Name: LeiutenantCamiron "Maestro" Savien
Age: 23 earth standard (as of stardate 0002.01)
Race: unjoined Trill
Sex: Male
Birthplace: Tressa Hospice,Trill Homeworld

Physical Data:
Height: 5'10"'
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair: short black
Eyes: deep blue

Description: Has short-cropped hair, narrow eyes, and a hooked nose. Always seems to have a serious look about him when he's alone, but when with anyone else, he usually seems friendly. He keeps in excellent shape and exercises regularly. Often more than he should, he's usually in the holodeck running through simulations, or in the hangar bay working on his fighter. He has the standard Trill spots along each side of his head, and down the neck, and so on.

Usually wears his flight jumpsuit unless he has to dress up for a special occasion.

History: Camiron was born exactly as the doctor predicted. But his mother saw otherwise. He was born too late. His eyes were already focused when he appeared in the world, and his eyes were always turned upward to the stars. He had learned to talk much earlier than other children, and was speaking in Trill and standard by the time he was 6. He showed a unique dextrous ability. At the age of 10, he was already flying hoppers and shuttles from town to town to run errands for his family.

The stars called to him. He applied to the Academy as soon as he was able to at the age of 17. During his free time, he honed his piloting skills. He worked hard everyday, practicing the live simulations the Academy had in their hologrphic databases. He even learned to fly non-Federation ships. He earned his Level 5's pilot's license by the end of his junior year.

After graduating from the Academy, he was immediately assigned a post of his choice that will give him the "official" experience he needed for his profile. He worked at as a station traffic controller at the Jupiter Utopia Ship Replication Yards. Within six months, he had earned commendations for his excellence in performing his duties high above the norm. His superior officer even allowed him on occasion to take the helm of several new starships for a test run. He also was on several fighter developmental teams and particiapted in the test pilot's program.

His Controller recommended him for early consideration to a fighter squadron, and was accepted into the Dark Fury Squadron to fill vacant slots. After several months of battles against the Dominion, he had worked his way up the ranks to Flight Leader of Delta Flight. Then the Squadron was assigned to the newly captured Apachok Nor in the Chin'taka system. Despite the Squadron's uneasiness of working side by side with the Romulan and Klingon fighter squadrons, he looked forward to learning what he can from them.

During the recent attack on Apachok Nor, the majority of the station's fighters were destroyed. Camiron has been put in command of the remainder.

The pips graphics on this page were created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files freely to anyone who takes the time to ask him for their use.
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