Shadow Operatives for the USS Ticonderoga

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Race: Vulcan/Centaurian
Age: 24
Birthplace: ShirKahr, Vulcan

Physical Data:
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 122 lbs.
Sex: Female
Hair: Dark Auburn
Eyes: Green

Father: Selak
Mother: Ardana
Siblings: None
Soupse: None
Children: None

Description: She is tall and slender with an athletic build. Her hair is worn short and curly. When she is not in uniform she dresses mostly in dark casual attire. Similar to clothing on Alpha Centauri

Personality: T�Raina is reserved but not aloof. She has fairly good social skills but is slow to make friends. She admires Vulcans and gets along well with them (as do all Centaurians) Her Codes: Starfleet Officers Code and Vulcan integrity control her behavior. She follows orders from her superiors well and will expect the same from her subordinates Although she may be thought to be arrogant or superior, she is compassionate and interested in the well being of others. She has no intolerance in regard to other species. With humans sometimes she is inclined to find them too illogical and immature She enjoys Martial arts, Individual sports such as fencing and gymnastics, The only problem she has is that sometimes because of her Alpha Centaurian half her emotions get beyond her control. This disturbs her when it happens. But she is able to let it go and continue being herself. She is a calm self-disciplined person. She is ambitious and eager for Command Rank, because she feels that leadership is her highest quality. This is borne out by the recommendations she received from the Academy where she was a top-rank student and held several Leadership positions in her class. Her hobbies are Logic Puzzles and Holographic simulations

History: T�Raina was brought up on Vulcan. Her father was an Ambassador to Alpha Centauri and Her mother was a Terraforming and Biosystems Technician on Alpha Centauri. Her father and mother returned to Vulcan where they were married. T�Raina was educated by her father and in Vulcan secondary Schools. She chose to take flight training in small vessels and when she attended the VSA she specialized in Computer Sciences. Upon her graduation she applied for and was granted admission to Starfleet Academy. After graduation she went on to Graduate College where she studied in the College of Technology. She graduated recently, underwent Shadow Ops training, and was assigned to USS Ticonderoga as Science Officer in late 2376.


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Star Trek: Shadow Operations is a RPG created and copyrighted by Gary Gould. If you are interested in joining please email the Shadow Ops GM

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All things Star Trek belong to Paramount. This site is for FAN ENTERTAINMENT ONLYand we do not receive any income from anything contained here. This site was designed by Alisha Johnson and Altana, and is presently updated and maintained by Lance Williams. All original material belong to their respective parties.

© 1999, Y2k Johnson/Altana/Williams
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The pips graphics on this page were created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files freely to anyone who takes the time to ask him for their use.
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