Shadow Operatives for the USS Ticonderoga

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Name:Peter RavenLieutenant J.G
Age: 26
Birthplace: Seattle, Earth

Physical Data:
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 86 KG
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown

Father: Ezekiel Raven
Mother: Jennifer Raven (deceased)
Spouse: none
Children: none

Personality: Very loyal to his fellow officers. will not hestitate to attack the enemy, and will make makeshift weapons if he has to. Spends much of his free time in the holodecks training archery or martial arts. His hobbies are archery and martial arts training

History: Born on Earth, he grew up there. When he was 16, he developed a interest for archery, which saved his life on Ramos-Secundos, when he made a bow and arrows from and a cord, and used it to shoot the attackers of his away team.

He joined Starfleet on the age of 20, and after the academy, he was assigned to the USS Ravenheart, which was destroyed at Ramos-Secundos by an alien attacker. Only he and the rest of the away team on the planet survived.

After that, he was assigned to the USS Reunion, as assistant tactical officer. now, he is reassasigned to the USS Ticonderoga.


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Star Trek: Shadow Operations is a RPG created and copyrighted by Gary Gould. If you are interested in joining please email the Shadow Ops GM

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All things Star Trek belong to Paramount. This site is for FAN ENTERTAINMENT ONLYand we do not receive any income from anything contained here. This site was designed by Alisha Johnson and Altana, and is presently updated and maintained by Lance Williams. All original material belong to their respective parties.

© 1999, Y2k Johnson/Altana/Williams
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The pips graphics on this page were created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files freely to anyone who takes the time to ask him for their use.
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