Shadow Operatives for the USS Ticonderoga

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Name:Ryramorl Ra'yralEnsign
Race: Laranyx
Age: 25
Birthplace: Larcast Plains, Planet of Laraxa, Carnoric Republic

Physical Data:
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 305 lbs
Sex: Male
Hair: Silvery, barred with black. Has black ear tufts.
Eyes: Ice blue

Family: One brother, Myaral; parents are both dead; raised by grandfather, Ryro'arar; is engaged, but no children yet.

Description: His overall appearance is that of an anthropomorphic lynx. He is very muscular, and physically attractive. Has a scar on the side of his head, which detracts nothing from his rugged good looks. His normal expression is an easy-going grin. On his right arm is a series of scars running from his hand to just below his elbow. They are as follows:

Three horizontal lines on the back of his hand, signifying that he has graduated from the Military Academy of the Carnoric Republic. All warriors have these.

An X just above the wrist, saying that he has done something of note. About 85% of warriors wear this.

A crescent moon just above the X, saying he has done something of unusual bravery and/or cunning. About 55% of warriors earn this.

The picture of a tooth a little above the moon, saying that he has earned something tha more or less equates Knighthood. Only 15% of warriors ever earn this.

A star above the tooth, signifying that he has earned the Order of Irontooth, the highest possible honor. Less than 3% of warriors have this scar.

A long vertical line running through all the scars, signifying that he has earned them all at the same time. Ryramorl is the 1st to have done that in over 3 centuries.

Off duty, he wears a pair of brown trousers made of cotton-like thread. He also has a light brown tunic made of the same material. He goes barefoot whenever possible.

His attractiveness is heightened by the fact that he often forgets to wear his tunic, and goes bare-chested. He dislikes his uniform, being used to lax dress codes of the Carnoric Republic and wears his off-duty clothes whenever possible (in other words, if he can get away with it.)

Personality: His training from his homeworld combined with the lax attitude of his home makes it difficult to knuckle under authority he thinks is misguided or mistaken (he once called his own President a blundering idiot). Can be somewhat difficult to get along with, but is a loyal friend.

He loves a good joke, especially a practical one. This, coupled with his skill with electronics, makes for some very interesting sabotague.

His language sometimes leaves something to be desired by his superiors, but it is his enemies who get the full range of his rather colourful vocabulary.

A strange survival trait in the Laranyx makes extreme pain be pleasurable to them, and Ryramorl is a masochist under torture. (Some Laranyx will find that pain acts as an aphrodisiac, and a severe torture session will have them ready for anything, as many a torturer has learned to his utter humiliation.)

Ryramorl is an excellent fighter, and is often itching to get into a good scrap.

History:His mother was widowed right after her honeymoon, and died in giving birth. With her dying breath, she asked her father-in-law to take care of her twin sons, and died hearing him adopting the infants as his own.

Ryro'aral taught his sons the way of the plains, and also taught them various fighting techniques, some quite sophistcated, and some very dirty. The two, always testing each other and being tested by their Grandfather, melded their training into a fighting style that made them well known around the Plains.

One day, Ryramorl managed to defeat his Grandfather in single combat, and was rewarded by being sent to the Military Academy of the Carnoric Republic. In school, he excelled in sports (which consisted mostly of fighting techniques and the use of weapons), and was no slouch in academics either. He had an uncanny knack for electronics, and was skilled at mechanics.

Just before his graduation, one of his teachers was injured in a freak accident and kidnapped by a group of Khralors, a species know for it's absolute lack of anything that remotely resembled social organization. They had kidnapped the teacher for food, and were about to eat him alive when slingstones began to pick them off one by one.

The others ignored their dead, except for those that saw the corpses as another meal. Ryramorl had pretty well killed most of the tribe, and the others were distracted by their cannibalistic gorging, when he slipped down and rescued his teacher.

Suddenly, the Khralors saw him and attacked. Ryramorl held off the entire tribe, and finally managed to kill the rest of them off. But in the fight, a large gash had been opened on the side of his head, the kind that would leave a scar for life.

He helped the teacher back to the Academy, and the President himself gave Ryramorl those markings at the graduation ceremonies that identified him as the greatest student to arrive at the Academy in centuries. Immediatly, the President put Ryrmorl under his personal employ. It was about this time that a derilect ship was captured and turned over to the President. The mechanics commented about the warp drive, and idea that had been bandied about, but reconstructing the engine was out of the question. The President thought about this, and decided to send Ryramorl into the Federation to gain knowledge about this Warp Drive.

Using his people's only form of long distance space travel, a wormhole generator, Ryramorl came from his side of the quadrant to the Federation. Ryramorl was accepted by the Federation as something of a diplomat from his people at first. When he expressed a desire to join Starfleet, officials refused to accept his "diploma," i.e. the scars on his arm.

Ryramorl finally agreed to attend Starfleet Academy, where he heard about Shadow Operations. He had difficulties adjusting to Federation customs, particularly with wearing clothing and respect for authority. He was used to testing authority, which is encouraged on his homeworld, and once got into a major fight with one of his gymn teachers. He was always getting into fights with other students (and usually winning), and the Academy was often on the verge of having him expelled. However, he managed to graduate with excellent marks.

Ryramorl volunteered for Shadow Operations. It was during this time that he met Ryan Haught, who was later assigned to Ticonderoga. Ryramorl first met Ryan Haught in a martial arts contest.

Having graduated from the Military Academy of the Carnoric Republic, Ryramorl has already recieved extensive training in martial arts (his native Laranyx style is so low and dirty that the Federation has banned it in competition), as well as melee weapons. He has also been born with "concealed weapons" i.e. his claws.

Ryramorl ended up also being assigned to the USS Ticonderoga in early 2377.


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Star Trek: Shadow Operations is a RPG created and copyrighted by Gary Gould. If you are interested in joining please email the Shadow Ops GM

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