Shadow Operatives for the USS Ticonderoga

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Race: Ferengi
Age: 22
Birthplace: Ferenginar

Physical Data:
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 156 lbs.
Sex: Male
Hair: None
Eyes: Brown

Father: Delk
Mother: Kreetch
Siblings: K'Belth, f; Vidar, f
Soupse: None
Children: None

Description: Rog is thin for even a Ferengi. He has a wiry build, but good muscle tone. He wears conservative, tasteful clothing, electing not to wear the traditional brightly colored outfits most Ferengi people wear.

Personality: Rog has very few ethics. He'll do anything for an advantage or a profit. Following in his father's footsteps, Rog is a ruthless negotiator, but can have a sensitive side when the right time presents itself. He can be very charming and debonaire if that is what's needed to make a profit, but is really a bit bumbeling and clumsy.

History: Rog was born on the planet Ferenginar in 2354. His father, Delk, was a wealthy negotiator for hire. Delk entertained many clients, often representing governments at negotiations or auctions.

Rog attended the finest academies on Ferenginar. Delk didn't mind paying the expenses because he felt Rog needed to carry on the family line at all costs because he was the only boy in the family.

At first, Rog was interested in becoming a negotiator like his father, but realized he had an interest in exploring the stars. Rog felt that extensive travel could help him make business contacts all over the Alpha Quadrant.

In 2372, Rog enrolled into Starfleet Academy with his father's blessing. He graduated in 2376 and was commissioned as an ensign, where he promptly joined Shadow Operations special forces division in the final days of the Dominion War.


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Star Trek: Shadow Operations is a RPG created and copyrighted by Gary Gould. If you are interested in joining please email the Shadow Ops GM

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All things Star Trek belong to Paramount. This site is for FAN ENTERTAINMENT ONLYand we do not receive any income from anything contained here. This site was designed by Alisha Johnson and Altana, and is presently updated and maintained by Lance Williams. All original material belong to their respective parties.

© 1999, Y2k Johnson/Altana/Williams
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