Shadow Operatives for the USS Ticonderoga

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Name:James DoblinCommander
Race: Human
Age: 39
Birthplace: Angosia III

Physical Data:
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Sex: Male
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Green

Father: Joduran Doblin - Deceased
Mother: Zandra Doblin
Siblings: Clolrissa Ghendrel, Lorien Jachel

Description: Strong, muscular built. Enjoys various outdoor activities ranging from white water rafting and camping . He runs various training exercise programs on the holodeck ranging from hand to hand, blade and weapon combat. He owns a small collection of various weapons, including a chakram from India. He has created two of his own weapons � an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) weapon that is the ground force equivalent of the Breen's ship weapon system. The second is a combination of the grenade launching system from a Marine M-75 phasor rifle with an optional micro-transporter for the grenade rounds attached to a type V phasor rifle with his own sighting system. The power cells have also been extended to give a longer charge. He has made numerous changes to the Repulse, including a modification called the Illusionist (in separate document).

Besides his tactics and enhancements, He is also a Grand Master in the martial arts style of Dragon Palm � a style that utilizes bits and pieces of many other styles, as well as over 40 different weapons, making it probably the most lethal, complex, (and probably the hardest) to learn. It also includes the use of herbs, plants, and other natural materials for healing and making of poisons, minor explosives, and other useful things as well. He has currently finished training his last student (who was being trained for over 7 years before reaching this level), and is looking for his next student.

James has a two tendencies, which sometimes gets him into trouble. The first is that he thinks more like a Maquis engineer than a Starfleet engineer. This falls along with his tactical planning as part of his enhancements, a concept that eludes many engineers and designers because they have a tendency of sticking more to tried and proven concepts, where James will also utilize anything else that he can as well. The other is that he is really bad about documenting things in an official Starfleet report � especially improvements and modifications, which he is always making. He does keep actual over detailed blueprints, schematics and records for himself and his fellow crew members do likewise if they wish as well. However, due to training and experiences that he has received for the Tarsian wars, he has doesn't like to let this info out, due to the possibility of it falling into the wrong hands. This tendency, and the constant changing of command codes without notifying Starfleet of the new codes until after they have been changed again (preventing them from having the actual codes), has proven to have been beneficial in at least two circumstances already.

Personality: Though he doesn't mind company, he keeps most of his opinions to himself. He has a tendency of being over alert and constantly aware of his surroundings. He does develop a loyalty to his friends.

History: Served in the Tarsian Wars as a medic under Roga Danar. Like the rest of the military, he was also biochemically and psychologically altered. He then was settled on Lunar 5 like the rest of the military after the wars. After being released from Lunar 5, he goes to Earth to join Starfleet. He goes through the academy, studying engineering. He has chosen to have some of the mental argumentations undone as well as receiving some counseling, but has decided to keep most of the changes done by his government - though he resents what they did to him.

Since his assignment with the Renegade, James has utilized and implemented very non-conventional tactics and strategies in order to accomplish objectives. This was part of his training on Angoasia III as well � utilizing the totally unexpected on the enemy in order to cause devastating damage and chaos on them.

Stardate 9711.11: When the Klingon station, KB21 was shut down by the use of bio-chemical warfare from the Dominion, the Renegade team was to repel a Dominion/Cardassian invasion force. James put some shuttles on remote control. Then, when the force had entered the system, James had the shuttles do a warp speed collision with the lead ships � taking them out of action. During this battle, he also repelled an invading Jem'Haddar force from engineering on the Renegade by use of a false warp core breach warning � causing the Jem'Haddar to immediately flee the area. This allowed the engineering dept. personnel to secure themselves in engineering and flood the surrounding areas with anesticine gas, preventing them from gaining control of the ship. Afterwards, he then went on a hunting spree throughout the ship - out thinking their moves and killing over 70 with 41 kills confirmed. Received the Klingon Medal of Valor, Starfleet Medal of Meritorious Service as well as the Silver Star medal -- for his efforts to repel the Jem'Hadar boarding parties and strategies used in the defense of KIB 21 and the Renegade.

In other missions, He has dropped mines out the back of a ship - putting them suddenly in direct path of perusing ships; giving the appearance of going head to head with two dominion ships a in a shuttlecraft, then, using photon torpedoes to confuse the enemy's sensor array long enough to temporarily block out their sensors, and then using a warp speed jump to a planet's south pole where he hid the shuttle until the other ship left; going on a killing spree inside a Dominion supply center as a decoy for the rest of the group to successfully rescue General Kegara � and wind up not only turning the supply center into one huge crater, but also capturing and bringing home a Cardassian Keldon class warship in the process.

After the Distruction of the Renegade, James assisted Lt. Commander Elisabeth Wilson in tracking down and captured Rolf Thurmond � the source of the information that enabled the destruction of the Renegade by a group from the Consortium, and personally turned him over to Emperor Galron. During this process, they turned up the first leads of the spy that had infultrated Shadow Ops.

James was then reassigned to the Repulse, which was normally stationed at Klingon Battlestation KB21.

On the first mission on the Repulse, he used a herd of "pre-historic" looking animals chased through the enemy's camp in order to gain the advantage. While securing a hanger facility on the next mission, he tricked a group of Breen to blow up some chemicals that, when heated, produce a smoke screen. Then, he tricked the Breen into attacking a group of Jem'hadar who were sent into the hanger to back up the Breen as well as making the Jem'hadar think that the Breen were the enemy as well. Then James was able to pick off the survivors while both sides killed each other off.

On their return, James utilized the plan that Beth had done to the Dominion battlecruisers to engage the Breen ships that were with a Dominion attack force attempting to take the station for a second time. The plan was dropping out torpedoes, hunter probes, and explosive charges into key areas of the Breen ships, causing terror and tearing the ships apart from the inside outward. This, along with the Klingons shifting their fire concentration to the Breen ships destroyed their vessles, allowed for the Federation ships to engage the Dominion vessles after the surviving Breen turned an ran off in defeat. This tactic ended up saving the station and and winning the battle. During this battle, James also had the ship's sensors working on picking up readings from the torpedoes, probes and explosive charges passing through the phased cloak. This, as well as a large amount of data collected from other times where the regular cloak was penetrated by an object passing through (shuttle transports and other) allowed for James to discover a method for firing torpedoes from the ship while cloaked. During the engagement with the Son'a, James's modifications to the cloak were tested and found to be as effective as expected.

On Stardate 0009.01, after the Repulse was converted to a transport ship and the crew reassigned, James took off on a peace keeping mission inside Cardassian space. While she was on this mission, a ship of space pirates hitting up relief convoys was found adrift in Cardassian space. The engines were somehow sabotaged as well as a transponder was activated allowing a Cardassian warship to easily capture their ship. Upon searching through the logs, a hidden base on an asteroid was discovered. In the base was found 15 metric tons of various relief supplies that have been stolen from various convoys that had been sent to Cardassia Prime. James is suspected in having a part in the sabotage to the ship, but no proof linking him to the ship is present.

Upon returning form the peace keeping assignment, James has been assigned to The Ticonderoga as Chief Engineer


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