Lyrics and Other Musical Info


Although we are just in the beginnings of getting new music learned, we do have a few songs we are particularly proud of. On this page, you can learn the lyrics to those songs, just in case you want to sing along at our shows. We should have audio files on here in a matter of weeks, so sit tight!

No One Will Remember: (Lyrics by Ralph Wigim, music by Lane Change)

Will you still care for me
If I never need you?
I have to make a stand
And call my motives untrue
Help me understand
Where I fit in your life
Get my newest point
Of what was wrong and what's right

Sick of my situation
What did you leave me?
Say you were only joking
No one will ever need me
Nightfall has settled in now
You're a whole world away
Hail to the master slaver
Hail to my endless stay

Clean your soul of my remnants
Climb up on my regrets
Laugh at my apathy now
All of this makes no sense
Never look back upon me
Grab all that you can take
Feel the desperate anger
I know it was my mistake

It will go on
We'll meet again
No one will remember
No one will recall
Your smile to remind me
Your eyes to set in
No one will remember
No one will recall

Please know that I'm so sorry
For all that I put you through
Save me the times I knew when
I was alone with you
Smiling through my tears now
Have you said all you want?
I know I will someday move on
And find someone else to haunt


No one will remember
No one will recall…

Red and White: (Lyrics by Ralph Wigim, music by Lane Change)

In a flash of red and white
I can't make it right
He's taken this too far
In front of a downtown bar

In a flash of white and red
Many days ahead
Of seething and calling names
It's coming back the same

You don't say it, and I'll stay mad
You have something that I've never had
It's sick and sorry, it's justified
I said I cared, but that's a lie…

Red and white
Is streaking through my window
Red and white
Please don't say that I should go

In a flash of red and white
Writing out of spite
It brings me back to you
I don't know what to do



Siren: (Lyrics by Ralph Wigim, music by Lane Change)

Save me, save me
Steer me, steer me
Where do I go?
Who do I please?
Save me, save me

She's calling me again
She's calling me again
She's calling me to wait for her
But there's no time for the now
She's singing me to sleep
She's singing me to sleep
She's singing me a song of hope
But I have to hear her cries

Get me, get me
Dark skies, dark skies
Rocking the boat
Keep me afloat
Dark skies, dark skies


Feel me, feel me need you
Please hate me when I need you
Feel me feel me need you
Please hate me when I need you…


More to come in a matter of mere days... just sit tight...


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