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They noted that bodybuilding appears to be gaining in popularity and estimate that 5 million participate in the USA alone. muscle guys Anabolic-discussion. Their review combines an examination of body image concerns with data on risk for eating problems. Their analysis revealed that male bodybuilders had more severe body image disturbance and eating problems than a matched athletic control group (4 of 5 studies that met criteria for inclusion). Four other studies that did not include an athletic control group also indicated such eating and body image problems. muscle guys Pictures-of-steroid-abusers. The authors noted that there were fewer studies on which to base accurate conclusions for women, but did note that the available research suggests a similar link between bodybuilding, body image, and eating problems for females. Goldfield et al. (1998) mentioned that the demands of competitive bodybuilding necessarily mandate such behaviors as weight loss prior to a contest and an excessive focus on body shape and body modification. muscle guys Anabolic-discussion. In effect, it is part of the job. They caution, however, that some individuals who are unhappy with their size or have low self-esteem may "gravitate toward bodybuilding to achieve personal or societal standards of attractiveness" (150). Certainly, the decision to engage in bodybuilding to improve one's appearance or to meet a personal goal of physical development should not be judged, either positively or negatively, by the professional or lay person. It is a personal and private matter. Indeed, there is no doubt that physical activity in its many and diverse forms may greatly contribute to enhanced self-esteem. In addition, aerobic and anaerobic exercise strategies are included as a primary component of almost all weight loss programs that are deemed optimal by nutritionists, exercise physiologists, psychologists, dieticians, and other professionals. The problem, and this is noted by Goldfied et al. (1998), is that preexisting eating or body image disturbances may be exacerbated by such involvement, possibly leading to clinically-severe disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and body dysmorphic disorder. Ascertaining whether a bodybuilder is engaging in unhealthy behaviors along the path to a more muscular physique will be discussed shortly. First, however, I will review briefly some emerging research on risk factors that may help us understand the desire to add musculature. Risk Factors and Associated FeaturesIt may be useful to understand whether there are specific interpersonal and/or societal factors that drive someone to be dissatisfied with muscularity and perhaps engage in extreme efforts to approximate a personal or sociocultural ideal. Our own research and that of others has begun to focus on two primary factors. TeasingBeing teased or receiving negative comments about appearance is one risk factor that has received a great deal of empirical support (Heinberg, 1996; Thompson et al.

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