I've been to almost every pet store in my area looking for a suitable cage.  Now will someone explain to me how or why pet retail stores sell wire cages for Iguanas?  How are you suppose to maintain the moisture and humidity within the enclosure?!?  Well, your guess is as good as mine.   Afer researching cages I did the next best thing; I found someone to custom build me one.  It was the best move I could of made, for me and for my Iguana.  If your handy and can build your own great!  If not and you are interested in a custom cage, feel free to e-mail Steve to get a free quote.

Where to start...
The purpose of the enclosure is to make an environment within an environment.  Sounds pretty difficult doesn't it?  It's really not that hard if approached correctly.  The enclosure should be made of 3 solid walls with a plexiglass front to ensure the humidity and warmth stays inside the tank.   The top should be covered with wire mesh for the lights and heating element to be placed.  You should double the wire leaving about a 2" space to prevent the iguana from getting burned on the lights.   The enclosure does need ventilation as well to remove the stale air to promote good health as well.  Preferably drilling a series of holes at one end of the enclosure on the bottom and a set on the opposite side at the top, promoting circular ventilation.  You don't want too much ventilation where it removes the heat and humidity so don't go crazy.

Size Requirements...
Rule of thumb is the enclosure should be 1.5 times the size of the iguana.  Minimum enclosure requirements for a full grown Iguana should be 8 ft in length, 6 ft in height and 4 ft in width.  Although the size of  your living space determines how big you can really afford to go.  The most common problem when purchasing an enclosure is buying one for the iguana's current size.  I made this mistake as well....4 enclosures later and am still under construction.   I just hope others will learn from my mistake and splurge for that permanent enclosure as I wish I did.  It will save time and money in the future. 


This section is involved.  I have a list, but I need to find it. 

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