This poem was originally published in 1939, in the book "Huntsman, What Quarry?" and can also be found in "Edna St. Vincent Millay: Collected Sonnets."

by Edna St. Vincent Millay

If there were balm in Gilead, I would go
To Gilead for your wounds, unhappy land,
Gather you balsam there, and with this hand,
Made deft by pity, cleanse and bind and sew
And drench with healing, that your strength might grow,
(Though love be outlawed, kindness contraband)
And you, O proud and felled, again might stand;
But where to look for balm, I do not know.
The oil and herbs of mercy are so few;
Honour's for sale; allegiance has its price;
The barking of a fox has bought us all;
We save our skins a craven hour or two.--
While Peter warms him in the servants' hall
The thorns are planted and the cock crows twice.
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So there's no confusion, I support the military efforts in Afghanistan. But I worry about the people left behind after the war ends.
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