Equipment List

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Modern Tricorder A standard tricorder measures 8.5 x 12 x 3 cm and masses around 353 grams. The instrument is a full personal access display device which provides the user with a sensor data, visual images and multi-channel communications. Shadow Ops tricorder functions can be shifted between scientific use and tactical tracking.

The Tricorder is (sort of) a Swiss-Army knife of hand-held computing units, containing a powerful on-board computer, sensors, and subspace transceiver to link up with the main computer on board ship in orbit. Current Federation models are small, hand-held boxes weighing 353 grams that swing open to reveal a display screen and controls. They are powered by a rechargeable Saurium Krellide crystal that can provide 18 hours of continuous usage, longer with power conservation features activated. The Tricorder concept is very simple: combine a suite of sensors for material, energy, and biological analysis with a computerized record/playback mechanism. A small computer provides limited on-site analysis of the readings and presents the results to the user. Over the years, this concept has been refined, as more powerful computers drive more sensitive sensors with greater range. The basic concept remains the same: it detects, it analyzes, it records, and it presents the results to the user. Most historians attribute Tricorders to Vulcans, who have been using miniature computer analysis tools for centuries. The truth is, many advanced cultures developed similar devices as they matured. The Vulcans have a history of relying on the Tricorder for a wide variety of uses, and they submitted the first prototypes in the early days of the Federation.

A Tricorder's strength rests in the hands of the operator. It is not an independent probe, but merely a tool that, when used by someone properly trained, can improve individual performance in a variety of applications. It can accept input from the front panel keys or by voice commands. It also has the following software and capabilities on board:

Electronics Repair
Environmental Analysis

Tricorders can maintain and store vast amounts of data in their own memory, which they use to help evaluate data collected on site. Through the Datalink software and the subspace transceiver assembly, the Tricorder can instantly download or upload data to the ship's computer, as long as the ship's computer is in range. Special programs may also be run and/or stored on-board, depending on circumstances, such as: Expert System: Biochemistry being used to sample planetary conditions, etc. The Tricorder's most important function is finding things. The standard TR-580 can detect minerals, power sources, life forms, and a wide range of other items. Detection range varies with the size of the object being sought. A unit set to detect power supplies, for example, can detect an in-use battery at 1000 meters, a Starship in orbit, or a planet's sun if properly used. Specialists gain a further advantage with the use of a Tricorder. By using the Tricorder's analysis capabilities in concert with specialty skills, you can greatly enhance your evaluation of whatever you examine. Note that you must be fairly close to your subject to get an accurate analysis. The smaller the subject, the closer you need to be. There are also specialized Tricorders for Science, Medicine, Psychology (Psychotricorders), Engineering and even Combat. Tricorders can also have external hand-held sensing devices.

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Type 1Type 2Type 3Type 4

Type I Personal Phaser -- Small pocket version of the phaser sidearm. Settings available from 1-8.
Type II Personal Phaser -- Larger sidearm version. Capable of settings 1-16.
Type III Phaser Rifle -- Rifle version with settings 1-16. Has 50% more power available and greater accuracy. These are commonly stored in a ship or starbase armory.
Type IV Phaser Rifle -- Under testing right now. Will be capable of automatic fire and higher settings.
Type V Sniping Rifle -- The Type V sniper rifle is a varient of the Type IV rifle that has recently gone into service among Starfleet. It provides an increased range and accuracy, but is much larger. An external power pack also provides increased power settings. It is fitted with energy dampeners, to mask the huge energy output typical of directed energy weapons.

-- Here's a brief overview of phaser settings--

Setting 1: Light Stun
Setting 2: Medium Stun
Setting 3: Heavy Stun
Setting 4: Thermal Effects (some epidermal damage)
Setting 5: Thermal Effects (severe burns to flesh)
Setting 6: Disruption Effects (skin and structual materials penetrated/disrupted)
Setting 7: Disruption Effects (death)
Setting 8: Disruption Effects (vaporization)
Setting 9: Disruption Effects (beginning of light structural vaporization)
Setting 10: Disruption Effects (heavy alloy vaporization)
Setting 11: Explosive/Disruption Effects (metal vaporized, light geologic displacement)
Setting 12: Explosive/Disruption Effects (medium geologic displacement)
Setting 13: Explosive/Disruption Effects (medium geologic displacement)
Setting 14: Explosive/Disruption Effects (heavy geologic displacement)
Setting 15: Explosive/Disruption Effects (heavy geologic displacement)
Setting 16: Explosive/Disruption Effects (heavy geologic displacement)


A hand-held spherical device which, when activated and thrown, will release a powerful bioelectic pulse which will stun most humanoids in a 10m radius. A variation of this weapon discharges a electromagnetic pulse which briefly disables sensors, scanners, etc.

TR-116 SNIPING RIFLE (SO variant)

Created by Starfleet R&D for use in situations where energy weapon fire is inhibited by dampening fields, the TR-116 is a rifle designed to fire a 10mm tritanium projectile. Attached to the barrel of the weapon is a micro-transporter device which allows the user to transport the bullet into another room at up to a 100 meter radius. User must be able to "see" the target, however, using an exo-graphic targeting sensor worn as a headset unit with eye reticle. This device allows the user to see through walls, doors, bulkheads, etc. so targets within 100 meters can be acquired. Once a target is acquired and the weapon is fired, the projectile is transported into the room or area occupied by the target, where it continues its path on to the victim. Production of the weapon did not occur, but the schematics were acquired by Starfleet's Shadow Operation division recently for possible use. Shadow Ops has modified the weapon to accept a seven round magazine .

TR-120 SUBRIFLE (Developed by Commander Kyril Vree, Bravo Squad)

TR-120 Subrifle A modified rifle based on the TR116. This 'subrifle' is essentially equivalent to the TR116, except in size, range, and the lack of the micro-transporter and exo-graphic sensor. This particular model has a built in muzzle suppressor to reduce the muzzle flash and eliminate the sound of the firing round. The unique multi-rollback chambers enable the smooth and noiseless loading of multiple rounds at a time, allowing them to be fired consecutively from already locked chambers. This gives the subrifle almost no recoil (only 0.05 point) which allows the user the accuracy on every shot that can mean the difference between life or death. The rifle has only one trigger group: semi, three round burst, and full auto. (rifle designed for Shadow Operations usage only)

Calibre: 4mm
Weight: 6 lbs.
Length: 30.75 inches stock extended, 24 inches retracted
Effective range: 70 meters
Rate of fire: 400 rounds per minute
Feed: 60 round magazine
Muzzle velocity: 283mps (928 fps)


A small device that is attached to the targets person, then burrows into the targets skin. It waits a set amount of time until it starts self combustion, using the targets body fat as a fuel until both target and device are ashes. Used when reason for death is better known by the local authorities.



Nano-Probe Type I: Equal to a small phaser with only settings 1-4, no trigger, timed. Possible use: Decoy
Nano-Probe Type IIa: Explosive device, explodes on impact. Ideal for taking out a large amount of enemy troops at once
Nano-Probe Type IIb: Explosive device, timed explosion. Ideal for demolition
Nano-Probe Type III: Emits a high frequency tone that disrupts primitive 'radio' transmissions and renders creatures with hyper-sensitive hearing unconscious. Ideal for communications Disruption/Non Lethal Attack
Nano-Camera: Small circular device equal to 20th Century Camera. Ideal for covert Surveillance
Nano-Stunner: The device emits a small electric pulse when held up the victims head, temporarily rendering them unconscious. Ideal for personnel acquisition.

VIRULENT PROBE (designed by Lt. Kindred Dakota)

Virulent probe (v probe for short, whole name is a mouthful) A small spherical device that fits into the palm of the hand. Dull gray in color, the probe is encircled by pores that will secrete a gas or toxin into the air. Inside the sphere is a ball filled with the toxin and tubes leading to the small pores. The probes can be configured by using a tricorder to select the target, normally a certain species to which the toxin will effect, and will hunt until the target is found and toxin released. Each probe can only contain one substance but will stop emitting once commanded and be used again. These probes are lightweight and easily transportable.


Visual Probe: A miniature device which can be attached to any surface and left to observe, transmitting a narrow beam signal back to the user's tricorder or other electronic scanning device. Feeds visual, electromagnetic, UV, thermographic and gamma radiation readings back to the user.
Hunter Probe Hunter Probe: A small probe capable of movement by remote guidance or pre-programming. This probe can be hidden at a location and given instructions to select a specific person from a crowd and attack him or her. A Type III phaser built into the device has smart-targeting technology. These can also be programmed to find a specific person and follow him or her at a distance, reporting movements back to the owner. In some cases, hunter probes have been deployed to follow or find someone, then attach themselves to a dwelling or ship near where the subject is located before detonating itself with a explosive pack concealed inside. These probes are usually flat, disk shaped objects, but can be slightly larger.

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Modern Starfleet Commbadge This small communication device serves not only as a communicator, but as the uniform insignia for all officers. A special unit which can be carried in a pocket or disguised as a non-Starfleet badge or pin is used by Shadow Op personnel on covert missions. This unit contains heavier encryption circuits to scramble transmissions.

With support from a ship in orbit they have a range of about 50,000 km; without support on a planet, they allow line-of-sight communications to a distance of 500 km. They can be comm badge types, like the standard Starfleet issue, or hand-held, that Shadow Ops uses on corvet assignments. Transporters can lock onto this signal in order to increase reliability of transport. Comm badges are also used to give the location of individuals on starbase and starships. The badges can adhere to almost any surface using a magnatomic adhesion area. They are powered by a rechargeable Saurium Krellide crystal that provides continuous usage for two weeks. They can be security coded to particular individuals. Communicators are also used in combat situations by providing a personal transponder which will help prevent casualties from friendly fire. This ability can be deactivated.

Universal Translators are used to provide real-time two-way translations of spoken languages. These are sophisticated computer programs stored on board Starship computer banks. These programs analyze samples of alien languages and derive translations within minutes, although much more extensive analysis is necessary before they may be used for diplomatic functions. Away Teams may access the Universal Translator programs with their Comm Badges via subspace links.

SUB VOCAL COMM UNIT (Designed by Commander Kyril Vree)

Basically a modified Shadow Ops comm badge, except that it's separated into three different pieces with modifiable frequencies. The throat piece is worn right below the adams apple, so clothing will hide it. The ear piece is also small enough to fit inconspicuously inside the ear. To change the set frequencies, tap the throat piece. The little clicking noise will only be heard through the ear piece, so there is no noise for using the gear. The third piece is a little controller attachable to a wrist chronometer or elsewhere on the body. The controller allows the agent to change the set frequencies, have a setting to turn it on so it will stay on or off all the time, and also be able to switch between the set frequencies. Various transmission scrambling chips and algorithms are included.

VOCAL CHIP (Designed by Lt. Commander Ayer)

A small chip 5mm in diameter which is implanted into the base of the throat. The chip will tie in with the vocal chords and give the user the ability to mimic any voices that has been programmed into the chip(a maximum of 5 voices can be programmed into the chip). It also has a special recording ability and can record up to one minute's worth of conversation within a 10m radius.

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Basic PADD PADD is an acronym for Personal Access Data Device. it is a handheld control and display device, much like a laptop computer, which can access ship computer functions.

A standard PADD is 10 x 15 x 1 cm and has a total memory capacity (isolinear rods) of 4.3 kiloquads.

On Away Missions, a PADD can interface with the ship's computer in orbit and act as a transporter lock. A larger PADD unit is available to Shadow Ops for covert operations where interfacing with an enemy computer is necessary. Various programs and subroutines can be written for PADDs.

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Command Uniform.  Click here for Command Rank ChartSecurity/Engineering Uniform.  Click here for Security/Engineering Rank ChartScience/Medical Uniform.  Click here for Science/Medical Rank Chart

While onboard a Starfleet vessel, Starbase or planetary facility, Shadow Ops officers wear standard uniforms -- black pants, boots tucked under the pant legs, a gray and black outer jacket, gray vest beneath with a turtleneck shirt beneath that in burgundy (command), yellow (security/engineering), or teal (science/medical).

White dress uniforms with gold trim are worn only at VIP functions.

On commando operations, Shadow Ops personnel are issued an all black combat uniform which is devoid of markings and has a hood which can be pulled over the head to further conceal the wearer. Harsh weather jackets, parkas or coverall suits are available in ship stores.

Shadow Ops personnel frequently wear civilian clothing when off the ship and on missions.

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VISUAL ENHANCEMENTS (designed by Commander Jack Dark)

Photochromatic Contact Lens: Worn over the lens of the eye to protect it from sudden flashes of light, preventing temporary blindness causes by flash-weapons. They are not visible to the average observer and do not change the color of the wearer's eyes. The photochromatic element in the lens reacts to a sudden flash of light by darkening to total blackness just long enough to shield the eyes, then they instantly revert back to being clear.

Tricorder Output Contact Lenses: These are basically a Heads Up Display for a Tricorder when someone is using a personal cloaking device. Since the cloaking field makes you and any small object invisible there is no other way to see what the Tricorder is displaying when you use it. The energy used to broadcast from the Tricorder to the Contact Lenses is so small it is undetectable 5 feet away. Most Tricorders stay within 3 feet of the Contact Lenses anyway. Since the Tricorder is touch sensitive a shadow representation of your fingers on a Tricorder will appear on your HUD so you can see where you are placing your finger when you manipulate the Tricorder controls.

HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGER (Designed by Lt. Commander Ayer)

About the size of a tricorder, but is able to scan a person or an area(2 x 2 M) and be able recreate the exact image as a hologram. Only one hologram can be stored or recreated. The hologram will exist for as long as the tricorder is activated. Up to 10 seconds worth of holographic movement can be displayed. This is strictly a hologram, not a solid, thinking computer generated beings as would be found on a holodeck.

FLEXABLE BODY ARMOR (designed by Lt. Commander Tyrian M. Summers)

Worn under uniform, doesn't restrict movement too much. Made of many different fibers from different parts of the galaxy intertwined together, making a thin suit about 3/8" thick. Stops phaser blast of up to setting five, and offers a little protection against higher settings depending on severity of shot. Face mask, gloves, and boots also available.


This technology is in the prototype stage. The entire unit is incorporated into the soldier's uniform. It makes the wearer almost invisible to sight, almost shielded from sensors, but still vulnerable to heat tracking and motion sensing devices. Ten of these cloak suits have been developed for each Shadow Ops ship. They function off a standard power pack, which provide about 15 minutes of constant use. Extra power packs are too bulky to carry along. Being these are prototype units, ANYTHING can go wrong with them.

EXO-GRAPHIC SENSOR (designed by Commander Kyril Vree)

A small flat device that can see and hear through walls. Approximately the size of an index card (3.5x5) that you attach to the wall, and it can see through it. Good for a thickness up to 10cm. Can be used in the flat, card form (with built in screen) or as a heads-up display unit in a targeting unit. Vulnerable to dampening fields and forcefields.

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PERSONAL TRANSPORTER (designed by Commander Kyril Vree)

Portable personal transporter than can beam 1 person to someplace nearby, not more than 200 meters. Can also be used to transport items, etc. Hindered by shields, transport inhibitators and dampening fields. Also comes in micro-transporter form


Devices that can be placed in an area to produce an efrect that will prevent a transporter from locking on to beings or objects in that area. Each device covers a 100 meter radius.


Can be worn by an away team to allow a transporter to lock on and beam them out quickly. Acts as a personal transporter pattern enhancer. Also can be fired on a dart to "tag" and individual who does not wish to be transported.

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A tablet taken to simulate 'death' for exactly 45 minutes, after which users pulse and vital signs return *Only Viable on Humans, Vulcans, Bolians and Romulans.

HYPOSPRAY GLOVE (designed by Lt. Kindred Dakota)

The new hypospray works off the same principles as the normal hypospray. A black latex glove is covered with a gray rubber skeletal looking structure. The five "fingers" would converge in the middle of the hand to a small gray box that appears to be similar to a muscle stimulator. On the left side of the box is a small panel, inside are six viles that can be removed and refilled. To the right of the panel are the three buttons that normal hypos have to decide which spray to use. Alongside the buttons is a light bar that intermittently blinks. The only purpose of this is to make it appear similar to a stimulator. A small tube runs along the index finger under the "bone." This leads to the injection point that is located under tip of finger. The "needle" is disguised by the latex and plastic and well hidden. Upon close inspection, you can see the injection point. The hypospray can be triggered after a short three digit code is entered by using the buttons. The injection is input when the index figer is pressed on the skin of the patient.

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Star Trek: Shadow Operations is a RPG created and copyrighted by Gary Gould. If you are interested in joining please email the Shadow Ops GM

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All things Star Trek belong to Paramount. This site is for FAN ENTERTAINMENT ONLYand we do not receive any income from anything contained here. This site was designed by Alisha Johnson and Altana, and is presently updated and maintained by Lance Williams. All original material belong to their respective parties.

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