Shadow Operatives for the USS Ticonderoga

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Name:Jeff Clark (JC) O'NeillCommander
Race: Betazoid/Draconian
Age: 29
Birthplace: New Berlin, Luna

Physical Data:
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Dark Blonde

Parents: Professor Vince O'Neill, 55 years old, Draconian, giving college on the Daystrom University, San Franscisco, Earth in Astrophysics; Tamara Osman-O'Neill, 53 years old, Betazoid, working on the Daystrom-Institute as assistant of Medical & Science department.
1 sister: Denise O'Neill. Academy first year cadet in Pilot and navigating, 18 years old.

Description: Normal height and weight, normal posture. Though he is half Draconian, he isn't as athletic as most of them. Due to his Betazoid background, he is able to experience another's emotions and feelings. He has also limited telekinetic and psychokinetic capabilities, though sometimes he doesn't have them under control at 100%, but he's working on that.

Personality: Jeff is, as one can say, an average geek. He is most of the time a very pleasant person to work with. He is quite relaxed, but isn't afraid to open his mouth. He has no specific hatred against other races, though he feels uncomfortable when a Romulan is near. This is due to an accident during a mission where almost the whole crew were slaughtered by a Romulan clan. He and a handful of members survived, but it left it's traces, physically and mentally.

He loves strawberry-icecream, and never leaves home without the program for the replicators. He is also a real techno freak.

History: Jeff was born on New Berlin. When he was at the age of 16, they moved to San Franscisco. When he was 17 and a half, he went to the Starfleet Academy and started to study Science and Engineering Molecular Mechanics & Physics.

At the age of 22 he finished the Academy. He started to work on the USS Hercules, a Deep Space Science vessel. Here he continued studying Molecular Mechanics & Physics.

When he was a Lieutenant Junior Grade, on one of the missions, deep in the DMZ, near the Romulan border almost the whole crew of the vessel was slaughtered by a Romulan Clan. At least, that is what the official record says. Jeff knows that the vessel wasn't there for 'Deep Space Scientific Exploration' but was in fact an espionage vessel for the Federation, and the Romulan Clan actually was the Tal'Shiar. He and a handful team members escaped, barely alive. After this mission, he withdrew from Starfleet, and spent four years in a monastery in New Singapore, Earth, meditating, trying to live with the terrible memories of that mission. He learned a lot from the monks, which meant a great deal to him.

Then, a Starfleet officer contacted him to return to Starfleet. At first, he refused, but after a while he decided to give it a try. It wasn't in the last place that he would be promoted to Lieutenant. While he worked for Intelligence as Chief of the R & D center he did a few courses in Command, Energy Physics, and advanced Subspacephysics. In these two years he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. After that he was contacted by a Vulcan who asked him to become a member of the Shadow Ops Force.

After serving on the Shadow Operations Vessal USS Ticonderoga as chief engineer for while, the Captain tranfered and the XO was promoted. IN turn, Jeff was promoted to Commander and presently resides as the first officer of the Ticonderoga.


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Star Trek: Shadow Operations is a RPG created and copyrighted by Gary Gould. If you are interested in joining please email the Shadow Ops GM

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All things Star Trek belong to Paramount. This site is for FAN ENTERTAINMENT ONLYand we do not receive any income from anything contained here. This site was designed by Alisha Johnson and Altana, and is presently updated and maintained by Lance Williams. All original material belong to their respective parties.

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