The Bridge At Midnight
When shawes been sheene and shradds full fayre
And leeves both large and longe
Little John a Trent from the Tavern wentte
His voice full raised in songe

Goode Paddy O'Toole, the village coppe
Smiled as hee watched Little John
And followed him to the litle bridge
Where hee hadd stopped onne

Now John stoode onne the litle bridge
His puzzled face showed cleere
"Tis a lovely night," said Paddy O'Toole
When hee hadd drawen neere

But John with feere grabbed Paddy's arme
"What's thatte down there?" he cryed
O'Toole looked downe inn the watter darke
"Itt's only the moone," he sighed

"Only the moon!!!" said John with alarme
His voice rang loud and cleere.
"Iff thattes the moone, Great Gunnes, O'Toole
How'd I gette upp heere!!!!??"
~Severac (Wilber Cox) Imitating a balled by Chaucer
The Poetry Page
[Read with a Scottish Accent]
I sits doun in Dumferline's Bar
Drinking the blude-red wine
"O whar," sez I, "Is there a man,
To describe this Port of mine?"
Up and spak an elderly stew,
His ees both glassy and fixt
"MacDougal's me name, and I can describe
Any drink that was ever mixt."
The barkeip smiled and winked his ee
And mixed an Aberdour.
"MacDougal." sez he, "Describe this drink
It ain't no Whiskey Sour."
MacDougal tasted of the drink
And clicked his cork-heeled schoone
"An Aberdour, that's what it is."
Our eebrows raised aboone.
The barkeip mixed, MacDougal drank,
And named them each and all
Martini, Scotch and French Chartreuse
And kerosene and gall.
At last the barkeip shook his head;
He'd gone clear thru his book,
And as a very last resort
A glass of water took
MacDougal sipped the water clear
And rocked back on his heiles.
His lips drew back, his tongue lolled out
His ees revolved like wheiles.
"O wha is this has done this deid
This ill deid done me to
To set me out upon the bar
A slug of witches brew.
You're richt, mine host," MacDougal said
"It's name I canna tell
But I'll tell ye now, whate'er it is
The stuff will niver sell."
~Severac (Wilbert Cox) based on the Scottish Ballad "Sir Patrick Spence"
This is just some stuff I've been writing and reading recently. I didn't really know I enjoyed poetry till a couple months ago, and now I'm into it. I've written some of this stuff, others I've just found. Either way, I hope you enjoy.
"What does reincarnation mean?"
A cowpoke asked his friend.
His pal replied, "It happens when
Yer life has reached its end.
They comb yer hair, and warsh yer neck,
And clean yer fingernails,
And lay you in a padded box
Away from life's travails."

"The box and you goes in a hole,
That's been dug into the ground.
Reincarnation starts in when
Yore planted 'neath a mound.
Them clods melt down, just like yer box,
And you who is inside.
And then yore just beginnin' on
Yer transformation ride."

"In a while, the grass'll grow
Upon yer rendered mound.
Till some day on yer moldered grave
A lonely flower is found.
And say a hoss should wander by
And graze upon this flower
That once wuz you, but now's become
Yer vegetative bower."

"The posy that the hoss done ate
Up, with his other feed,
Makes bone, and fat, and muscle
Essential to the steed,
But some is left that he can't use
And so it passes through,
And finally lays upon the ground
This thing, that once wuz you."

"Then say, by chance, I wanders by
And sees this upon the ground,
And I ponders, and I wonders at,
This object that I found.
I thinks of reincarnation,
Of life and death, and such,
And come away concludin': 'Slim,
You ain't changed, all that much.'"
~Wallace McRae
                         So Much
So much... but where to start?
     Guess no where. Guess I'll keep silent for now.
Maybe silent for always.

Most is known. What is not known shouldn't be; it is not good to speak of it.
     Some cannot be said; it can only be felt.
Some can be said but cannot be understood.
So much... but where to start?

Where to end? Is there an end? None in sight.
     Death. Death is an end. An end but not a choice, not an option.
Prayer. Pray, it's hard but it's the only choice. It's hard to, but not praying is harder.

So much... but where to start?

Choice. Choose. What to choose? What to do? Where to start?
     Start on your knees. Never end; never finish.
Start with an open heart. Never close it. So much... so better get started.
                                                     ~Blen Comer
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