Shadow Operatives for the USS Ticonderoga

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Name:Abel CainEnsign
Race: Human
Age: 24
Birthplace: Unknown, possibly Italy

Physical Data:
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 13.4 stones (whatever that means)
Sex: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green

Father: Jacob Cain, adoptive parent, deceased
Mother: Leeta Cain, adoptive parent, missing, whereabouts unknown

Description: Abel looks a little like Clint Eastwood but with higher cheekbones and a stronger jaw. He wears his hair in a classic 1950's left side shed. He has very pale skin, has a hairy chest and is well muscled. Off duty he likes to wear loose fitting long sleeved shirts, black, red or grey. Black trousers, black dress shoes. And either a black blazer or a knee length double breast leather jacket, black or dark green .

Personality:Abel is kind hearted but does not show it all the time, always looks contented even in the most dire of circumstances who knows why. Dislikes: Arrogance even though he can be very arrogant himself, will eat anything apart from tomatoes and milk products. Abel feels like there is something missing in his life, due to not knowing his parents and his adoptive father dying then to top it all off his adoptive mother disapears. He takes awhile to trust anyone but yearns for comradeship more than anything apart from finding out what happened to Leeta Cain. Abel's heart goes out to the underdog but that would never stop him carrying out his mission or doing what is required.

History: Abel's full history is not entirley known. The year 2351 a new born baby boy was found by the local authorities in Italy and was send to hospital. After two years of being looked after by a local priest called Lorenzo Pachelbell.

Abel was sent to a new institution for orphans for 16 years of age and under that entailed all orphans in europe being placed in a large underground complex designed to house these children for ten years unsupervised and see what would happen, a social experiment. Normally this would be illegal, but somehow it was authorized and the experiment went ahead for a further 5 years. Until human rights activists with full public support finally forced the government too end this experiment. Afterwards Abel spent the next 6 years in institutions around Europe until he was adopted by Jacob and LeetaCain at the age of 13. Where he spend the next 5 years feeling like he belonged somewhere, then his adoptive father drowned in the bath, he had slipped and banged his head.

Two years later Leeta Cain just disappeared. One year later Abel joined Starfleet at the age of 21, he did average in class but in weapons and combat training he was the best in his class. He served aboard a science vessel named USS Falcon as a security guard in the final months of the Dominion War. But he still did not feel he belonged so he volunteered for Shadow Ops in early 2377 looking for a place to belong.


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Star Trek: Shadow Operations is a RPG created and copyrighted by Gary Gould. If you are interested in joining please email the Shadow Ops GM

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