negative views of her too personally. She also is outspoken. If she thinks her superior is making a mistake, she will definitely let them know.

Description: Straight, simply styled hair that goes just past her shoulders. Slim but athletic frame, very toned and slightly muscular arms and legs. Often wears off duty clothes that show off her form, form fitting slacks or jeans, midriff baring tops, and other similar clothing.

History: Ilia grew up on Bajor during the occupation. At the age of 12 her parents were murdered by Cardassian soldiers when they attempted to resist the seizing of their farm land. Ilia escaped and soon after joined a resistance cell. She remained with the group for almost two years until she was injured and captured. She was sent to the Saratek detention camp, one of the worst facilities of the occupation.

She struggled to stay alive for over a year, while people starved to death and were murdered around her. Then one day, the Cardassian in charge of the camp, Gul Nekal, took an interest in Ilia.

He took her in, fed her and clothed her, and gained her trust. It became apparent all too soon, however, what he really wanted from her. He made her his slave . . . sexually and mentally. She suffered terrible abuses at his hands and was forced to witness many atrocities as a result of his cruelty.

A few months before her seventeenth birthday, she discovered she was pregnant. She tried to keep it a secret as long as she could, fearing what Nekal would do to her if he found out. But soon he did, and he was furious with her. He had her severely beaten, hoping that she would miscarry. She did not, however, and soon after managed to escape from Bajor.

Ilia made her way to Earth. A couple months later she gave birth to a boy, Tajel. She struggled for awhile, working odd jobs to get by. At the age of 21 she was offered a chance to enter Starfleet Academy. She majored in security and graduated high in her class. Shortly after her graduation, she was offered a position with Shadow Ops.

Her first assignment was on the USS Repulse under Captain Sakata. During this time she became close to one of her crewmembers, Jack Dark. Ilia was offered a six month advanced training program and took a leave of absence from the Repulse. When the program was through she discovered that Jack had set his romantic sights on another woman. His arrogance in informing her of the situation left her crushed and angry, and when she was offered a transfer to the USS Avenger, she took it.

She served on the Avenger under first Captain Anastasia Kustov, then under Captain Theros Rian. It was here that she met the man who would become her husband, Jahkar, a Marine on loan to Shadow Ops. During what turned out to be her last mission with the Avenger, she encountered Tajel's father, Nekal.

Nekal captured her and exacted his revenge on her, brutally raping and torturing her. She was rescued by Jahkar and managed to kill Nekal before they escaped.

Immediately following the mission, Ilia and Jahkar were transferred to Bravo Squad, reportedly the best unit in Shadow Ops. Ilia's beginnings with the squad were rocky, as she did not approve of the general attitude of its command and the harsh methods it went by for initiating new members. She clashed on several occasions with the squad leader, Commander Kyril Vree. But Ilia finally assimilated to the group, becoming part of the well-organized unit.

Less than a year after the transfer, Ilia and Jahkar became engaged. What they did not realize at the time was that the night of the proposal had also resulted in the conception of a child. Ilia received confirmation that she was pregnant after an exhausting and dangerous mission against the Consortium. Both her and Jahkar were thrilled with the news and immediately planned their wedding. The ceremony took place on stardate 9904.24. On stardate 9908.19, Ilia gave birth to a baby girl, Kedanya.

Shortly after the birth, she and Jahkar were approached by Captain Quentin Lazarus. They were offered a transfer to the USS Ticonderoga, plus a promotion. They accepted and she was promoted to the rank of Commander.

Ilia and Jahkar's marriage did not last. Almost a year after their marriage, Ilia decided that she wanted to leave Shadow Ops. She felt the way of life was too dangerous for her children and she did not want to put them in unneccessary danger. An ensuing disagreement between Ilia and Jahkar on this matter, and on many problems they had been having that neither had cared to admit, they decided to divorce. After coming to a custody agreement, Ilia left with the children to live on Toras III, Jahkar's home planet.

A few months later, Ilia was surprised by a visit from Admiral Sorvek. He offered her command of Apachok Nor, the station that the Ticonderoga was assigned to. The Dominion war had ended and a Commander was needed who could aid in the reconstruction of the shattered Cardassian empire. After a small amount of consideration, she agreed to take the position. She then returned to Apachok Nor to assume her new job.

Name:Provisional Commander PipsSelak
Race: Romulan/Vulcan
Age: 32
Birthplace: Romulus

Physical Data:
Height: 194cm
Weight: 79kg
Sex: Male
Race: Romulan
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel

Father: Sirak, Vulcan Diplomat
Mother: Delcas, Romulan. Deceased.
Siblings: K'Thyn, sister
Spouse: none.
Children: none.

Personality: Selak is cheerfully pessimistic, always expecting the worst, but accepting it with a smile. Brought up by a Vulcan father, he takes a dim view toward any kind of racist/sexist attitudes. Unlike most Vulcans, he has a sarcastic sense of humor, and can be just as emotional as a human, if not more so. He is basically a pacifist but will fight when pushed. He is strong willed compared to most humanoids, but much less than most Vulcans. He loves any technical problem, the more tangled, the better. Like most Romulans, he has a craving for raw meat.

Description: For his race, Selak has unusually light hair and eye color. He usually dresses in black. His shoulder length hair is often tied back in a ponytail. When it is not, it serves to hide his ears. Selak has the talent of blending into any surrounding, it is often easy to forget he is there. He knows how to handle a Bat'leth.

History: Selak, his mother, and his sister fled from Romulus as part of the underground, when he was a child. They grew up on the Federation colony of Setlik III, until he was fourteen. In the Cardassian attack, his mother was killed. He and his sister survived until Starfleet arrived. When they were both 19, the Romulans found them onboard a freighter. Selak escaped in a shuttle, but K'Thyn was captured, and presumably executed. The Romulans have never stopped chasing him.

He signed up with Starfleet Acadamy a short while later, and served for three years on the USS Independence, before being transferred to Shadow Operations. Shortly after he entered training, Selak received word his sister was alive and being held at a Romulan Reeducation Center. Following training, he and several members of his training squadron diverted from their planned shoreleave and took an unauthorized trip into Romulan space where they successfully rescued K'Thyn.

Selak served several months aboard the Shadow Ops ship USS Avenger before the Defiant-class ship was badly damaged in a plasma storm and was towed to drydock for a six month refit. During this time he was reassigned to work as a solo operative. Later, in early 2375, he accepted a post as a training commander with the USS Retribution.

In late 2376 he was offered a promotion to lieutenant commander and accepted the post of first officer to Captain Zem Renasu on Apachok Nor.

Commander Foster Name:Leiutenant Commander PipsNicholas 'Tex' Foster
Race: Human (Cheron)
Age: 35 (*1000)
Birthplace: Cheron

Physical Data:
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 220 lbs
Sex: Male
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Grey

Family:All his family was killed during the race wars. He had been sent to Earth to see if it could be taken over. His father was killed on the bridge of the Enterprise NCC-1701

Personality: Nick sees himself as a marshall from Earth's Old West. He treats everyone politely and with respect most of the time, unless being polite will make them uncomfortable.When he gets angry, sparks literally fly. Injustice & harming the innocent are two sure fire things to make him mad. He allows people to underestimate him.

Description: He dresses like a misplaced marshall with a few differences. His six guns are really one disguised phaser and the other one is a disguised sonic disrupter. Nothing about him is what it appears to be. Think of him as a cross between Wyatt Earp and James Bond with a little Major Boothroyd thrown in. His appearance can change without notice. He uses skin tints along with other techniques to mask his real skin color.

All Cheron have an extra organ. This organ enables them to produce electric charges like a Terran electric eel. They are immune to energy weapons except for the special energy discharge from another Cheron. They can control electrical devices including star ships. They are a very long-lived race. One reason is the energy in their bodies destroys diseases and toxins before these substances can kill them. At least, that is the case so far. You never know.

History: Nicholas is a Cheron. Only a very few of this race still exist. The survivors were off planet when racial tensions escalated to an explosive point. Every Cheron is white on one side and black on the other side. Nick is really black on the left side. They were considered slaves. He has lived on many planets including Earth. He usually fakes his death then leaves the planet he is on as another person. Nick is getting tired of that. His wish is to be accepted for who he really is. He has been many different people of many planets. He has literally seen almost everything. The happiest time he can remember is being a marshall of a small town. The modern equivalent is a security chief on a space station. Very few people know or suspect who he is.


LieutenantCumae Sibyl, Chief Medical Officer (male Cairn)
LieutenantMichelle Lathrup, Assistant Security Chief (female human)

The pips graphics on this page were created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files freely to anyone who takes the time to ask him for their use.
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