Shadow Operatives for the USS Ticonderoga

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Ryan Haught Name:Ryan HaughtLieutenant J.G
Race: Betazoid
Age: 24
Birthplace: Terra

Physical Data:
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 165
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black

Family: Lives on Earth, Betazed, Space Station McKinley
Father: Darek Haught, Physician, Earth
Mother: Captain Rahnell Haught, Starfleet Intelligence
Siblings: Three sisters
Spouse: Jessica Haught nee Sidell, Betazoid, Shadow Operative (deceased)
Children: None (possibly one son)

Description: Ryan is very attractive. His hair has a slight curl, and he slicks it back a bit. He has a clear and solid complexion, high cheekbones, large, (his wife used to say "sensual") black eyes, a reasonably porportioned nose, and a generous mouth. He isn't quite lanky, but is nevertheless well-built. His shoulders and chest are quite broad but almost "finely chiseled". He is tall and steady on his feet, having an interest in interpretive dance from his childhood and adolescence. He finds Starfleet clothing comfortable, but often will change into looser fitting clothing. He tends to wear either Fleet Fatigues, white, blue, or purple. You'll usually find him in v-neck styles that are common on many Federation worlds.

Personality: Likes redheaded women. He has a cool head in the toughest situations and is able to act cautiously but decisively. He can work alone, but often is willing to work with one other person so that he can have a sounding board.

He often approaches problems from angles that people do not expect. He sometimes has a "harder edge" than most Betazoids, but is still very empathetic and likeable. He is capable of intense hatred, to the shock and shame of his parents (although his mother and wife understand). He has a strained relationship with his father. He will defend his team to the death if necessary, but is emminently capable of making "triage" decisions. He moves with confidence and grace.

Upon reactivation in Starfleet, his capacity for hatred and bitterness has come to the surface, which is profoundly disturbing to him. He is deepening and searching within his childhood religious faith to search for answers and remain centred enough to do his job. This causes some problems, of course: one being the morality of remaining in the Shadow Ops program when there is no longer a war on.

History: Ryan was named for his human "grandfather" (a close friend of his mother's). He grew up with the knowledge that his mother was in the so-called "Public" Branch of SFInt. His telepathic abilities are very strong, and there was an initial fear that he would develop his TP too soon.

Ryan was a very outgoing person growing up, and developed an interest in dance and the martial arts at a young age. He also developed a very deep personal faith, which he walked away from for a few years to "do his own thing." He was mocked for being "religious" even though his faith was always calmly and non-threateningly presented . . . after all, the Federation is very tolerant and respectful of all persuations and faiths. His interest in dance made him the butt of many jokes, even among "enlightened" Federation citizens. His strained relationship with his father also introduced other problems that have still not been fully resolved...and he doesn't talk about them very often. He expressed an interest in SFInt. at 15 years old and was admitted to the Academy at 17. He met his wife through the traditional Betazoid Betrothal;things clicked immediately, and he was married at twenty.

He rates near the top of the Betazoid Rating System. Throughout his life, Ryan has had (perhaps because of his psi rating) an unusual number of encounters with temporal anomalies. (He swears up and down that, somehow, his teenaged son was pulled into both his past and present and lives somewhere in our timeframe; no one is sure. After all, one can forgive a little post-traumatic stress disorder, especially after seeing the Betazoid Purge.)

His mother is on Earth in critical condition following a mission into Cardassian-Dominion Territory late in the war. (The objective was not accomplished, but was not discovered by the Dominion.) Intelligence is still not sure of the long-term reprecussions of that failure . . . He has martial arts training at the Black-belt (Dan 4) level since finishing the Academy.

While on Betazed, he found his faith once again and also led resistence cells during Dominion occupation of Betazed. His wife was brutally murdered during the Purge, and he is now numb; and although he had some very strange visions and dreams while planet-side, he has not found his son yet.


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Star Trek: Shadow Operations is a RPG created and copyrighted by Gary Gould. If you are interested in joining please email the Shadow Ops GM

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