Shadow Operatives for the USS Ticonderoga

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Name:Elizabeth WilsonCommander
Race: Human
Age: 32
Birthplace: Earth

Physical Data:
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Sex: Female
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green

Father: John Wilson
Mother: Bridget Wilson
Siblings: Steve Wilson

Description: Beth's appearance is somewhat a cross between the body of Lucy Lawless and the face of Nicole Kidman. Her long hair is usually tied in back for more rugged activities, and styles it in various fashions for other activities.

Beth usually dresses for the environment - very formal for formal occasions, casual for casual, etc.

Beth likes to relax in a holodeck program she calls "Tranquility" (a program with a hot water spring coming out of a hillside appearing like a waterfall. At the base is a small pool that acts like a Jacuzzi. The area is surrounding is the appearance of a jungle with a large amount of flowers, the smell of which is in the air. There are birds that sing and some that are programmed to even land close by and allow to be petted. This is a copy of a place she found on Risa - though it has a few minor "improvements" to it (this program she shares with only a few close friends - as it is very personal to her).

Beth is also one of the very few doctors in Starfleet that has working knowledge of changeling anatomy and physiology. She gained this from two Vorta who taught her while tending to a fellow changeling crewmember (Lt. Ayer) as well as some small bits from Lt. Ayer.

Personality: Beth is a charming and outgoing individual. She is a woman of many talents and interests including: horse back riding, camping, rafting, Scuba Diving, Martial Arts (Several forms, her latest, and the hardest she has learned, is Dragon Palm- a style that utilizes bits and pieces of many other styles, as well as over 40 different weapons, and accu-pressure- making it probably the most lethal, complex, (and probably the hardest) to learn. It also includes the use of herbs, plants, and other natural materials for healing and making of poisons, minor explosives, and other useful things as well.), Interior decorating, and Fashion. She has made her own clothing, including her high school prom dress. She has a high level of knowledge in botany, her favorite of the sciences, specializing in the plants used for medicine and food.

She has little tolerance for men that give the attitude of inferiority or chauvinism towards women, as one of her crew members found out the hard way for telling a dirty joke in hearing range of her. (he got an "attitude adjustment" and she got 2 weeks in the brig as well as a reprimand - she got the lighter end of the deal). She has a caring personality and has a tenancy to go out of her way for someone in need.

She loves to receive roses for special occasions, and follows her Christian beliefs.

History: During the Academy, Beth was known for her strength and agility. She had won several matches on the Martial Arts and Gymnastics teams during tournaments. Though she was heavily encouraged to go through the security program, she chose the Medical field, due largely to her mother was also a physician.

Served on board the USS Hathaway as a medical officer for 2 years. During that time, she has distinguished herself several times as a medical officer. She has proven herself in combat during a Klingon invasion of the Hathaway, where she killed 4 Klingons with her martial arts training, then seized a phaser and kept the infirmary secured during the entire invasion. For this, Her captain has put her up for Shadow OPS.

Stardate 9711.11: During her first assignment, on board the Renegade, she received Klingon Medal of Valor, Starfleet Medal of Meritorious Service, and the Starfleet Medical Special Recognition -- for her work of research and curing victims of a Dominion virus known as "Devil's Blood", and for handling the large number of casualties that occurred from the following invasion attempt from the Dominion/Cardassians.

On Stardate 9803.28, Beth received a commendation for thwarting an assassin's attempt to kill Captain Briggs and saved Commander Valkris from a bomb. This happened due to the development of a "sixth sense of danger" during her final parts of her Dragon Palm training.

After the destruction of the Renegade, Beth, assisted by then Lt. James Doblin, tracked down and captured Rolf Thurmond, and personally turned him over to Emperor Galron. During this process, they turned up the first leads of the spy that had infiltrated Shadow Ops at the highest level. This, among other escapades, has gained her a small degree of fame throughout the Klingon empire.

Beth was then reassigned to the Repulse, which was normally stationed at Klingon Battlestation KB21.

On her first command, she was able to destroy two Dominion Battlecruisers by phasing out the ship and dropping a tri-cobalt device on board the ship - blowing it apart from the inside out. Then, using a captured Dominion dominator warship, she lured crew from 6 nearby ships on board. Then , after detonating the captured ship, the other six ships didn't have the personnel needed for operation. This, plus catching the remaining crew on board totally off guard and unprepared, enabled the Repulse to tear them to shreds in no time.

After returning home, Beth filed a long list of series of reports stating that the previous mission was nothing more than Section 31's attempt to circumvent the Federation's rules outlining engagement of the enemy, Starfleet's Code of Conduct for engaging the enemy and falsifying information on a Dominion medical facility to make it appear as a scientific research lab. These reports went to all sorts of agiencies - including the Federation's President. This action has brought her security clearance under review by Starfleet JAG under Admiral Nicholas St. Clair.

On Stardate 0008.24, Beth's Doctorial thesis was approved by Starfleet Medical Board of Education, and was given her Ph. D. in general medicine.

On Stardate 0009.01 Beth took up a humanitarian mission in Cardassian space. While she was on this mission, a ship of space pirates hitting up relief convoys was found adrift in Cardassian space. The engines were somehow sabotaged as well as a transponder was activated allowing a Cardassian warship to easily capture their ship.. Upon searching through the logs, a hidden base on an asteroid was discovered. In the base was found 15 metric tons of various relief supplies that have been stolen from various convoys that had been sent to Cardassia. Beth is suspected in having a part in the sabotage to the ship, but no proof linking her to the ship is present.

After a full inquiry and an appeal by Admiral Sakata to have her security clearance reconsidered, a JAG judge ruled that Beth acted within proper guidelines - though a bit on the extreme side. Her security clearance has been reinstated by Starfleet Command along with an apology. Starfleet has disavowed all knowledge of where the bogus intelligence reports on the Changeling facility came from and has cast the blame on unidentified Federation extremists, who have also been blamed for infecting the changelings with the disease in the first place. So far, no one has blamed the alleged organization Section 31....but no other suspect has been directly named.

She has currently been assigned to the Ticonderoga as Chief Medical Officer.


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