This is the domain of General Malkris! Why are you here?

Klingon Empire Logo

Name:General PipsMalkris
Race: Klingon
Age: 32
Birthplace: Qo'nos

Father: Kemthos, son of Torvolek
Mother: Kinsarri
Siblings: Brother: Jahl, captain of the IKV Bane; Brother: Vem, Leiutenant in Imperial Marines; Sister, Kintra, scientist.

Personality: For a Klingon, he's very friendly. For an intelligence agent, he's very trusting and open. His usual response is a glare, and it's easy to tell that he's usual looking for hidden meanings in even the most casual remarks. Having lived through both the Klingon civil war and the Cardassian annex, Malkris is a good survivor and despite the various nefarious acts he's commited, has always come out a little ahead of things. He tends to weigh all sides in an argument, and is non-judgemental and brutal in his opinions. The scariest part about him is that he would literally do anything to safeguard the Empire.

Description: Malkris is a smaller than average klingon, but also faster and more nimble than most others, a fox to the normal wolf. His crest is more subdued than other klingons, and his fangs are also smaller. His eyes and hair are black, and he tends to wear the least of a warrior's uniform as he can get away with. Off duty, he'll usually don something like an overall when working on equipment, or a simple robe if he's studying.

History: Not much is known about Malkris' background as an agent of Klingon Imperial Intelligence. He came to serve briefly with Starfleet's Shadow Operations in 2373-74 through an intelligence exchange program designed to improve relationships after the brief Federation/Klingon conflict a year earlier. He was assigned as first officer of the USS Repulse. His record there was exemplary until a mission to recover sensitive Federation codes stolen by the Orion Syndicate in 2374. During this mission Malkris gave his Shadow Ops comrades "the slip" and stole a copy of the data from the Orion Syndicate. He then fled without ever telling the Repulse crew he was going. Malkris resurfaced days later on Qo'noS -- presumably with the stolen Federation data.

The Klingon Empire ignored protests by Starfleet over the incident. Malkris has now surfaced here on Apachok Nor as the commander of the Klingon contingent.

Name:Warrior 2nd Class PipsqelDar, son of SortlhIH
Race: Klingon
Age: 18
Birthplace: Qo'nos
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 220 lbs

History: He is a fairly recent graduate of [tlhIngan DuSaq], the Klingon Military Academy. He has temporarily been assigned to staff duites since his graduation in order for him to prepare himself for assignment as liaison to the Federation. He is fluent in Standard Terran, Vulcan, Romulan, Ferengi and Cardassian, in addition to his native Klingon. He also speaks a bit of Bajoran, although this language was not thought important enough for him to spend much time on.

In his studies in navigation and helmsmanship, engineering and mechanics, and pure science, he has proven himself adequate.

He is a scion of the famous House of Sor-Klikh who have established themselves as well-to-do merchant traders in an area of Klingon space known to be inhabited by rebellious [quv] (lesser species of semi-sentient beings).

qelDar is assigned as a Klingon liaison to the Starfleet and Romulan engineering staffs aboard Apachok Nor. He is a member of Commander Malkris' staff.

Run in fear!

The pips graphics on this page were created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files freely to anyone who takes the time to ask him for their use.
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